
美 [əˈɡen]英 [ə'ɡen]
  • adv.再一次;又一次;再说;复原
  • 网络再次;重新;此外



1.再一次;又一次one more time; on another occasion

2.返回原处;复原showing that sb/sth is in the same place or state that they were in originally

3.增加;多added to an amount that is already there

4.再说;其次used to show that a comment or fact is connected with what you have just said

5.then/there ~(引出相对照的事实或看法)再说,另一方面used to introduce a fact or an opinion that contrasts with what you have just said

6.请再说一遍used when you ask sb to tell you sth or repeat sth that you think they have told you already


四年级下册英语单词_百度文库 ... year 年 again 再一次 五字母 ? ? ? ? ? ? badly 坏;不好的 ...


Photoshop中英文对照列表 ... Transform 变换 1 Again 再次 2 Sacle 缩放 3 ...

人教版小学英语三年级下册单词表 ... see 看见 again ,再 we 我们 ...


(A-B)英语四级词汇表下载 ... afterward ad. 后来,以后 again ad. 又一次;而且 against prep. 倚在;逆,对着 ...


重字的解释---在线新华字典 ... 重霄〖 thehighestheavens〗 重新again〗 重修〖 rebuild〗 ...


初中英语单词表 - 豆丁网 ... afternoon n. 下午,午后 again ad. 再一次;再,又 against prep. 对着,反对 ...


新概念英语第一册词汇_百度文库 ... afternoon n. 下午,午后 again ad. 又,再一次,此外 ago ad. 以前,前 ...

Meanwhile, the oil industry is already getting to grips with the question of what to do if such a thing should happen again. 同时,石油产业已着手解决一旦这样的事件再次出现,该如何应对的问题。
What was that? -Uh-oh, I think you woke him up. Good luck, boys, I'm too important to be captured. -Oh no, not again! 那是什么?-噢,我认为你把他吵醒了.伙计们,好运,我太重要了而不能被抓获.-噢,不,不能再这样了!
"Kenny's man management has always been first class and that's shone through again since he's been back in charge, " Rush said. 肯尼的管理人的能力总是一流的,现在他回来后的表现再次证明了这一点。
Most recently, on the poverty of the recipients do not know how thankful again become the focus of media attention. 最近一段时间,关于受助贫困生不懂得感恩的问题再次成为媒体关注的焦点。
We realized that we were very, very lucky to be in Her physical presence again. We had been waiting for this chance for many years. 我们感觉自己是何等幸运可以再度跟随在她身旁,我们已等待这个机会好几年了。
The occasion for the citywide shutdown was an event most expect never to see again. 像这样全市性停工的情况是大部分人从没有意料到的。
Many analysts believe that stocks are again in such a turbulent period, and that this rally could lead to another slump. 许多分析师认为,股市又进入了这种动荡期,反弹可能导致另一次低迷。
At last, the desserts too disappeared, and Professor Dumbledore got to his feet again. 最后,甜品也吃完了,丹伯多教授又站了起来。
The next day, the Brunette and the Red Head are talking about going Home early again. They ask the Blonde if she wants to leave early again. 第二天,褐发女郎和红发女郎又开始谈论提早回家的事情。她们问金发女郎想不想提早回家。
Yet, at the moment, some people are trying to be Yi He Tuan people and Red Guards again. 不过,最近有人试图当义和团、红卫兵,国内当不了,就在国外当。
It had begun to snow again. He watched sleepily the flakes, silver and dark, falling obliquely against the lamplight. 他睡眼迷蒙地望着雪花,银色的、暗暗的雪花,迎着灯光在斜斜地飘落。
He had spent several hours in front of the glass case, and he'd gone back again the next day, and for several days after that. 他在那个玻璃柜前呆了好几个小时,而且第二天他又去了,之后又去了好几天。
this was one of the only times when we were all a big happy family again. 只有在感恩节我们才能重新聚成一个欢乐的大家庭。
The idea of your being in London, and a vast millionaire, and a colossal celebrity! Why, it's the Arabian Nights come again. 哪儿想得到你居然会到伦敦来,成了这么大的百万富翁,而且是个鼎鼎大名的人物!嗨,这真是《天方夜谭》的奇迹又出现了。
Now I'm going to give it a spin in your direction and now again I'm going to torque like this. 我会让它朝你们方向旋转,同时我还会给它这样的力。
Jack had words with his girlfriend last night. She said she never wanted to see him again. 昨晚杰克和女友争吵。她说不愿再见他。
They threw him out at the window, and sat down again to table as if nothing had occurred. 他们合力抓住那掌旗军官,从窗口抛出去,然后若无其事,再次坐下来吃饭。
Then again, it's quite possible that Xinran means for her book to be judged not as a piece of literature but as a polemic. 还有一点可以肯定的是,欣然不想让外界把她的书看作是文学作品,而是一种论战式檄文。
Then I take it out of the water, and put some salt into the water. At last, I put the egg into the salt water again. 然后,我把鸡蛋从水中取出来,给水里放了一些盐,最后,我把鸡蛋再次放进盐水中。
Had he any right to impose again on his wife some new trial, some new mishap in his attempts and in his failures? 他有权利将某种新的尝试,他的企图的新的意外及失败,赋加在妻子身上吗?
Within three days, however, he had some movement again in his arms and legs. How much he might recover is still not clear. 三天不到,他的手和腿稍有活动了,然而他到底能恢复到什么程度还不清楚。
Bruises along the underside of his arm throbbed impatiently and he felt like he was about to puke again. 他胳膊下面的瘀伤没有耐性地悸动着,他感觉自己又要吐了。
The week after that, she came again with a friend. They gave him some books, and had a cup of tea with him. 在这个星期以后她又与另一个朋友一道来,她们送给他一些书,和他一起喝了茶。
Unsteadily working my way in the dark to the bathroom, secured the door latch to make sure my sleep was not interrupted again. 不安定地在黑暗中工作我的方法到浴室,保护了门门闩确定我的睡眠不被再一次打断。
The bird is ready to fly away again. It goes back to the prince to say good-bye. 这时小鸟准备真的要走了。它又飞回王子那里跟他说再见。
If the State of New York would just let him start selling pellets again, Ceglia says, he'd be able to pay back his customers. 如果纽约州就只是让他开始销售木粒,切利亚说,他就能够偿还他的顾客。
It would be over-cynical to see this as a Democratic ploy to lure the Republicans into alienating a vital group of voters all over again. 如果将此视为民主党挑拨共和党和西语裔这一重要选民群关系的计谋的话就有些过分了。
h*e a little the matter son suddenly, can't accompany you continuously! Lovely ah, free again hair! 忽然有点事儿,不能继续陪你了!乖呀,有空再发吧!
I can't believe my eyes, my heart again and again to tell me it's not true, but reality gave it a smash. 我不敢相信自己的眼睛,我的心一次又一次的告诉我这不是真的,可眼前的现实却将它一次次的敲碎。
As taking too much time, I won't do it again, but the outcome was quite good. You can give it a try at home. 其实,想吃烧肉并不需要去烧腊铺,只要买个烤炉,就能让家中也飘来阵阵烧肉香。