
美 [peɪn]英 [peɪn]
  • n.痛苦;苦恼;烦恼;(身体上的)疼痛
  • v.使痛苦;使苦恼
  • 网络痛楚;佩恩;痛症

复数:pains 现在分词:paining 过去式:pained

feel pain,take pain,cause pain,suffer pain,endure pain
great pain,severe pain,terrible pain,intractable pain,intense pain


n. v.

1.[u][c](身体上的)疼痛the feelings that you have in your body when you have been hurt or when you are ill/sick

2.[u][c]痛苦;苦恼;烦恼mental or emotional suffering

3.[c](informal)讨厌的人(或事);令人头痛的人(或事)a person or thing that is very annoying


no pain, no gain

不劳则无获used to say that you need to suffer if you want to achieve sth

on/under pain of sth

违则受到某种惩罚;违则以…论处with the threat of having sth done to you as a punishment if you do not obey

a pain in the neck

极讨厌的人(或事物)a person or thing that is very annoying


疼痛pain)是一种复杂的生理心理活动,是临床上最常见的症状之一。它包括伤害性刺激作用于机体所引起的痛感觉,以及机 …


人教版九年级上册英语单词表 ... knee 膝盖 pain 痛苦 hurt 伤害 ...


痛楚Pain)是不适意的,疼痛(Ache)是不适意的,酷热是不适意的,寒冷是不适意的。在这些不适意的感觉当中,它们都 …




... Muscle Pain( 肌肉痛) Pain痛症) Tennis Elbow( 网球肘) ...


苦字的解释---在线新华字典 ... 苦思〖 thinkhard;cudgelone'sbrains〗 苦痛pain;suffering〗 苦头〖 suffering;hardship〗 ...

Though this be the last pain that she makes me suffer and these the last verses that I write for her. 这是她让我承受的最后一次疼痛而这也是最后我为她写下的伤心的诗
He said that chiropractic adjustments usually relieve the pain, which he thinks could also be related to day-to-day baseball activities. 脊椎的调整将让疼痛缓和,也相信这跟每一天上场打球有关。
So you can imagine what she thought when she opened her eyes, in all that pain, and saw the face that she'd never forgotten in a decade. 这样你们就可以想象到当她在经历过所有的痛苦中睁开眼一刹那,看到了在十年来深深刻在她心中的那张脸。
On the scan his Achilles is completely clear but as soon as he stays out for a while it tightens up and he has pain. 在扫描上,他的脚后跟完全没问题,但只要他出去站一会儿,他的脚后跟就发紧,他感受到疼痛。
And yet, I could not force the pain of death on another, relieved to think it was not his turn today. 然而,我不能把死亡的痛苦强加给其它想到今天没有轮流到而免遭这份痛苦的鹿。
I could feel her pain as she must have felt mine on a thousand occasions when I sought comfort in her arms. 我能感觉到她的痛苦,因为她必须感觉到了一千次,当我要求我在她怀里安慰。
You saved my life, the boss uttered in pain. For a moment, I though he might dismember me with his knife. 你救了我一命,老板忍着痛对勇士说,刚才,我在想他可能会用刀子把我大卸八块吧。
But for really serious PMS pain, see your doctor, who might be able to prescribe a different medicine or birth control pills to help. 但是,如果疼痛特别严重,建议去看医生,医生可能会开一些不同的药方或者避孕药来缓解疼痛。
He said several studies have begun to show that opiate-based pain drugs stimulate cancer cell growth and foster the spread of cancers. 他表示正在进行的几个研究显示了阿片类镇痛药激活肿瘤细胞生长并且加速了肿瘤的播散。
And the economic condition gives me such a strong feeling of frustration that I fall into a deep pain. 自己的机关年纪状况又让我体验到强烈的挫败感,我陷入了深深的痛苦之中。
The existing state and let me down the heart to love the heat, so the pain, how can it get? 现有的状态让我压住了心中对爱的热度,是如此的伤痛,又怎么可以释怀呢?
I can say you are the sole comforter to me, the only one who ever took the pain to understand me. 我可以说你是唯一的安慰对我来说,唯一的;谁了痛苦,理解我。
The idiot you catches the bulb and screws it into the top of his head, wincing at the pain. 愚蠢的你抓住了灯泡,把它拧在那个人的头顶上,他疼得缩了回去。
Acupuncture may cause just a little pain, but it also causes a certain feeling of numbness and distension. 针刺只有轻微疼痛,它产生一定的麻和胀感。
If it is not the case that the butterfly the severe pain changing qualitatively passing, why can have beautiful flight of fragrance? 蝴蝶若非经过蜕变的剧痛,又怎么能有芬芳美丽的飞翔?
Knowing that he is coping with stress in his own way is extremely helpful but does not always help her alleviate the pain. 虽然了解那是男人处理压力的方式对她很有帮助,但却无法帮助她减轻痛苦。
When fissuring is present, pain is often produced by movement of the parts, which opens or deepens the fissures or forms new ones. 已有裂隙的情况下,活动该部位会产生疼痛,也可使裂隙加深或形成新的裂隙。
Anyway, I'm delicate about it. If it pains him to eat alone in my presence it would probably pain him more to share his meal with me. 反正我是出于自觉,假如他当着我的面独自享用会不好受,那么,同我分享他也许会更加难受。
I'm not sure how much longer I can bear the pain. 我不知道还能忍受疼痛多久。
Then on her daily walk, she felt a pain in her jaw and experienced short periods of breathlessness . 有天散步时,她感到下颚痛,并有段时间曾喘不上气。
"I've not had any pain since the surgery and I'm taking it step by step but it's gradually getting back to normal, " she said. 她说道,“自从手术后,我早已没有任何疼痛的感觉并且我正一步步来接受它,但是渐渐地我已经回到正常的生活上了。”
There was a look of pain in her face, which I would gladly have been spared the sight of. 她面孔上有一种痛楚的表情,那是我不情愿看到的。
Acupuncture was one of the therapies to treat the epigastric pain. It got effect quickly. 胃脘痛其治疗方法很多,但针刺治疗,往往能迅速取得满意的疗效。
He placed the lion's foot upon his lap and pulled it out and relieved the lion of his pain (1). 他把狮子的那支脚放到自己的膝上,拔出刺,给狮子解除了痛苦。
So while share investors had a year of pain, most currency traders would tell you that they have had a pretty good year. 因此当股票投资者经历一年的苦痛,许多流通业的商人将告诉你他们过个相当不错的一年。
That made him all the more motivated to get out of his bed, overcome the pain, and start taking his restorative long walks again. 这是最让他无法在床上躺下去的原因,忍着疼痛,他又开始了恢复性的长距离散步。
It's the pain of the original wound that keeps you locked into the pattern of trying to get your needs met with similar people. 因为正是这伤痛,你被困在了这个不断从类似的人身上寻求满足的模式中。
And, For those customers who opt for a "platinum" service, an agent will show up in person, perhaps with a small gift to ease the pain. 还有,对于那些选择“白金服务”的客户,代理将亲自出马,有时还会带上小礼物“哄人”哦。
She saw with pain how much he struggled with the family's strange situation. 她痛苦地看着他怎样挣扎在这怪异的家庭中。
When Mr. Obama was told that his father had died, he said, "I felt no pain, only the vague sense of an opportunity lost. " 当奥巴马得知父亲去世时,他说,“我没有感到痛苦,只是对失去了一个机会而感到茫然。”