all around the world

  • 网络全世界;世界各地;在世界上

all around the worldall around the world

all around the world


新学期单词_王老师_新浪博客 ... take photos 拍照 10. all around the world 全世界 11. climb up walls 爬墙 12. ...


人教版高一英语词组_百度百科 ... native language 本族语 all around the world 世界各地 the majority of 大多数的 ...


翻译英语_百度知道 ... so many people 这么多的人 all around the world 在世界上 take me to your heart 将我留存心间 ...


求 贾斯汀比伯的所有歌的歌名 和中文翻译。... ... love me--- 爱我 all around the world---- 整个世界 eenie meenie--- 黑白猜 ...


Five Music-五大唱片 ... 艳阳(进口) Sun 占领全世界(德国进口) All Around The World 自选集+新歌 Old Sock ...


氧气 - 氧气 - 网易博客 ... all around the world 世界上有那么多人 Hiding from the rain and snow 躲避在风雨之中 ...


Exposed_百度百科 ... 07 Rock It 尽情摇摆 08 All Around the World 无论我在哪里 09 Belly Dance 肚皮舞 ...


Dirty dancer *辣舞女郎* -....中文歌词 -... ... All around the world 在全世界各地 Never ever lonely 从来不曾寂寞 ...

Today, Santa Claus is famous all around the world as the kind, old man who brings Christmas gifts to the children. 今天,圣诞老人以一个善良,年长的老人转为为小朋友送去圣诞礼物的形象闻名世界。
Germany is one of the biggest scenes all around the world (along with China and Korea ), can you tell us your thoughts about this? 德国是世界最大的电竞市场之一(还有中国和韩国),能告诉我们你对此的看法吗?
However, many of you who keep abreast of what is happening all around the world, are picking up the clues to what is about to happen. 然而,你们许多人继续与所有发生在世界中的事情并肩前行,一直在取得关于一切发生之事的线索。
At this point, maybe you guys should develop a media platform which can stand for your voices and deliver messages to all around the world. 在这一点上,也许你们应该建立能代替自己声音,并将这些信息传播到世界各地的媒介平台。
He was joking, of course, but there is no denying the passion with which soccer fans all around the world follow their favorite teams. 当然他是在开玩笑,但是世界各地的球迷追随他们喜爱球队的热情是无可否认的。
Margin trading broadly exists all around the world, but it had not received legal status in China in a long time. 融资融券交易广泛地存在于世界范围内,但在我国很长一段时间内并未取得合法地位。
Why Not Me? You've been lookin' for love all around the world Baby , don't you know this country girl's still free? Why not me ? 你在世界的各个角落遍寻爱情宝贝,你知不知道我仍然形影孑立为何不与我携手相依?。
Diana: I'm really trying to highlight a problem that's going on all around the world. That's all. 黛安娜:我是真的想把一个全球性的问题摆到世人面前。仅此而已。
In trying to understand romantic love, she's reading poetry from all around the world. 她阅读世界各地的诗歌来理解浪漫的爱情。
The kind of love, that encourages people all around the world forget about the fear and fight for the freedom of our friends no matter what. 这样的爱,鼓励人们在世界各地忘记恐惧,争取朋友们的自由。
Students all around the world think it great to have some money in their pocket. But how much do they get? 世界上的学生都希望能有一些零花钱,但是他们能有多少呢?
All around the world is Christmas and I'm so glad to be sharing peace and harmony with you. 世界充满圣诞节的喜悦,我很高兴能与你分享这份安宁与和谐。
It is all around the world . The sky is space . In this space there is nothing except the sun , the. 它在世界的周围。天是空间,其中除了太阳、月亮和所有的星星外,什么也没有。
It has long been a hot topic whether or not should we carry out "Euthanasia" . People keep arguing about it all around the world. 是否实施“安乐死”一直以来是大家讨论的热门话题。全世界的人都在争论不休。
Palm Pre developer events are going on all around the world, though, so expect to see more apps for that platform quickly. 不过,PalmPre开发竞赛正在全球各地如火如荼地进行,所以,我们不久将能在Palm平台上看到更多应用。
For that disease, families all around the world had donated tissue and money to help the cause. 对这种病,世界所有家庭都捐助组织和钱,以帮助这一事业。
I had to travel precisely all around the world to find just such a comfortable, agreeable niche as this. It seems incredible almost. 我得走遍全世界才找得到这样一个舒服、适意的职位,这几乎难以置信。
The dog beat out 28 others from all around the world for the prize, which includes $1, 000 and a year's supply of dog treats. 这只狗打败了来自世界各地的其他28只狗,赢得了1000美元的奖金和一年的狗小食。
Therefore, floods is one of the most difficult property insurance catastrophe to cope with all around the world. 由此可见,洪水灾害是目前全世界所面临的财产巨灾保险中最难应对的风险之一。
Like the kind Russia has, and sells all around the world. 而这种弹药正是俄罗斯拥有并畅销全世界的。
Therefore foreign languages build up a bridge to help people all around the world with communication. 因此,外语为我们更好的与世人交流架起了一座桥梁。
Being well received and approved by clients in and out of china, our products are popular all around the world. 我们的产品畅销于世界各地,已赢得海内外客户的好评和肯定。
Drug resistance is all around the world. 抗药性世界各地都有。
The beginning of March sees events all around the world dedicated to instilling a love of books and reading in children. 三月初我们会看到世界各地的教育工作者都在致力于向孩子们介绍书籍、培养热爱阅读的习惯。
Now he's in London, and he ships by FedEx all around the world. 现在莱昂内尔生活在伦敦,而他的面包正被联邦快递运至世界各地。
tonight's concert, and concerts is going around all around the world is not about entertainment, but starting a revolution. 今晚的音乐会,和将在世界各地举行的音乐会不是为了娱乐,而是为了开始场革命。
He told me that he travelled extensively all around the world and almost weekly within Asia. 他告诉我他经常周游列国,亚洲区更几乎每周飞行。
They wanted to put these measures to all around the world, but there were much difficulty in developing process. 他们希望把这些措施能“行之天下”,但是在发展的过程中却遇到重重困难。
When the street musician from all around the world sing and performing together in one song, how it is going to be? Check out this video. 当全世界的街头音乐人一起为一首歌演奏时,会是怎样的?看这视讯吧。
"O" is only for his best wishes: ONE INCH CLOSER , to the fans, to people all around the world. 仅仅代表了他的美好心愿:与歌迷与世人更近一寸。