appeal to

  • v.求助于;引起N
  • 网络呼吁;吸引;上诉

appeal toappeal to

appeal to


介词短语_百度百科 ... act on 作用 appeal to 呼吁,要求 attempt at 企图,努力 ...


介词(主要是to)的用法_爱问知识人 ... respond to 反应, appeal to 吸引, catch on to 理解, ...


大学英语四级常用词组 ... anything but 除…以外任何事(物) appeal to 上诉 apply for 提出申请(或要求等) ...


天使之苑 - 淡雅 - 网易博客 ... answer for 对…负有责任 appeal to 诉诸 apply for sth 请求;申请 ...


高中英语重点词汇、短语... ... 4.get across 传播;为人理解 5.appeal to 有吸引力;呼吁;上诉 7.make sense 有意义;有道理…


高一英语短语总结 ... 16. 整天,昼夜: day and night 17. 对…有吸引力,迎合: appeal to 18. 对…关心: be concerned with ...


新编大学英语单词表 第一册 - 新月空中英语 ... appall 使...胆寒,使...惊骇 appeal to 求助于,诉诸于 appearance 外表,出现,出场 ...


英语词组和固定搭配 - 豆丁网 ... make one's way 前往,行进, 去 appeal to 呼吁,恳求 attempt at 企图,努力 ...

How could anyone with a face like this ever hope to appeal to a woman? 一个人怎么可能拥有这样的面孔还希望能吸引女人?
However, I've also seen him portrayed in the media as a hostile and radical person, and that aspect of him doesn't appeal to me. 这位女士说道,“但是,我看见媒体上都说他是个不怀好意的激进分子,这一点让我十分反感。”
And the ambitious centre-back has admitted a move to a club fighting for a place in Europe would appeal to him. 而且这位雄心壮志的中后卫表示,能转会至一个驰骋欧洲赛场的俱乐部这点嫉妒吸引自己。
In Geneva, GM's top European executive, Carl-Peter Forster, said the company may also appeal to Poland, where it makes small cars. 在日内瓦,通用汽车欧洲业务高级管理人员福斯特(Carl-PeterForster)说,公司可能还会向生产小型轿车的波兰求援。
And with energy prices high, they trying to appeal to people like Ms. Conrad, who are looking for ways to chip away at expenses. 同时,随着能源价格上涨,他们希望能迎合像康拉德这样想方设法节省费用的消费者。
It would like to appeal to the Secretariat, to see whether the matter could be clarified, because it was becoming increasingly important. 它希望呼吁秘书处考虑能否澄清这一问题,因为它正在变得愈来愈重要。
The NLD lodged an appeal to the Supreme Court to protect the party's legal status, but it was turned down in November. 全民盟提起上诉到联邦最高法院企图保护当事人全民盟的合法地位,但是在十一月为联邦最高法院拒绝。
I found he had done nothing deserving of death, but because he made his appeal to the Emperor I decided to send him to Rome. 但我查明他没有犯什麽该死的罪,并且他自己上告于皇帝,所以我定意把他解去。
But, since to say it, is still to appeal to it in order to situate this truth, it is to make it re-emerge every time that I speak. 但是,既然说到它,就等于是诉诸于它,为了找到这个真理的位置,那就每一次我说话的时候,使它重新出现。
Our forefathers said "the situation is moving from the heart" , and only sing a deep, beautiful, rich voice to appeal to life. 古人云“感人心者莫过于情”,只有唱出深刻、优美、富有感染力的歌声才具有生命力。
He may permit an appeal to BE made on BEhalf of the tenant by a person authorized under the lease to occupy the land or part of it. 则可准许根据批约有权住用该产业或其部分之人士代表承租人提出上诉。
Mr Medvedev's article reads like a cry of desperation, an attempt to appeal to Russian progressives over the heads of corrupt bureaucrats. 梅文像是绝望的哭诉,试图以此打动俄罗斯改革论者而非向腐败官僚乞怜。
This sort of life is not calculated to appeal to a young man of 20. 这种生活对于一个20岁的年轻小伙子不大可能有吸引力。
It's part of her clean-cut, Chinese girl-next-door image that seems to appeal to many in mainland China. 在中国大陆,她清纯的、邻家女孩的形象吸引了很多人。
Underlining the urgency of the matter, the secretary-general issued a personal appeal to all Kenyans. 潘基文强调情况的紧迫性,并向所有肯尼亚人发出了个人呼吁。
They enable him to grant visas to applicants rejected by the department, who appeal to him on a personal level. 他们让他发放签证的申请人,拒绝了由该署,谁提出上诉,他就我个人的水平。
He said the team had three options -- to sell the land, lodge a new planning application or appeal to the Scottish government. 他表示,开发团队有三种选择--卖掉土地、提起新的计划申请或者向苏格兰政府提起上诉。
No reason had been assigned ; no objection had been made to her conduct . She had been forbidden to appeal to her mistress. 男主人没有讲明任何理由,对她的行为没有任何异议,也不许她向女主人申诉。
Part of his appeal to poorervoters was that he promised to be harsh on crime and corruption. 更贫穷选民对胡马拉的部分兴趣是因为他承诺将会更加严厉地打击犯罪和腐败。
Wahaha said the Hangzhou court's decision was "fair and just" , but Danone said it would appeal to a higher court. 娃哈哈集团称,杭州法院的裁定“公平且公正”,但达能表示将向更高一级法院提出上诉。
I shall try to say no single word which should appeal to one group rather than to another. 可能会迎合一群人而冷落另一群人的词语,我将努力一个字都不说。
In 1942 in an appeal to which H was a party, the Court of Appeal held that in the circumstances of the case income tax must be deducted. 1942年,在H作为当事人一方的上诉中,上诉法院认为在这个案件的情况下所得税必须被扣除。
Now he has written an easy-to-read book that will appeal to anyone interested in learning the secret cause of cancer. 现在,他写了一个易于阅读的书,将吸引任何人的学习兴趣导致癌症的秘密。
It was one of the first avant-garde works to appeal to a wide audience. 这是受到听众广泛欢迎的第一批前卫作品之一。
It took quite a while, but when the project was made public, it was documented well enough to appeal to numerous developers. 花了很长一段时间,但是当项目公布后,有人曾记载,也足以吸引众多的开发商。
So once more I could call with an appeal to you to close ranks with us. 最后,我再次吁请你同我们团结。
And yet the Las Vegas wedding business seems to appeal to precisely that impulse. 然而拉斯维加斯的婚庆业似乎还就专门吸引有这种冲动的人。
Part of the company's appeal to Wall St. is the fact that Warren Buffett's investing track record over the last 30 years is unequaled. 华尔街认为,从这个公司的表现来看,巴菲特近30年来的投资经几乎是独步天下。
But if I then appeal to this affection to justify my action, I find myself drawn into a vicious circle. 但是,那时如果我依赖这种情感来判断我的行为,我就觉得我自己陷进了一个恶性循环。
I do not know how it will appeal to the reader apart from the memories with which it is entwined. 若是要把和它缠绕在一起的记忆分开,我不知道它将如何感染读者。