again and again

  • na.再三再四
  • 网络再三地;反复地;一次又一次

again and againagain and again

again and again


初中英语短语大全 ... 36. fall asleep 入睡 37. again and again 再三地,反复地 38. wake up 醒来,叫醒 ...


初中英语短语大全 ... 36. fall asleep 入睡 37. again and again 再三地,反复地 38. wake up 醒来,叫醒 ...


初中英语短语大全 ... 106. work through the night 通宵工作 31. again and again 一次又一次 54. pass the hospital 路过医院 ...


冀教版初中英语单词表 - 豆丁网 ... again adv. 又;再 again and again 再三地;反复地;一再地 against prep. 与„对抗;对着 ...


英语常用短语(5.26)[旺旺英语论坛] ... take advantage of (趁机)利用 again and again 再三地,一次又一次地 once again …

Again and again he had resolved to put the whole affair from out his mind. 他打定主意把这事全忘个一干二净,也不知有多少回了。
These natural pain killers may act somewhat like an opiate drug, drawing the mother again and again to contact with her pups. 这种天然止痛剂可能产生类似鸦片类药物的作用,促使母鼠一再与幼鼠接触。
She thanked him again and again; and, with a sweetness of address which always attended her, invited him to be seated. 她几次三番地向他道谢,并且带着她那素有的亲切口吻,请他坐下。
t care if you fail to make it a priority. It will rise to the top again and again and again. 它也不介意你没有给它足够的优先级,因为它会一次又一次冉冉升起为最高。
Again and again I have entreated Mrs. Prayor to say what she thinks of him, but she still. 我再三请求普瑞尔太太谈谈她对他的看法,但是她还是避开了正面回答我的问题。
What he emphasized again and again was that no matter how difficult it might be, they should never retreat even for an inch. 他再三强调的就是,不管多困难,他再三强调的就是,不管多困难,决不后退半步。半步。
Although her husband has promised again and again to be faithful to her, Mary is still hard pressed to let her defenses down. 尽管她的丈夫再三承诺会对她忠诚,玛丽还是很难放下戒备心理。
Some of that money gets spent again and again, producing the multiplier effect of any increase in the money supply. 其中一部分的钱用了又用,形成各项货币供应的倍加效益。
Teacher again and again home to call him, said he is Tsinghua University, material, not to take a pity. 班主任三番五次到家里来叫他,说他是清华、北大的料,不考就可惜了。
Then mum held the woman's hand in hers and moved her hand over the paper again and again until she was able to do it without her help. 于是母亲手把手地教她在纸上一遍一遍书写,直到她自己可以签名。
And nothing but scenery, that view of the meadow in October, returns again and again to me like a symbolic scene in a film. 惟有十月草原那景象像电影中的标志性场景般一直在脑海中闪过。
Again and again they struck him on the head with a staff and spit on him. Falling on their knees, they paid homage to him. 又拿一根苇子打他的头,吐唾沫在他脸上,屈膝拜他。
The men fired again and again, and, when the animals got to close quarters, lashed out with their sticks and their heavy boots. 那帮人在不断地射击,等到动物们接近他们时,他们就又用棍棒和那沉重的靴子大打出手。
Again and again, she asked the bank to put an alert on her account, but when she checked, it wasn't there. 周而复始,凯伦让银行对她的账户进行某些警告措施,但当她再次确认时,还是什么都没有。
He took a piece of metal and hit the side of the car again and again. 尼克并不知道,他拿起一块金属,一遍又一遍的敲击车厢的侧壁。
This being a human nature, we keep pushing our happy days forward again and again, as if our time in this life has no limits. 这是人的本性,我们把幸福的日子不断向前推进,好象我们的一生没有尽头。
He assured me again and again that it was the last thing in the world he would dream of doing in a sober moment. 他几次对我表示,要是在清醒的时候,他断乎不会梦想干这营生的。
He checked out his composition again and again to make sure to that no important points had been omitted. 他反复检查了作文以确信没有遗漏要点。
Cross-examine the bottom again and again at the girl, the mother have to tell her a telephone number as one's pleases. 在女孩的一再追问下,母亲只好随意告诉了她一个电话号码。
And you see that each one of these is just taken again and again. As we've seen implicitly in all these treatments so far as well. 你们就会看到这些的每一个,被一次又一次的使用,就像我们看到的,到目前在所有处理方法中。
and she was obliged to repeat again and again, that she was one of his two dearest, before the words gave her any sensation. 她茫然地一次又一次重复着她是他最亲爱的两个人之一,却不知道自己究竟在念叨什么。
That question of culture seems to come up again and again. 这种文化上的问题似乎是反复出现。
And went up to him again and again, saying, "Hail, king of the Jews! " And they struck him in the face. 又挨近他,说:“恭喜,犹太人的王啊!”他们就用手掌打他。
China, she said, "has made it clear, again and again, that it has contempt for the basic freedoms" of its people. 她说,中国“一而再,再而三地表现出对人民基本自由的蔑视”。
She said again and again to the would-be husband, to the groom: Go and tell the priest that I don't want to be kissed after the marriage. 她一遍又一遍地对未来的丈夫——新郎说:“去和那个牧师说,我在婚礼以后不要被亲吻。”
She was ready to warn Sir Henry so far as she could without implicating her husband, and again and again she tried to do so. 只要不把她的丈夫牵连进去,她就准备去警告亨利爵士,而且她也曾一再地确想这样做。
Wharton went back to the White House. Again and again he gave Jackson arguments for recognizing Texas. 沃顿回到了白宫,他一而再,再而三地敦促杰克逊承认德克萨斯。
His mother told him to be careful again and again. 他的妈妈一再告诉他要细心。
He was smiling calmly. Again and again he made me look at him until I started smiling myself. 他沉静的微笑,使我一再地注视着他,直到我也微笑起来。
The young American wrote again and again to a munber of medical colleges, asking if she could be admitted, but each time the answer was No. 这个年轻的美国姑娘一次又一次的给医学院写信,希望学校可以批准她入校,但是每次都遭到拒绝。