stay with me

  • 网络留在我身边;留下来;和我在一起

stay with mestay with me

stay with me


卡雅·斯考达里奥_百度百科 ... 活在当下/ Now Is Good 留在我身边/ Stay with Me 呼啸山庄/ Wuthering Heights ...


Made In China_百度百科 ... 09 Tango( 探戈) 10 Stay with me留下来) 01 Made in China( 中国制造) ...


metalstorm下载 - 电玩巴士 ... ·像素射击 Neoteria v1.0.0 ·和我在一起 Stay With Me v1.0.7 ·《格莫拉》( Gomorra) ...


我爱你 由A到Z ... Zero is the start between of us 一切都只不过是开始 Stay with me 陪我 She is my everything 她是我的一切 ...


欢迎光临英语风 ... ·Vivien Leigh (猫眼丽人费雯丽) Stay with me 陪着我 Dont fall asleep too soon 请别太快睡着 ...


RENDTION ... Please...|求你了… stay with me.|留下来陪我 Hi.|嗨 ...


Save... ... Ji Hae08 Waiting For Your Love / 等待你的爱- Edward03 Stay With Me / 伴著我- Ji Hae05 My Dream / 我的梦- ...


... Stay with me,fulfill my dreams 请留在我身边,圆满我今生的梦想 And I'll be all you'll need 我将是你最完美的情人 ...

Using all right, and for a pretence finally, I just want you stay with me, before you abandon me before I won't let go of your. 利用也好,`假`意也罢,我只想你留在我身边,在你放弃我之前我绝对不会放开你的。
Just stay with me a minute longer; I'm sure I can persuade you to agree with our proposal. 请再耐心听一会儿,我相信一定能说服你同意我们的建议。
'You can tell him you'll be home soon. . . or you can tell him you're going to stay in your dorm. . . or you can stay with me, ' I said. “你可以告诉他你很快就回家…或者你告诉他你会留在宿舍…又或者你留下来和我一起。”我说。
Excuse me . I'd like to have a bigger room. My sister is coming to stay with me for a few days . 对不起,我想要一间大一点的房间。我姐姐要过来跟我一起住几天。
I knew that their words and their memory would stay with me forever, but I wanted to tell people how my beautiful family had ended. 我知道他们的话语和记忆会永远伴陪着我,但我想告诉人们我美好的家庭是怎样破碎的。
An old friend of mine telephoned from the railway station to tell me that he had come from Canada and was going to stay with me. 我的一个老朋友从火车站打电话给我说他从加拿大回来了,而且打算和我待在一起生活。
Come in, and stay with me for a little while, and there shall no harm happen to you. 进来吧,和我呆一小会儿,这里不会伤害你们的。
He'll stay with me too, I suppose, the old man thought and he waited for it to be light. 依我看,它也要跟我奉陪到死的,老人想,他等待着天明。
I felt that some were almost ready and under the right conditions might be able to stay with me as they venture into their God hood. 我感觉到有些人已经几乎准备就绪,随着他们冒险进入神性,正常条件下会与我并驾齐驱。
My family came over to stay with me in Liverpool and went to the game, so it was a perfect day. 圣诞节期间我的家人都来到了利物浦观看了我的比赛,这对我来说又是另一个激励。
These sort of things stay with you in your heart and it will stay with me not just for the rest of my career but the rest of my life. 这种不愉快会在你心里留下深深的烙印,对我而言这不仅存在于我的职业生涯里,这会一直存在于我的一生中。
Edward, stay with me. Listen to me. I need you to understand. The killer cannot survive. Edward! Got it? 爱德华,请放心。听我说。你要明白,杀手不可能存在。爱德华!知道吗?
She did not reply to this, either because she misunderstood, or because she was thinking it over. 'So. . . Stay with me? ' I repeated. 她没有回答我,也许是因为她误会了,也许是因为她要仔细考虑。我又问:“那么…留下来和我一起?”
"Then stay with me a little longer, " Madame Olenska said in a low tone, just touching his knee with her plumed fan. “那就跟我多呆一会儿吧,”奥兰斯卡夫人低声说,并用她的羽毛扇轻轻碰了一下他的膝盖。
Why did not the night of lonely people are willing to stay with me? 为什么寂寞空虚的夜里没人愿意来陪我?。
However, these descriptions continue to stay with me, as if I am missing something. 然而,这些描绘仍然萦绕在我的心头,彷佛我失去了什么东西似的。
My parents want to invite you to stay with me at my home during the summer holiday. 我父母想邀请你暑假来我家和我一起住。
It was when i met you i knew what love was and i always believe everything you say, please stay with me in this my trial time. 这是当我见到你我知道什么是爱,我总是相信你说的一切,请和我呆在一起的时间我这审判。
Find me a little house outside the town, and stay with me there, "he said. " We can be happy there. “给我在镇外找一间小房子,我们一起呆在那儿,”他说。“我们在那里可以很幸福。”
I begged him to stay with me and when he said he wouldn't, I just flew off the handle , slapping his face, and kicking his backside. 我求他留下,但他不同意。于是我就急了,打了他的脸,还踢了他屁股一下。
If someday you tell me you are going to leave me, I won't press you to stay with me. 如果将来的某一天,你说你要离开我,我不会留你。
Nikky: aww and if ever you want to come here u may stay with me but am trying to get my own apt. 嗯,如果你想来美国的话,你可以住我这,我现在正要买自己的房子
The girl had a bit too much to drink and decided she wanted to stay with me. 女孩喝多了酒,决定和我待在一起。
Thanks that you tell me that you can stay with me a longer time, fine thanks. 谢谢你告诉我你可以陪我久一些,谢谢你
hat memory will stay with me for a long time -- for the rest of my life. 这段记忆将留在我余下生活中很长一段时间。
Should you not be willing to stay with me, you could pack up and go away. 如果你不想和我在一起,你就收拾东西走人
If i ask you to stay, would you stay with me? 若我请你留下,你愿意陪伴我我吗?。
The joy on your face when you travelled around the city after Istanbul will always stay with me. 在伊斯坦布尔之后,环游城市的时候,你脸上快乐的表情总是在我的脑海中浮现。
If not, I wish you would stay with me for a while. 你今天下午忙吗?要是不忙,希望你能与我呆一会儿。
I managed to drive to my place and I kept thinking, I should have insisted she stay with me instead of accepting that "no. " 我设法开车回到家,一直在想,我应该坚持让她留在我身边,而不是接受她说的“不”。