
美 [ˈæftərwərdz]英 [ˈɑːftə(r)wə(r)dz]
  • adv.后来;以后
  • 网络然后;之后;过后



1.以后;后来at a later time; after an event that has already been mentioned


牛津初中英语词汇表_百度文库 ... A-1-8 afternoon 下午,午后 7 A-2-23 afterwards 后来,以后 7 A-6-98 again 又,再次 7 ...


牛津初中英语词汇表_百度文库 ... A-1-8 afternoon 下午,午后 7 A-2-23 afterwards 后来,以后 7 A-6-98 again 又,再次 7 ...


大英语B级词汇表 - 豆丁网 ... afternoon n. 午后,下午 afterwards adv. 然后,后来地 again adv. 又,再次, ...


英文字典_百度文库 ... afternoon 下午 afterwards 之后 again 再一次 ...


闭着眼睛飘单词(四级)_百度文库 ... advisable 可取的,适当的 afterwards 以后,过后,后来 alarm 惊恐,忧虑 ...


“其”怎么组词?_百度知道 ... 其次〖 next〗 其后〖 later;afterwards〗 其间〖 in;betweenthem〗 ...


大学英语精读单词表(第三册) - 豆丁网 ... missile n. 导弹 afterwards ad. 稍后, 随后 bomb n. 炸弹 ...

It lasts for a week like a giant sand painting, and then it all fades away afterwards. 它会持续一个星期,像一个巨大的沙画,然后它都留下空缺。
She would continually drill him on his studies until he got it right. Afterwards, she would take him to go get ice cream as a reward. 凯文有学习障碍,于是凯蒂总是辅导他,需要的时候帮助他完成家庭作业,她会不停地给他进行学业训练直到他做对,然后带他去买冰激凌作为奖励。
And I just told him afterwards that it was going to be Wanger , and he said, 'Fine. 我后来告诉他,我们决定派上小民,他也说很好没问题。
The way Nadal appeared on the court at Wimbledon at the end, I interviewed him afterwards, and it looked as if he was pretty psyched out. 纳达尔在温网结束的法庭上出现的方式,我采访他之后,它看起来好像他很吓坏了。
Your reserves teammate Chris Mavinga was part of the France team that beat Spain in the final. Did he give you a bit of stick afterwards? 你在预备队的队友克里斯·马文加也是法国队决赛阵中的一员。赛后他有对你说什么吗?
The procedure is over fairly quickly, and afterwards at home the woman may bleed like she has her period for a week or two. 该过程很快结束,随后在家中,妇女可能会像月经那样流血1到2周。
Life is always let us was black and blue all over, but afterwards, the injured local will become our most strong place. 生活总是让我们遍体鳞伤,但到后来,那些受伤的地方一定会变成我们最强壮的地方。
One wAS less in love with the boy afterwards, and a little inclined to hate him, AS if he had trespASsed on one's privacy and inner freedom. 事后,她们对于对手的爱情冷挑了,而且有点憎很他们的倾向,仿佛他们侵犯了她们的秘密和自由似的。
Saddletree, who entered immediately afterwards, overwhelmed him with questions, which he answered without understanding them. 随后进来的萨德尔特里铺天盖地问了他许多问题,他却答非所问。
Put your card in, then enter your number, and select the right option at the ATM. Afterwards, choose how much you want. 插入你的银行卡,接着输入密码,在自动取款机上选择正确选项。随后选择你要取多少。
if, in an emergency, a decision must be made by an individual, the matter must be promptly reported to the Party organization afterwards. 如果在紧急情况下,必须决定由一个独立的,这个问题必须迅速向党组织以后。
CATCHING Somalian pirates may be tricky enough, but the question of what to do with them afterwards can be even more difficult. 抓获索马里海盗可能很不容易,但抓到他们后如何处置就更加棘手。
The new road runs out shortly afterwards, but a few miles later the main highway turns into a recently completed dual carriageway. 朝前不远新路就结束了,但在几英里以外,干道公路转入一条新近建成的双车道。
She quickly brought them down and handed them in ; --and immediately afterwards leaned against the door-post, knitting, and saw nothing. 她很快便拿来了东西,递进马车--又立即靠在门框上打起毛线来,什么都没看见。
It was a great night and a good win, " said the two-goal hero afterwards. " 赛后这位两球英雄说:那是一个伟大的夜晚,一场美好的胜利。
And he turned to his wife, saying I would forever love you whether you are evil or not, afterwards sticking the knife into her chest. 他又转向妻说,无论你是人还是妖,我都爱你,然后将刀刺进妻的心胸。
In the changing room afterwards he is in a huff and back in the office has started to put me down. 后来在更衣室,他一副气呼呼的样子,等到了办公室之后,他便开始给我“穿小鞋”。
Normally humans act first and think afterwards, and that is often too late to avoid the consequences. 一般的人习惯于行动先于思考,这经常的造成无法避免的坏结果。
To make it up to you, I'd like to take you to a better party afterwards. 为了补偿您,我想(这个聚会)之后带您去一个好点的聚会。
Dr Stone to1d Linda that he would freeze her cat with an injection. "Then you won't feel any pain afterwards, " he said. 大夫告诉琳达,他要用药先把伤口麻醉了,“过一会儿你就不会感觉疼了。”
The thieves' car was badly damaged and easy to recognize. Shortly afterwards, the police stopped the car and both men were arrested. 小偷的车损坏严重,很容易辨认。没过多久,警察就截住了那辆车,两个小偷都被抓住了。
It must have been two years afterwards, and I was almost fourteen, when one dreadful night my godmother and I sat at the fireside. 大约过了两年,我快满十四岁了,在一个可怕的夜晚,我和教母坐在壁炉旁边。
Afterwards the pipes will have to be secured against axial displacement by means of a clamping device. 然后管材必需通过夹紧装置成轴向的转移。
Yet Mr. Perkins, as Hemingway was to call him for years afterwards, even after they had become close friends, took the risk. 然而,帕金斯先生还是承担了这个风险,尽管海明威很久之后再联系他,即便是在他们成为亲密的朋友之后。
And along the way I met this real short guy at a slide show in the Silicon Valley. He came up to me afterwards. 在硅谷做演讲时,我认识了一个个子很矮的人。
He conveniently failed to show up for the vote, since he could have been arrested immediately afterwards, and is now back on the run. 由于后来他立即被逮捕,虽未能参加投票,但现在却继续回来参加竞选。
The company gave us a presentation on how the new system worked . Afterwards, the employees got a chance to ask questions. 那家公司给我们做了一个如何操作系统方面的演示后,开始接受我们的提问。
The technique I used inside her with the toy helped a great deal, she said afterwards, my head resting on her inner thigh. 我的头靠在她的大腿内侧,她后来说我使用的那个性爱玩具帮了大忙。
Afterwards I found out that the payment for the crime report may be distasteful, but it seems to be policy, rather than a bribe. 尽管之后我还是认为要为拿到一分犯罪报告而交钱这事很不靠谱,但是这钱可能真是手续费而不是贿赂。
Several days after meeting Alex, I attended a party I knew he would be at. As I had hoped, he asked me to have dinner with him afterwards. 在遇见艾利克斯几天后,我特地去参加了一个派对,因为我知道他一定也会参加的。