number one

  • n.头号人物(或事物);最重要的人(或事物);最好的人(或事物)
  • adj.头号的;最重要的;最好的
  • 网络第一;第一号;拿摩温

复数:number ones

number onenumber one

number one

1.[u]头号人物(或事物);最重要的人(或事物);最好的人(或事物)the most important or best person or thing

2.[u][c]周销售量最高的流行歌曲(或唱片)the pop song or record that has sold the most copies in a particular week


4.[sing](informal)(尤作为儿童用语)撒尿an expression used especially by children or when speaking to children to talk about passing liquid waste from the body


海贼王 ONPE IECE_百度知道 ... M - manhood 勇气 N - number one 第一 O - ocean 海洋 ...


TEM8 英美文学 ... (The Adventures of a Young Man 一个年轻人的冒险; Number One 第一号; The Grand Design 伟大的计划); ...


蝌蚪一般叫拿摩温number one),文读可以读作 khu teu 苛刻读作 khu khek 学习读作 ghok zik阿拉 哈哈,L_o_o_n_i_e 你 …


Rate | Chinese Dictionary ... 比率 ratio;rate;percentage 头号 first rate;top rank;number one 利用率 rate of utilization ...


综合英语单词表(第一册上) - 豆丁网 ... mid-term a. 期中的 number one a. 最重要的,头号的 once conj. 一旦…(就…) ...


跟外教学地道英英 ... ... (water closet) 厕所 (Number one小便 (cancer) 癌症 ...


阿甘正传 剧本 ... [30:02,45]但是,因为第一: But since,number one, [30:04,11]我不饿但是口渴 I wasn 't hungry but thirsty, ...

He said regulation was the "number one" issue facing investors in commodity markets. 他表示,监管是大宗商品市场投资者面临的“首要”问题。
China was a new country, one year old, and here it was able to confront the United States, the number one power. 当时的中国是个新兴的国家,只有一岁大,居然可以面对美国这个第一强国。
There are the exact same machines that have always made Slinkys, and number one, as it is called, is still notoriously slow. 正是这些机器一直在制造着斯林克玩具,被称作1号的机器仍时那么出奇地慢。
Key Number Three In your lesson plan, make it a number one priority to ensure that your student can follow the lesson. 第三把钥匙在你的教学计划中,首要任务是确保你的学生能够跟得上。
I would modify it to read something like this: Rule number one: The customer is always right. 我想把它改一下:第一条:顾客永远是对的。
As the number one cook of White House, there's no doubt that shares a high reputation and prestige. 身为白宫“第一御厨”无疑会享有很高的声望和威信,但这份工作也很折磨人。
The number one seems to be stabbed pretty badly and she's lying down on the floor, they don't know whether she is conscious or not. 1号乘务员似乎被刺伤得很严重并且躺在地板上,他们不清楚她是否还有意识。
Well, you know, your number one draw disappears, you had to have had a theory. 是啊,头牌失踪,你多少总有个说法咯。
So number one: remember to let the racquet fall (at least one foot below the contact point) before swinging forward. 因此第一:记得在向前挥拍之前让网拍降下(在接触点下面至少一呎)。
Today, he continues to make at least one film a year and remains the world's number-one action star, never ceasing to amaze his audience! 今天,他继续拍一年至少一部电影,仍然是世界上的第一动作明星永远不会停止惊奇他的观众!
That's the number one thing I can tell you. Be realistic. If you want to lose weight, don't go with an unrealistic amount, you know? 那就是我要告诉你的第一件事。现实点儿。如果你要减肥,不要设定不现实的重量,知道吗?
Television seems to be firmly entrenched as the number one medium for national advertising. 电视看来要在全国广告媒介中牢固地占据头等位置。
Until 1998, Motorola was the world's biggest seller of mobile phones, when Nokia knocked the company out of its number one spot. 直到1998年,摩托罗拉都是世界上第一大手机商,而这个时候,诺基亚开始撼动摩托罗拉第一的地位。
They are always looking out for number one and taking care of number one. It is as if they are the one and only person on Earth. 他们总是先为自己着想,只关心自己的利益,就好像他们是地球上唯一的人。数字one的奇妙用法
A China with GDP-per-capita of just 26% that of the U. S. would be number one -- although it would still be a poor country. 人均国内生产总值(GDP)只有美国26%的中国将成为全球第一大经济体,而届时中国也将仍然是一个穷国。
Unlike Aquarius' teamwork approach to life, Aries is all about racing to the top and being number one. 与水瓶座团队的生活态度,白羊座是所有关于赛车的最高得到第一名。
She performed in such a marvelous manner that it moved everyone to tears while pushing her to the Number One position again. 她演出这样一个了不起的方式,它感动落泪,而每个人都希望她第一的位置了。
And you never got to see me back in number one. 你也从未看见我重新获得第一
"We want Britain to be the number-one destination of choice for Chinese business as it invests in the rest of the world, " he said. 他表示:“随着中国公司在全球各地投资,我们希望英国成为中国公司的首选目的地。”
Subsequently, Lin Dan regained his world number one status which had been briefly occupied by Lee Chong Wei. 接着,在被李宗伟短暂抢去了世界第一的位置后,林丹又再次夺回。
President Barack Obama said the American people sent a loud message in this week's midterm elections - the economy is priority number one. 美国总统奥巴马说,美国民众在这个星期的中期选举中传递出一个响亮的信息:经济是最重要的议题。
Number one, it's the name of my rock band, and second, is because the confrontation of these things forced me to become an inventor. 因为有两个原因第一,它是我摇滚乐队的名字,第二,是因为这些地方的挑战迫使我变成了一个发明者。
The number one sound to wake women - whether or not they were mothers - was the sound of a crying baby. 相反,最能吵醒女人的声音正是宝宝的哭声,不管她是不是一个母亲。
I wasn't surprised to see LA as the number one city for my blog. However, I would have never dreamed that Amsterdam would be number two! 我不会感到惊奇洛杉矶作为我的博客的第一个城市,但是,我从来不梦想阿姆斯特丹会是第二。
With his son seated on his lap, the king announced that he would be the crown prince, and his mother would be the number one queen. 小男孩坐在国王的腿上,国王当众宣布小男孩就是太子,而他的母亲成为了皇后。
"When we ask our students why they picked us, ranking is often cited as the number one reason, " says Prof Cheng. “当我们询问学员们为何选择科大时,排名常常被作为首要原因,”郑国汉表示。
And yet if it really were easy, obesity would not be the nation's number-one lifestyle-related health concern. 但是,如果减肥真的很简单的话,肥胖就不会成为美国第一大与生活方式相关的健康问题了。
When I was much younger, he was an example for me, he was the number one of the team and he won a lot and taught me a lot. 当我还很小的时候,他就是我的榜样。他是球队的头号球星,他赢得过很多,也教会了我很多东西。
"The United States is the world's number one superpower, and the American people, they're very simple people, " he said. “美国是世界上头号强国,美国的人民,他们都是单纯的个人,”他说。
For me, Mourinho is number one. . . At first when I said it, it may have seemed obvious, but a year down the road I maintain this. 对我来说,穆里尼奥就是No.1…赛季初我这么说时看起来是显而易见的,但一年后我仍然保持这样的看法。