
美 [ədˈmɪt]英 [əd'mɪt]
  • v.(常指勉强)承认;承认(过错、罪行);招认;招供
  • 网络接纳;容许;准许

过去式:admitted 现在分词:admitting 第三人称单数:admits

admit mistake,admit defeat,admit guilt,admit liability,admit error
freely admit,openly admit,readily admit,cheerfully admit,frankly admit



承认事实accept truth

1.[i][t]~ (to sb) (that…)(常指勉强)承认to agree, often unwillingly, that sth is true

承认责任accept blame

2.[i][t]承认(过错、罪行);招认;招供to say that you have done sth wrong or illegal

准许进入╱加入allow to enter/join

3.[t]准许…进入(某处)to allow sb/sth to enter a place

4.[t]准许…加入(俱乐部、组织);接收(入学)to allow sb to become a member of a club, a school or an organization

医院to hospital

5.[t][oftpass]~ sb to/into a hospital, an institution, etc.接收入院(或收容所等);收治to take sb to a hospital, or other institution where they can receive special care


曲婉婷_百度百科 ... 15.你准备好了吗- Are You Ready 10.承认- Admit 11.今天- Today ...


承认的英文有哪些_百度知道 ... receive vt. 接收 admit; 接[容]纳 allow; 容许, 听任, 允许, 让 ...


英文字典_百度文库 ... admission 承认;许可 admit 容许;招收 adopt 收养;□用 ...


免费-2013高考词汇表_百度文库 ... admission n. 准入, 接纳 admit vt. 承认,准许(入场,入学,入会) adolescence n. 青春, …


哪有四级词汇txt文件?_百度知道 ... admire vt. 赞赏,钦佩,羡慕 admit v; 承认,供认;让…进入 adopt v. 采取,采用; …


英语单语词根、前缀、后缀总表 ... misanthrope 厌世者 admit 容纳 mood 心境 ...


英文字典_百度文库 ... admission 承认;许可 admit 容许;招收 adopt 收养;□用 ...


新概念第二册单词总汇[旺旺英语论坛] ... discover 发现,泄露,看出 admit 承认,接受,容许 hide 藏,潜伏 ...

