new age

  • n.新时代;新潮
  • adj.新潮的;新时代的
  • 网络新世纪;新世纪音乐;新纪元

new agenew age

new age

1.新潮生活的,新时代生活方式的(摒弃西方现代价值观,注重精神性、占星术等)connected with a way of life that rejects modern Western values and is based on spiritual ideas and beliefs, astrology , etc.


...心灵学习的风潮,未被归类为任何宗教或学问. 有别与新世纪(New Age)风潮, 西洋神秘学(Esoteric, Mystery, Hermetic), 则可称 …


新时代这个名词最早可能发源于矮脚鸡(Bantam)书屋的新时代(New Age)系列书籍。这一系列中有通灵人口述下来的一些材料如 …


新世纪音乐new age)其实可以很简单地划分为雅尼之前和雅尼之后。 在雅尼之前,新世纪音乐只是在人们的意识之外作为 …


新纪元(NEW AGE)的人, 他们会说新纪元不是一种宗教信仰,新纪元是一场运动。但其实它是一个宗教, 是有人在背后控制, …


看看新时代运动New Age)。你看到新时代是如何被分离的吗?


新纪元运动New age)的真面目造就 。。


首页-兔子帮-- 淘宝网 ... Kerry 凯莉 New age 纽安吉 AB Gex 艾比 ...


这些幸运物买自一家新世代New Age )中心,宣称物品能强化好运气、财富及幸福。几周后,组中的每个人都被要求说出幸 …

Usually it has no real words or tune , it 's just relaxing music. People who give massages usually use new age music to relax their clients. 通常来说,这种曲子是没有词的。而且啊,按摩师也常用这种音乐来让你放松哦!
Good morning to all, on this first day of your new age, the Age of Aquarius, as you have named it. 大家早上好,在你们新时代的第一天,宝瓶座时代,正如你所命名的。
Our great financial team and traders would start a new age of trading plans for you that no one would even imagine of it. 我们伟大的金融团队及贸易商将为你开始一个新时代的营运计划,没有人会想象到是什么样子。
Shojo: But if that same gate were to be opened and the Snarl controlled, it would mean a new age of darkness for the universe. 但是如果这扇门被打开,死结被人控制,那就意味着宇宙间新黑暗时代的降临。
The US-led military campaigns in yugoslavia during the 1990s heralded the beginning of a new age of hegemony. 20世纪90年代,美国指挥的在南斯拉夫的军事行动预示着新霸权主义时代的开始。
Small groups all over the planet are learning this, and exist to pass on the light of the dawning new age to you all. 行星上小部分人正在学习这个,而且你们全部通过新世纪黎明之光。
The developments could usher in a new age of high-speed computing in the next few years for home users frustrated with slow-running systems. 这一技术标志着在未来数年里,电脑家庭用户将迎来电脑高速运转时代,将不再因低速运转系统而受挫。
DNA databases are a good illustration of that, and of the conflicts and paradoxes the new age of genomics is creating. DNA数据库是其中的一个较好的例子,在冲突与矛盾中,基因组学的新纪元诞生了。
You're going to see the new age that you and others have been working on out in the other realms. 你们将看见你们和其他人一直在其他领域工作的新时代。
We believe your leaders must seize these moments to act appropriately in making the announcement to move you into a new age of being. 我们相信你们的领导者们必需抓住这些时间去适当的行动起来,做出悍然声明,把你们带入到一个新的存在状况。
It is often said that we are entering a new age of information, and knowledge plays a key role in this age. 它时常被说我们正在进入一个数据的新年龄,而且知识担任这年龄的一个主要角色。
The Libyan intervention feels like a last reprise of that old tune, rather than a bold statement for a new age. 干预利比亚行动给人的感觉更像是这首老歌的最后一次回放,而非开创一个新时代的大胆宣言。
It'll still take some sort of new age hero to be the first to come out, but I just hope, for football's sake, that it happens soon. 我们还在等待着那些有志于引领新时代的英雄们能够率先走出来。然而我真的迫切希望,这全是为了足球这项运动好,这能够快点发生。
Debate over civil liberties in a time of war seared Washington, yet helped define American values for a new age. 战争期间公民权力的争论动摇了华盛顿,但也有助于树立起新世纪的美国价值观。
I've tried to think of a softer way to say that, but all I come up with are new-age platitudes. 我试图用一种更为委婉的方式来回答这个问题,但是我遇到的都是新世纪的老生常谈的问题。
I was one of the first artists to begin a new style of music in the United States that is now called New Age Music. 我是最早尝试创作一种新风格音乐(在美国现在叫做新世纪音乐)的艺术家之一。
It's a great time to think about anything digital, for many planets will be stacking up in digital, new age Aquarius. 这是个思考任何跟数字化有关的事情的好时机。因为很多行星都聚集在数字化、新时代的水瓶宫。
He spent much of his 20s drifting, travelling widely while developing ideas about a new age of total digital transparency. 20岁至30岁之间的大部分时间他都在漂泊,到处旅行,同时酝酿开启一个完全透明的数字化新时代。
What inaugurated a new age of bloody dictatorship was the step by step progress of government interference with business. 而血腥的独裁专制政体则是由于政府一步步地加深对商业干预的结果。
This New Age paradigm differs from that of the Judeo-Christian by not insisting on angels being bona fide servants of God. 这个新时代的范例与犹太—基督教不同,并不坚持要求天使必须真诚地侍奉神。
Those of us who follow these trends will be the designers who can rise above the rest and fill into the new age of technology. 我们这些设计者中谁紧随这些趋势,谁就能脱颖而出,并且成为科技新时代的霸主。
Just because we have entered this new age of high-velocity change does not mean this story is about the imminent end of oil. 如今我们已踏入了一个高速发展的新时代,但这并不意味着我写的是一篇关于石油行将耗尽的文章。
Since the New Age has a pre-occupation with and a return to the skills and beliefs of a past eras. 因为新时代主张关注并回归至旧时代的技巧和信仰。
In this "new age of discovery, " as Ceballos and Ehrlich call it, conservationists may have to rethink their paradigms and priorities. 就如塞巴洛斯和欧利希所说,在这个“发现的新时代”,环保人士或许要重新考虑一下什么才是优先工作。
Female energy in a male form creates a sensitive new age guy that may or may not be able to provide, but makes a good parent. 男性身体中的女性能量,则制造了一个敏感的新时代男人,不管他能不能养家糊口,都一定是个好父母。
This is in order that you may share in the great awakening, as the planet passes into the New Age of Aquarius. 这是以便你们可以参与伟大的觉醒,正如行星进入新宝瓶宫世纪。
As the young try to cling on to the vanishing old ways, a new age of conservatism has taken hold. 年轻人试图抱住行将消失的老一套,一个新时代的保守主义已经生根。
And trust me, you won't hear this often on any other personal development blogs or "new age law of attraction" type sites. (相信我,在其它个人发展的博客或是“新时代魅力法则”类型的网站上,你并不会经常见到这些)。
When he was given to us by 'Prince' Kael'thas, we believed his power would help lead our people into a new age. 当凯尔萨斯“王子”将他送来的时候,我们相信他的力量将引导我们的人民走向一个新的时代。
Either way there is no doubt that her remarkable synthesis of western occultism and eastern traditions became a foundation for the New Age. 不管怎样没有西部秘密主义和东部传统她卓越的综合成为一个基础为新的年龄的疑义。