no more

  • na.(此后)不再;死了;…也不[没有]
  • 网络再也不;不再存在;再也不需要

no moreno more

no more


大学英语四级常用词组 ... more or less 或多或少;左右 no more 不再;不再存在;也不 no more...than... 不过;同…一样不 ...


初中英语短语大全 ... 440. no longer 不再 441. no more 再也不 442. no matter what 无论什么 ...


大学英语四级常用词组 ... more or less 或多或少;左右 no more 不再;不再存在;也不 no more...than... 不过;同…一样不 ...


翻译一首英语歌词... ... Now,I don't need you 现在,我已经不需要你 No more 再也不需要 The pick on your phone 你手机的来 …


九年级英语知... ... I volunteer to help you. 我自愿帮助你。 no more = not … any more 指动作上不再延续。 give out 分发,发 …


汽车音乐--典藏版(货到付款)新华管理网 ... 12、Good sound 好声音 13、No more 没有 14、Rhythm divine 神往 ...


PET2词汇表1 - elinor的日志 - 网易博客 ... more or less 或多或少 no more 不再;不能再多 once more 再一次 ...


That‘s My Goal... ... Be without you 没有你的存在 No more 再也不会了 Well I won't stop believing 而且,我不会停止信仰 ...

Janice Min, the editor-in-chief of Us Weekly, reckons the content of her magazine and its associated website overlap by no more than 15%. 《美国周刊》总编辑JaniceMin估计,其杂志与相关网站重复的内容不足15%。
There is no ultimate meaning to any person or activity . We are here by a fluke and are going to end up as no more than dust and ashes . 任何人或行为都没有终极意义。我们在这里只是个意外,我们只能像尘土一样完结。
IV. Your suggestion shall be easy to understand and no more than 90 words. 您的建议、意见力求通俗易懂,每稿一般不超90字。
it was, essentially, assuming that there was no more economic cycle. 它是,基本上,假设有没有更多的经济周期。
And I saw a new heaven and a new earth; for the first heaven and the first earth passed away, and the sea is no more. 我又看见一个新天新地;因为第一个天和第一个地已经过去了,海也不再有了。
Mr Osborne's pathetic attempt to cast the cuts' distributional impact in a progressive light was no more believable than it was in June. 奥斯本试图把该计划对分配的影响定为累进式的,这一注定失败的努力并不比他6月份时的举措更加可信。
By contrast, the total human population on Earth was no more than a few million until a few thousand years ago. 相比之下,直到几千年前为止,地球上的人口不过区区数百万。
His answer was to lift the vessel out of the water by making it ride on a cushion of air, no more than one or two feet thick. 他的解决办法是,用船底下一英尺或二英尺厚的气垫将船托出水面。
Lest I should not be able to write you again, I feel impelled to write a few lines that may fall under your eye when I shall be no more. 我觉得有必要写给你几句话,以免今后再没机会给你写信。这样,在我离去的时候,信就会出现在你眼前。
There would be no more "accidents" on the living room carpet; you'd be able to take your poodle for a piddle several times a day. 客厅地毯上不会再有“意外”发生了,你可以在一天内带你的卷毛小狗去撒几次尿。
But he saw nothing of this. He saw her pause irresolutely at the door and look towards him; and he saw no more. 可是这些他什么也没有看到。他只看到她犹豫不决地停在门口,向他望着;他没有看到别的了。
A low phaeton, with a nice little pair of ponies, would be the very thing. But I must write no more. 我只要弄一辆矮矮的双轮小马车,驾上一对漂亮的小马就行了。
Please below to leave your mailbox, I'll take literature, no more, after the translation of Chinese characters can be enough to 6000. 有意的话请在下面留下你的邮箱,我会把文献发过去,不用多翻,翻译后汉语够六千字即可。
She flicked them off with her fan, as if they were no more than flies buzzing about her head. 她弹了弹他的扇子,好像除了苍蝇没什么在她耳边嗡嗡。
'We be friends with her again, ' she said to them. 'She thinks no more of his choosing her than we do. ' “我们跟她还是朋友,”她对她们说。“她觉得他娶她的机会并不比娶我们的多。”
Although a Nobel prize is awarded to no more than three individuals, fundamental physics is often done as teamwork. 尽管一次诺贝尔奖最多只能授予三人,基础物理学却常常以团队研究完成。
She returned a month later, and no more details were provided on her status or why she had sought treatment overseas. 一个月后,她回到了印度,关于她的病情,以及她为什么在海外寻求治疗,也没有进一步的细节透露。
The garage was no more than a couple of big preformed sheds that had been bolted together with their interior walls knocked out. 说是车库也只不过是几个大的已经搭建好的棚屋绑在一起,并将它们的内墙打掉组合而成。
When a year had passed a beautiful son was born to her, and she thought no more of the little man. 王后的第一个孩子出生了,她欢天喜地,却把小矮子和她自己的诺言给忘了。
Up till now, the scope of area he photographs is no more than a few hundred meters from his home. 到目前为止,他拍摄的范围仅只距他家方圆几百米。
The vast majority has no more use for Awlaki than for Bin Laden, and is generally glad to be rid of them. 无论是对于奥拉基,还是对于本拉登,沉默的大多数都没有什么用处——他们也很高兴美国人干掉了这两个人。
'No more of those regrettable incidents with the police, Toad, ' said the Rat, as they thrust him into his bedroom. “再也不能由着你和警察胡缠了,蟾蜍。”河鼠说,他们把他推进卧室。
Before people arrived it was home to just a flightless bird, a land crab and no more than 30 species of plant, none as big as a bush. 在人类到达这座岛屿之前,它只是一种不会飞的鸟类、一种陆蟹和不超过30种植物的家园,所有植物的大小都不超过一丛灌木。
Such a primary force would be really no more than an empty abstraction, with as little content as the abstract thing-in-itself. 因为这种原始的力其实只是一个空洞的抽象东西,正如抽象的物自体一样,没有内容。
To us it had been no more than just some little spot with thorns, bushes and trees. 它本来对于我们不过是某块长着荆棘、灌木和乔木的小地方罢了。
And no more voicemail options were available to me. This was a dead end, and I appeared to be trapped. 可语音电话中再没有别的选项了,我被绕进死胡同出不来了。
I honestly think no more worthwhile activity could occupy my time. Edwin Markham has summed it up better than I could. 说实话,我认为没有什么工作能比它更值得付出时间了。
As I just sat down, an aunt with a baby in her arms got on, but there was no more seat for her on the bus. 我刚坐下,一个抱着孩子的阿姨上车了,但车上已经没有空座。
That means that the various parts of your program should have only the privileges they need, and no more. 那意味着程序的各个部分应该具有它们需要的唯一特权,一点也不能多。
Then the men of David sware unto him, saying, Thou shalt go no more out with us to battle, that thou quench not the light of Israel. 当日,跟随大卫的人向大卫起誓说,以后你不可再与我们一同出战,恐怕熄灭以色列的灯。