I have to admit, I was a little nervous when I began my speech. Why will these kids want to hear what I have to say? 我必须承认,一开始时说话时,我有一点紧张。这群年轻学子凭什么要听我说的话呢?
He leans back against the wall, and a wave of sensation washes over him. He refuses to admit it might be pain. 他朝后靠向了墙,某种情感深深的淹没了他。他不想承认那是因为痛苦。
Still, there's no doubt that the world has changed profoundly for me, in ways that I don't always care to admit. 尽管如此,也毋庸置疑,我的世界已经发生了深刻变化,那种方式是我一直不愿意承认的。
Admit that the situation was not easy, but say that it worked out well, both for the company and, you think, for the individual. 要承认这个情况不是容易解决的,但是你还是很好的解决了,不管是从公司角度还是从个人角度。
And I had to admit, I can't think of the last time I thought of widows and orphans. 我必须承认,我想不起来上次想到过寡妇和孤儿是什么时候了。
In retrospect I admit it was an unforgivable thing to do and I've paid the price for it, emotionally and financially. 回顾往事,我承认这是一件不可宽恕的事,我也为此付出了感情上和经济上的代价。
He would never admit that he had been one jot afraid in the dark house alone. 他从来不承认他独自呆在黑房子里曾经感到很害怕。
I admit I haven't listened to a whole lot of MJ's songs but I have heard all his popular old jams and this CD is a bit different. 我承认我没有听过一兆焦耳的歌曲一大堆,但我听到他的所有流行的旧果酱,这CD是一个有点不同。
I know, but it was necessary to awaken you and that was the only way we could do it. You must admit that it worked. 我知道,但唤醒你是必要的,而且这是我们能那么作的唯一方式。你必须承认,它真的见效了。
I had to admit the fact that the ring was lost for good, and there was no use in crying over spilled milk. 我必须接受戒指遗失的事实,对这事表示哀伤是没有用的。
I was sort of disappointed that Isabel had rained on our parade, but I had to admit she was right. 我有点失望,伊丽莎白浇灭了我们的想象,但我不得不承认她是对的。
She admit defeat, and pressure resistance, she was very strong, the things that did not beat her, as long as practical willing to do. 她不服输,与压力抗争,她很坚强,认为没有难不倒她的事情,只要踏实肯做。
But I was growing toward adolescence and had to admit that Mr. Houghton was not the only one with an irresistible spring in his neck. 但是,当我渐渐长大,进入青春期以后,我不得不承认豪顿先生不是唯一一个无法抗拒脖子里的发条的人。
Officials admit that they haven not been able to get the fires under control, but that there is no danger to the general public. 有关官员承认,他们还没有完全控制火势,但是对一般民众的生活不会有影响。
No, I've put him in a terrible situation. I'm asking him to choose between his mother and me. I'm ashamed to admit it. 不,我使他处在极糟的情况下。我让他在我和他母亲之间做选择…我很惭愧地承认这一点。
I thought too ill of him to invite him to Pemberley, or admit his society in town. 我非常看不起他,不再请他到彭伯里来玩,在城里也不和他来往。
You bitch, you underwear your trousers to have sex with me for happiness, do not you admit after you wear your trousers? 你个娘们,脱了裤子和我风流快活,穿上裤子你就不认帐了?
Sales of this and similar products have not really gone anywhere but I have to admit that this product could change your mind. 销售此及类似产品还没有真正去任何地方,但我必须承认,这个产品可以改变您的mind。
Xue was so frustrated that he thought he would lose his mind, but he was too stubborn to admit that he might have been wrong. 薛庆观沮丧极了,他觉得自己快要疯了,可是他还是非常固执,不承认自己做过错事。
I dare to admit how much I love you . 我敢承认我多么爱你。
I had to admit, as I thought about it, that if she had given similar advice to me, my unspoken reaction would have been about the same. 我必须承认,换做她给我类似的建议,我也会同样的不回应。
When, in 1942, he urged non-violent resistance against a Japanese invasion, he was ready to admit that it might cost several million deaths. 1942年时,他力促非暴力不抵抗对付日本侵略,他准备好了承认可能会有几百万死亡的代价。
ellen smiled with an air , which seemed to say that she did not admit the possibility of any ones seeing her without being enchanted. 海伦嫣然一笑,那样子表示,她不容许任何人看见她而有不被勾魂的可能。
We decided , in view of his special circumstances, that we would admit him for a probationary period. 鉴于他的特殊情况,我们决定给他一段试用期。
I have to admit the bike was a bit of a struggle, especially in the hot sun, and I finished near last place (maybe 3-4 people behind me). 我不得不表扬下下我的车,它还真有点儿拼搏精神,特别是在那么热的阳光下。最后我终于在接近终点时完成了骑车(也许我后面还有3、4个人)。
Let your judge judge me, let me be brought before your court, let me be tried by jury, and I shall say that I admit nothing. 让你们的法官来审判我,让他们把我带到法庭上去,带到你们公开审判的法庭上去吧,我会说我什么也不承认。
Robinson smiles, as if to admit the absurdity of a man jumping into a bear fight. But in his eyes there's a hint that he might have done it. 罗宾逊满脸的笑容,好像承认了人类竟然参加狗熊的混战是多么的荒谬,但在他的眼神中,我分明看到他好像确实参与了战斗。
Mr Lee said the aim was to persuade Pyongyang to "admit its wrongdoing and pledge never again to engage in such reprehensible action" . 李明博表示,其目的是劝说朝鲜政府“承认其错误行径,并承诺不再进行此类应受谴责的行为”。
I cannot but admit the truth of what you've just said, without they go against my interests. 我得承认你刚才说的话是正确的,虽然那些话于我不利。
They are bored, this habit did not change until the grow up do they dare, do not dare admit that they love each other. 两人却乐此不疲,这习惯直到长大了也没改,他们什么都敢,就是不敢承认他们相爱。