
美 [æd]英 [æd]
  • v.添加;增加;补充说;继续说
  • abbr.(=American Dialect Dictionary)美国方言词典

第三人称单数:adds 现在分词:adding 过去式:added

add item,add number,add word,add model,add note
quickly add



1.[t]增加;添加to put sth together with sth else so as to increase the size, number, amount, etc.

2.[i][t]加to put numbers or amounts together to get a total

3.[t]补充说;继续说to say sth more; to make a further remark

4.[t]~ sth (to sth)添加(特色)to give a particular quality to an event, a situation, etc.

Add a bit of understanding, loads of love and trust to make your relationship withstand the tests of time. 只需一些理解,爱和信任,你们的关系便一定能经得起时间的考验!
Please sign in and add your comments below and tell us what you think about the WCF PRO concept. 请登录并添加您的评论如下,请告诉我们您想周转基金专业概念。
Add steamed lotus seeds and bring to boil. Remove from the fire, add white sugar, ready to serve. 加入蒸熟的莲子、再次煮开。熄火、加入适量白糖、开动!
Marginally useful as the trade deals may be, they hardly add up to a "strategic association" between the two continents. 贸易协定对于促进两大洲间的关系可能有些许帮助,但却远不足以促成“战略同盟”。
If you must use hyperlinks, add them to the bottom of a paragraph or to the navigation menus of your site. 如果你必须使用超级连接,请在语句的末尾或在导航菜单上添加。
For the better, I might add. I'll answer one more question, then I got to go have lunch with your president. 我只能再回答一个问题了,然后我跟你们的主席吃饭去了。
Add a feminine touch with accessories like a great pair of heels and a fun bag. 再搭配些可以增添女性气质的配件,如高级的高跟鞋、好看的手袋等。
As you gain new contacts throughout the year, take time to add them to your database for your business greeting card group. 因为你在一年里会获得新的联系,花时间将他们更新到你的商务贺卡数据库上去。
The wizard is now ready to add the data to your partial replica. This can take some time, depending on how much data your filter selects. 现在,向导将数据添加到部分副本的工作已准备就绪。添加过程所需的时间取决于筛选数据的多少。
Ostrich eggs offer the perfect opportunity to add a bit of fun and theatre to a dinner party. 而鸵鸟蛋为增加烹饪乐趣提供了难得的机会,也可以使用餐变得更加有趣。
RELAX NG makes it easy to add such annotations because any element in a foreign namespace can be placed anywhere in a definition . RELAXNG中增加这类注解非常容易,因为外部名称空间中的任何元素可以放在定义中的任何地方。
But even if the Fed were to end up choosing restraint, it would not add up to a new Plaza arrangement. 但即便美联储最终选择克制,也不意味着会形成新的广场协议。
Add items you want to a wish list as you think of them. 制作一个愿望清单,当你想要某物时你就加进去
In that case , the add-on might not show up in the lists of add- ons or you will not be able to enable it . 这种情况下,禁用的加载项可能不出现在加载项列表中,或者说您将无法启用它。
Use short sentences: Short sentences help add punch and a sense of urgency to what you're saying. 应用简短句型:简短句型可帮你在你所说的基础上加点绝对性,添点紧张感。
I did not know if all the related information could add up to form a clear picture of him . 不知道所有这些相关的信息能否凑成一副关于他的清晰的图画。
While it may seem to be painting the lily, I should like to add somewhat to Mr. Alistair Cooke's excellent article. 我想给阿利斯太尔·库克先生的杰作稍加几笔,尽管这也许是为百合花上色,费力不讨好。
Candace: Well, requirements are spelled out in the description, and I don't have much to add, really. 该职位的要求在描述中已经一一列出了,我没有什么可补充的了。
Consider scheduling this, depending upon the volume of new posts or articles you add to your site, three to twelve times a year. 根据你给你的站点添加的新帖子或者文章的数量,考虑安排这个备份,一般是每年三到十二次。
Add up your expenditures and figure out ways to cut back, then take a pledge to stick to that budget for at least for a month. 增加你的花费,并且计算出你的削减,然后保证坚持这个计划至少一个月。
For this reason, the point where you add and remove listeners is clearly spelled out in the API. 出于这个原因,添加和除去侦听器的地方应该在API中清晰地注明。
If I had a pill that could promise to add years to your life, you'd probably pay a lot of money for it. 如果我有一颗能保证使你延年益寿的药丸,也许你会愿意为它花很多钱。
I'm trying to see the ways that they overlap with us, and trying to add complexity to the story. . . 我试图去寻找他们与我们相同的地方,让这个故事更加丰富。
In most languages, you just have to add custom checking to make sure one of the allowable items is contained by an instance. 在大多数语言中,您必须添加定制检查以确保可允许项之一由一个实例约束。
The interface is elegant, and the XML data is so easy to create that it's a snap to add dynamic graphing to your page. 它的界面非常优雅,由于很容易创建XML数据,所以很容易将动态图形添加到页面中。
Combined, the results add to the case that the US economy could be digging itself out of the worst recession since the Great Depression. 综合考虑,上述数据加大了美国经济或许正走出大萧条(GreatDepression)以来最严重衰退的可能性。
With older children we try to distract them. If you do the usual holding and comforting, I'm not sure how much sucrose would add. 对于大一点的孩子,我们会试着分散他们的注意力。如果你只是单纯的抱住他们安抚他们,我无法确定到底需要附加多少糖果。
Add that lost time up over a week, a month, a year, and you're looking at a ton of wasted time in China. 将一个星期、一个月、一年等待的时间加起来,你就会发现在中国被浪费掉的时间多的令人发指。
But I must quickly add that I too am just as guilty in the question of the single story. 我在这里不得不指出,我本人也常常被单一的故事蒙蔽双眼。
The report concludes, controversially, that the rules did not add to the pro-cyclical nature of the financial system. 这份报告总结称,会计准则并未计入金融体系的顺周期性。这一结论引起了争议。