turning point

  • n.转折点;转捩点;转机
  • 网络转向点;转点;转折关头

复数:turning points

turning pointturning point

turning point


1.~ (in sth)转折点;转机;转捩点the time when an important change takes place, usually with the result that a situation improves


户外工具 【行情 价格 评价 正品行货】 ... 狼牙 LANG YA 转折点 Turning point 伽利略 Galileo ...


所有能展现转捩点turning point)的都是我的最爱,不过其中又以可变形的Z钢弹、全微调推进器可换装的GP-01等多机关的 …


英语词汇-数学词汇_专业词汇 ... truth value 真值 turning point 转向点 two-dimensional space 二维空间 ...


道路工程术语标准 - Susan的翻译博客 - IT博客 ... turnaround loop 回车道,回车场 turning point 转点 two-way ramp 双向匝道 ...


法律词汇_翻译家(Fanyijia.com) ... 转帐支票 bearer cheque 转折关头 turning point 撰写 draft ...


美国数学十年级代数英语词汇_百度知道 ... completing the square 配方 turning point 拐点(对应于二次关系方程的顶点) point …


“?#92;”字怎么念?字意是什么?_百度知道 ... 契合[ agree;get along] 契机[ turning point] 契据[ deed] ...


...of Heroes 2)》的最新完整版游戏预告片“关键时刻(Turning Point)”。

It was a massive air and sea operation that marked the turning point of the war in Europe. And he knows how lucky he is to be alive. 那是一次标志着欧洲战争转折点的宏大的海空军事行动,他知道他能活下来是多么幸运。
With the global economy at a turning point, the cost of any inaccuracies is increasingly high for the world's third-largest economy. 在全球经济处于转折点之际,任何的不准确对中国这个世界第三大经济体来说都会带来越来越高的代价。
Foreword: A frustration is a new premise. As long as you are willing to, any frustration will become a turning point to surpass oneself. 引言:一个失意,就是一个新的已知条件。只要愿意,任何一个失意都会成为一个超越自我的契机。
Now is the time that such a healing can come forth , and for many it offers a turning point of direction within the current life dance. 现在是时候让这样一种疗愈继续向前了,对很多人而言,它在当前生命舞蹈里提供了方向的转折;
The crisis that began a year ago may yet mark another turning-point in the relationship between America's politicians and its central bank. 一年前爆发的次贷危机可能标志着美国政客们与其中央银行关系的转折点。
Battle of Stalingrad was a turning point in the Great Patriotic War of the Soviet Union, which will fundamentally change the war situation. 斯大林格勒战役是苏联卫国战争的转折点,从根本上改变了战局。
Can you think of any other reasons why 1982 may have been the turning point for the rich? 你还能想出导致1982年或许会成为富豪转折点的其他原因吗?
The turning point for her was the 2008 Sichuan earthquake, which led her to draw parallels with the lives of her new gay friends. 做这件事的初始动力是2008年的四川地震,地震让她把她的那些同志朋友的生活跟前者划上了等号。
His voice trailed away as he sank within his memories, to the turning point in his life more than two years before, in the Time of Troubles. 他的声音蔓延开来,他沉入了自己的回忆,回忆两年前那个灾难的时代,那个他生命中转折点。
A key turning point in his life was when his mother showed him a newspaper article about a man dealing with a severe disability. 他生活中的转折,他的妈妈给他看了一篇报道关于一个残疾人如何克服自己的困难。
I was depressed all day. Coz I had never considered the salary rise at the turning point from trial period as a real rise. 一整天我都很沮丧,因为我从来不会把转正工资的增加看作是一次加薪。
A key turning point for the global casino sector took place in 2006 when Macau gaming revenue beat that of the Las Vegas strip. 2006年,澳门博彩业收入超过拉斯维加斯,世界博彩业发生了重要转折。
Month's end should be a fine turning point for your career, so much so you may want to mark the moment with a proper celebration. 月底对于你的工作来说将是一个很好的转折点,让你想要记住并且庆祝这个时刻。
But he said those events could well prove a turning point in attitudes and how the two countries deal with each other. 但他说,这些事件可以证明在两国相互交往的方式和态度上是一个转折点。
He said the bankruptcy of Lehman Brothers in September marked a turning point in the functioning of the market system. 他认为雷曼兄弟九月的破产标志着市场体系运作的一个转折点。
For the stakeholders associated with all technology and business domains, 2011 is bound to be a year of important turning point. 对于所有技术和商业领域内的相关利益者而言,2011年注定将是一个重要的转折点。
That may have proved to be a turning point for your wellbeing, and it is often how you are moved onto your correct path. 这可能已经被证明了是为了你们的福祉的一个转折点,它经常是你们是如何被转移到你们正确的道路上的。
This would be known as the Tet Offensive and would become a major turning point in the war. 这将成为“春节攻势”(TetOffensive)也是战争的转折点。
In a January 2 statement, Leahy said the law offers a "ray of sunshine and a turning point toward greater accountability" in government. 莱希在1月2日的声明中指出,这一法律为加强向政府问责增添了“一束光芒和一个转折点”。
Is China's car industry at a turning point, poised to launch out on the great global venture Beijing has always dreamt of? 中国汽车工业是否正处于一个转折点,即将开始打造中国政府一直梦寐以求的全球巨擘?
Should the US at least make the claim that what it used to call the "war on terror" has reached a turning point? 美国是否至少应该发布一条声明,宣告她曾号召的“反恐战争”已经走到了一个转折点?
He said that he did not wish to use dramatic language, but this might be a turning - point in history. 他说,他不愿说些耸人听闻的话。但是,这可能是历史上的转折点。
Graduating from university is often a major turning point in the lives of many young people. 大学毕业,通常是很多年青人一生中的主要转折点。
Indeed 1990, the year Saddam invaded Kuwait, was something of a turning point. 事实上在1990年萨达姆侵略科威特那一年,某程度上是一个转折点。
"We have had the perfect lull, but it is not a turning point when prices will continue to decline, " he said. 他表示:“我们度过了一个完美的间歇期,但这不是一个转折点,并不意味着油价会继续下滑。”
A spokesman for GAC said the increase was "an important turning point" for the country. 中国海关总署的一位发言人说,这个增长将是国家“一个重要的转折点”。
Yet she, like all of India, is at a turning point, and it looks as if her family may instead sell her to a brothel. 然而目前,她与众多印度同龄人一样,已经到了命运的转折关头,因为她的家人似乎在准备把她出售给妓院。
Temperature, sunlight, rainfall, which is often a turning point in the year, tends to rise or increase. 气温、日照、降雨,这时常处于一年中的转折点,趋于上升或增多。
The investigation has got to find out, what was the turning point? What happened? 随后的调查必须能够指出,是什么使事件急转直下,到底发生了什么?
Life in a violin case The turning point of my life was my decision to give up a promising business career and study music. 我人生的转折点是我决定放弃一个有前途的商业生涯和学习音乐。可望发迹的经商之路