all well

  • adj.都很好
  • 网络舒耐雅

all wellall well

all well


拖鞋_淘宝搜索 ... Adiorz/ 阿迪奥驰 All Well/ 舒耐雅 Yulu/ 优牛 ...

This is all well and good (disregarding the fact that you're lying to yourself), but what happens to your life goals? 这是一个好主意(除非你自欺欺人),但你的生活目标将会发生什么变化?
Mr Clinton, no doubt asked to do nothing to help Mr Kim's cause, was determined above all, well, not to smile. 毫无疑问,没人要求克林顿去推动金正日的事业,于是克林顿决定先不给笑脸。
And when Naaman saw him running after him, he lighted down from the chariot to meet him, and said, Is all well? 乃缦看见有人追赶,就急忙下车迎着他,说,都平安吗。
The theaters were all well filled, and the people poured cheerfully out as he passed, and went chatting home. 戏院全是客满的,他遇见人们从那里欢乐地涌出来,闲谈着走回家去。
Maybe you forgot to put yourself on it at all. Well, now you know. 好了,现在你知道了。
Righteous indignation is all well and good, but she had kept me waiting, then proceeded to insult my face, my tan and my body. 正当的指摘是完全没问题的,但她一直拖时间,还挖苦我的脸,古铜的皮肤,还有我的身材。
It is all well and good for me to say, "I only train using classical methods. " 我说我只用古典的训练方法,这是一贯正确的。
All well and good. But it does not explain how much India is indeed part of Asia. 这些都很好,却无法解释印度究竟在多大程度上是亚洲的一部分。
Finding the carpet you want is all well and good, but how are we going to pay for it? 找到你要的地毯也好,不过我们打算怎样付款呢?
It is all well and good to do this, but consider first the real nature of your aspirations, and measure that against your capacities. 这样做完全没有什么不好,但要先考虑一下你这个启发的本质以及衡量一下自己的能力。
Going off on foreign holidays is all well and good, but you've got to get back to reality sometime. 出国度假当然很好,但是你最终还是得回来面对现实。
The Internet is all well and good, but reality is still the ultimate hack. 互联网是一个好主意,但现实仍然是最终破解。
Kin 9: 11 Then Jehu came forth to the servants of his lord, and one said unto him, Is all well? wherefore came this mad fellow to thee? 王下9:11耶户出来,回到他主人的臣仆那里,有一人问他说:平安麽?这狂妄的人来见你有甚麽事呢?
That's all well and good, but it sounds like the sort of narrow fixes preferred by SEC lawyers who haven't spent much time on WallStreet. 这当然好,不过这种治标不治本的想法听起来像是出自于没在华尔街待多久的证交会律师。
It is all well and good to be a Vulcan, or to be a member of some future exclusive crowd of would-be public servants. 成为一名火神派,或者成为未来众多执行公仆中的一员是非常荣耀的一件事儿。
You know, all well maybe do is tweak some little things that we dont like about it, some systems that we think were maybe a little broken. 我们所需要做的是对一些我们不满意的小细节进行改进,一些系统出现了小问题。
For a few weeks it was all well enough, but afterwards, O the weary length of the nights! 开头几星期,情况还算好,可后来,哎呀呀,黑夜那么长;
I have to get back to work now, but I will hope that I hear from you all soon to let me know you are all well and happy. 我现在得回去工作了,但是我希望能够很快得到你们所有人的回信儿,让我知道你们都很健康,很快乐。
We are happy you are all well and would love to see some photos of you with your family and school friends? 我们很高兴你们都很好,而且非常乐意看你和你家人或者学校朋友的照片。
This was all well known; what was new in the '70s was the local area network (LAN). 这些都是陈芝麻烂谷子了。七十年代真正的新鲜玩意儿是局域网(thelocalareanetwork,LAN)。
"I'll buy her a pearl necklace! " "That's all ~ well[It's all ~ well to say that] , but where will you get the money? " . “我要为她买一串珍珠项炼!”“那当然很好[说来简单],但你的钱从哪里来呢?”
The second advocates a more cautious approach: it is all well and good but we need to be aware of all the dynamics. 另一派拥护更审慎的做法:那当然好,但我们必须对各种因素有所把握。
Almost all well-known scholar who worked in the Far East Institute, or with which it has countless relationships. 几乎所有著名汉学家都在远东学院工作过,或与它有千丝万缕的关系。
That is all well and good, one might think, but utterly uninteresting to anyone besides the author and, perhaps, a few friends. 有人可能会想:这挺不错,可是除了作者本人和他(她)的几个朋友之外,这条推特对别人来讲索然无味。
Mozart, she says, makes her happy, which is all well and good. But she prefers Bach. 她说,莫扎特固然令人愉悦,但自己更喜爱巴赫。
Running speed, heart rate, and ratings of perceived exercise intensity were all well correlated with the talk test results. 谈话测试能够反映出锻炼者的跑步速度、心跳速率,能感觉出锻炼强度是否过高。
I suggested that she should look for a job but this suggestion did not godown at all well. 我建议她去找个工作,可是这个主意她根本听不进。
Mother: Oh, not at all well, but there, it wasn't his fault. Why, they asked him things that happened before the poor boy was born. 姨妈:吉姆这孩子历史考得怎么样?母亲:唉,糟透了。可话又说回来,这也不能怪他。嗨,他们尽问一些这个可怜的孩子出生前的事情。
Michael: That's right. And that's about all. Well, I share an apartment with an American friend, and my hobbies are sports and singing. 迈可:没错。这大概就是全部了。另外,我和一位美国朋友共租一间公寓,我的兴趣是运动和唱歌。
Mother: Oh, not at all well, but then, it wasn't his fault. Why, they asked him things that happened before the poor boy was born. 妈妈:不怎么样。不过,这也不怪他。考题中的内容,都是在孩子出生前发生的。