
美 [əˈdres]英 [ə'dres]
  • n.地址;住址;演说;称呼
  • v.演说;处理;演讲;对付
  • 网络通讯地址;联系地址;公司地址

复数:addresses 现在分词:addressing 过去式:addressed

address issue,address problem,give address,address meeting,address audience
same address,inaugural address,final address


n. v.

1.[c]住址;地址;通信处details of where sb lives or works and where letters, etc. can be sent

2.[c](互联网等的)地址a series of words and symbols that tells you where you can find sth using a computer, for example on the Internet

3.[c]演说;演讲a formal speech that is made in front of an audience


英文地址的翻译 ... retype password 核实口令,密码(再输入一遍) address 住址 city 城市 ...


请求中英文简历模板以及范文,谢谢!_百度知道 ... Email: 电子邮件 Address: 通讯地址(邮政编码): Courses Studied 专业名称 ...


洛阳双瑞特种装备有限公司 ... 传真 FAX:0379 - 67256902 联系地址 ADDRESS 联系销售部 CONTACT SALES ...


形式发票格式_外贸术语_eBay外贸门户 ... • 电话和传真( Tel and Fax) • 公司地址:( Address) • 公司电话和传真:( Tel …


房屋租赁合同英文版 ... 证件号码: ID No 联络地址Address 电 话: Tel: ...


徐州主要大型超市一览_彭城驿站_都市_西祠胡同 ... 分店服务 Store Services 详细地址 Address 团购热线 Group Order ...


英文字典_百度文库 ... additional 附加的 address 地址;演说 adequate 足够的 ...

For the ARPANET, that mean that the host table had to contain the names and IP address of every host on the network. 为阿帕网,这意味着东道国表必须包含的名称和IP地址,每个主机的网络。
Use last names with people you do not know: Address people using their title (Mr, Ms, Dr) and their last names. 对不认识的人要称呼他们的姓:用他们的头衔(先生、女士、博士等)加上他们的姓。
He took the opportunity of his address to the Turkish parliament to reaffirm that America was not at war with Islam (see article). 他利用在土耳其议会发表演讲的机会,重申美国并没有与伊斯兰为敌。
Send your spouse a card to their work address now and then, reminding them how much they mean to you. 不时的给你的配偶送去一张卡片,提醒他们,他们对你是多么的重要。
On Tuesday, the Obama administration plans to hold a conference to address the question of what to do with the two companies. 奥巴马政府打算在星期二举行一个会议,商讨该如何处理这两家公司的问题。
Microsoft does not intentionally collect your files, name, address, e-mail address, or any other form of personal information. Microsoft无意收集您的文件、姓名、地址、电子邮件地址或任何其他私人信息。
Much like the IP address, the referrer is useful as a heuristic, but is no substitute for a real state tracking mechanism. 与IP地址一样,referrer可以起辅助作用,但是不能替代真正的状态跟踪机制。
TSOP: 2 page requests simulation experiment to generate the page address in the form of a mapping have serious problems, I did not redo. 实验二页面请求模拟,生成表单一中的页面地址映射有严重问题,我没有重做。
In an address to the UN Security Council, Mr Ban said he was gravely concerned about civilian fatalities. 在向联合国安理会发表的讲话中,潘基文表示,他非常担心平民伤亡。
In each of these cases, you are not allowed to write to the read-only local variable, or to take its address. 在每一种情况中,您都不能写入只读局部变量或者采用它的地址。
The current operation in Gaza won't do much to ease these worries or to address Israel's longer-term security needs. 目前在加沙的行动无助于缓解这些忧虑,或者解决以色列长期的安全需要。
I am in Judy Kuster's stuttering class, and I got your email address from her, saying that you are willing to be interviewed. 我在JudyKuster的口吃班级上,我从她那里得到了你的电子邮件地址,她说你愿意接受我的访问。
As your name and address appear on Yangtze Evening Post , we are writing to you with a desire to establish business relations with you . 我们在《扬子晚报》上看到贵公司的名称和地址,非常希望与贵方建立贸易关系。
He drew from his creative background to craft Zeitgeist: The Movie, which he launched online to address his frustrations with the system. 他从他创造性的背景获取营养,来创作时代精神:电影,他在网上发布了这部电影,以表达他对这个体系的不满。
The chamber of commerce, we introduced by you to recognize the name and address of your firm. 经你方商会介绍,我方欣悉贵公司的名称和地址。
Often, staff is simply asked to address security issues or to increase their security posture by a manager, or an auditor, or an executive. 通常来说,员工们需要处理安全性问题,或者由管理员,或者审计员,或者经理来强化安全防御机制。
This attack can be used to send packets for a given destination to any link-layer address on the link. 这个攻击能够用来把一个给定目的的包发送到链路上的任何一个链路层地址。
'Messaging isn't going to the consumer, because brands have been too scared at this point to address the environment. ' 他说,公司不会对消费者宣传这一点,因为它们现在都很害怕,不愿意应对环保问题。
While this shift will address the problems associated with multiple births, it's not the end of the matter. 即便这项转变可以解决多胎产的问题,它也不是事情的最终解决之道。
publish the address of litterers and legally allow the public to litter the litterer's home for a week. 公布违法者住址,允许民众在一周之内在他家门前丢垃圾。
I see from the postmark that this card was posted from her holiday address. 我从邮戳上看出这张明信片是从玛丽度假的地方寄出的。
After fumbling through her purse, she presented me with what she said was the only thing that bore both her name and address. 在手提袋中找来找去,然后,她给了我一张她说唯一拥有她的姓名和地址的东西。
This code is written as if an address is always resolved to a coordinate. 如果某个地址总是被解析为某个坐标时,需要编写该代码。
If Yes is theected, the e-mail address to send to is required as well as the name of the company SMTP mail server. 如果是的被选择,电子邮件帐号送当需要连同公司SMTP的名字邮寄伺候器。
called upon to address the court to help clear up a difficult legal point or to explain something which is in the public interest. 一位不是诉讼代理人的律师,但他被要求在法庭发言,帮助澄清一个法律难点或解释某些符合公众利益的事。
As in a real conversation, each label should address one topic at a time, helping the user to respond in the corresponding input field. 跟真实对话一样,每个标签每次只应突出一个主题,这样才能帮助用户在相应的输入域中作出应答。
U. S. President Barack Obama is preparing to deliver his State of the Union Address at a time of political turmoil in Washington. 正值华盛顿政局波动之际,美国总统奥巴马准备发表他的国情咨文。
But he said the U. S. will continue to push to address additional trade barriers with China. The U. 但是维尔萨克还说,美国将继续争取与中国解决更多的贸易壁垒问题。
Each "letter" has an address on the front, a sequence code on the back, and a chunk of the data inside the envelope. 每封“信”前边有地址,后边有序列码,封装在内的是一大块数据。
Therefore, when a process loads, it gets an initial allocation of memory up to a certain address, called the system break. 因此,当加载一个进程时,它会得到一个取决于某个称为系统中断点(systembreak)的特定地址的初始内存分配。