all along

  • na.一直都;一路;始终;一贯
  • 网络自始至终;自始自终;一向

all alongall along

all along


大学英语四级常用词组 ... after all 毕竟,终究;虽然这样 all along 始终,一直,一贯 all but 几乎,差一点 ...


大学英语四级常用词组 ... after all 毕竟,终究;虽然这样 all along 始终,一直,一贯 all but 几乎,差一点 ...


大学英语四级常用词组 ... after all 毕竟,终究;虽然这样 all along 始终,一直,一贯 all but 几乎,差一点 ...


新浪教育_新浪网 ... once and for all 最后一次;干脆 all along 自始至终;从头到尾 consist in ... 是始终如一的 ...


英语新词汇与常用词汇的翻译(A) ... all along the line 到处 all along 自始自终 all and singular 全部 ...


成人本科学位英语考试词组表 - 豆丁网 ... ahead of time 提早 all along 一直地, 一向 all around 全面的 ...


Cell Block Tango... ... and I saw him dead. 而我 看见他死了 All along 一直以来 'Cause if they used us 因为他们利用了我们 ...


g1Unit 15 Necklace ... in all 总共 all along 一直始终 above all 首先最重要的是 ...

I'd be lying if I didn't say that I had been secretly waiting for that moment all along. 我会说谎,如果我不说我已经偷偷在等待那一刻,所有沿线的。
One said (forgive me if I summarise) that the Left had been right all along, and that the country was plainly run by a money-grubbing cabal. 一个(原谅我概括原文)称左翼一直都是对的,这个国家显然是由一个敛财的阴谋团队领导。
Mr Chirac has said all along that he was ready to explain himself in court, and that he has "done nothing wrong" . 希拉克一直表示他已作好当庭解释的准备,而且坚称自己“没做任何错事”。
The point about VAT, as we have said all along, is that [the cut] will run for a year, so it is too early to judge the effect it has had. 正如我们一直以来所说的那样,削减附加税的政策将会持续一年,所以现在就判断其利弊还为时尚早。
Later that day, the family said the boy was found unharmed, and claimed he had been hiding all along in an attic inside the family's garage. 当日晚些时候,希内一家宣布发现福尔肯安然无恙,说福尔肯一直躲藏在家中车库的一个阁楼上。
It will impress them more when such a fuck-up like me turns good than if I had been a good son all along. 他们会对我的浪子回头令眼相看,比我一直是他们的好儿子更令人印象深刻。
Every moon , he may eventually send me to cost of living , had not had one sentence complaint all along. 每个月,他总会给我寄生活费,从来没有过一句怨言。
Republicans snort that he was bluffing all along when he said he would get tough in Afghanistan. 共和党人则嘲笑说,奥巴马以前表示将在阿富汗采取强硬政策原来一直是虚张声势。
I get the idea that you do not like your star much, so the recession offers you an excuse to do what you might have wished to do all along. 你给我的印象是,你不太喜欢你那位明星职员,因此经济衰退为你提供了一个借口,去做你可能一直就希望做的事情。
Then suddenly it's there, the warm liquid on your face, the death you have always avoided, smiling back at you as if it knew all along. 突然,尸体就在那儿了,热血流在你脸上;死,你一直避免的东西,在对你微笑,好像它早知道这就是结局一样。
In some families, new adults and kids seem to slip in effortlessly, as though they have been there all along. 在一些家庭里,继父或继母似乎可以与孩子轻松地和睦相处,好像他们一直生活在一起。
He had all along told me I was his wife, and I looked upon myself as effectually so as if the ceremony had passed. 他一向总是说我是他的妻子,我自己也认为是他的夫人,好象我们举行过婚礼一样。
That's why we always try to have at least two guides, one Israeli and one Palestinian, plus many local guides all along the way. 这也是为什么我们总是安排至少两个导游,一个以色列的一个巴勒斯坦的,另外沿途还有许多当地导游。
I said all along that he was not a person to be trusted, but you would not listen to me. 我一直说他是个不可信的人,但你总不听我的话。
It wasn't until I gave up in desperation that I finally saw the truth of what my teachers had been telling me all along. 在我几乎要绝望的放弃之前,我最终体验到我的上师们一直在告诉我的真相。
It dawned on me that she had been right all along. 我突然意识到她一直是对的。
Easy to be moved, the academic society conversion ponder can exactly very with ease, all along with the reason, not demand. 容易感动,学会换位思考会活得很轻松,一切随缘,不去强求。
I was expecting all along that they were going to call me up and tell me to leave Lhasa immediately. 我原本一直期待着哪天他们会召唤我,让我马上离开拉萨。
All along the frontier, German preparations for invasion were intensifying, but Soviet forces had not yet even begun to mobilise. 沿着整个边境,德国人一直在加强武装入侵的准备工作,而苏联军队甚至于还没有开始进行动员。
For this reason, the focus on order becomes one of the axe questions between the eastern thinkers and western ones all along the history. 因而,对秩序的关注成为中西各个历史时期思想家和政治家共同思考的轴心问题之一。
Trade barriers will fall, just as the WTO hoped, and with the same result that should have been its goal all along: its own obsolescence. 正如WTO所希望的一样,贸易壁垒终会倒塌,随之而来的结果也本该是WTO自始至终的目标——WTO自身的废弃。
here, who have friends in your own real summed up in the beauty tips to share with you all along. 在这里,有网友在自己糊口中实战总结出来的美容小秘诀与大家一块儿分享。
Compared with that, the transmitting speed of the access net has been a bottleneck all along. 相比之下,接入网的传输速率却始终是个瓶颈。
So the question becomes, or should be all along, what would you do if you know you only have one day, or one week, or one month to live ? 最后,最本质的问题,始终应该是:如果生命只剩下一天,一周,或一个月,你要做些什么?
Who tries to shield and protect by showing courage. . . staying strong; trying to set a good example while her heart is breaking all along? 是谁以勇气和坚强去保护,去抵挡,去努力树立榜样,尽管她的心一直在受伤?
'We've known he was The Stig all along - it has been a standing joke within the regiment. 我们其实早就知道他就是试替哥,这在我们团里一直被当成笑话留传。
How accurately evaluate the status of human resource in college is all along a difficult issue in human resource management of college. 如何比较准确有效地评估高校人力资源状况一直是高校人力资源管理的一个难点。
As the son of an Anglo mother and a Hispanic father, however, he knew all along that the task was not always possible. 然而,他母亲是盎格鲁血统,父亲是拉美裔,他早就知道这种分法不总是切实可行的。
My cousins did eventually talk with her about the severity of her illness, and as it turned out, she suspected it all along. 我的表亲们最终还是和她谈到了她病情的严重性,结果证明,她一直对病情感到怀疑。
The Emperor, from the moment he first touched down on Death Star II, made it clear that it was he who was in charge all along. 从他初次驾临死星2号的那一刻起,皇帝让人们更清楚地认识到,是他在自始至终掌控着一切。