
美 [reɪl]英 [reɪl]
  • n.轨道;铁路;铁轨;铁道
  • v.责骂;怒斥;抱怨
  • 网络栏杆;钢轨;导轨

复数:rails 现在分词:railing 过去式:railed

light rail,steel rail


n. v.

1.[c]栏杆;扶手;围栏a wooden or metal bar placed around sth as a barrier or to provide support

2.[c](固定在墙上用以挂物品的)横杆a bar fixed to the wall for hanging things on

4.[u]铁路;铁道railways/railroads as a means of transport


get back on the rails

恢复常轨;东山再起to become successful again after a period of failure, or to begin functioning normally again

go off the rails

举止怪异;行为出轨to start behaving in a strange or unacceptable manner, for example, drinking a lot or taking drugs


新视野大学英语1-4册单词 - 豆丁网 ... cling v. 粘紧,附~,紧贴 206 rail n. 栏杆,铁轨,扶手; tunnel n. 隧道,地下道; ...


初中英语单词大全(不容错过)_中考英语_读书人 ... 1760 rush v 冲;奔跑 1761 rail n 轨道;铁路 1762 railway n (英)铁路 ...


新视野大学英语1-4册单词 - 豆丁网 ... cling v. 粘紧,附~,紧贴 206 rail n. 栏杆,铁轨,扶手; tunnel n. 隧道,地下道; ...


初中英语单词大全(不容错过)_中考英语_读书人 ... 1760 rush v 冲;奔跑 1761 rail n 轨道;铁路 1762 railway n (英)铁路 ...


英语词汇分类(1) - linglong的日志 - 网易博客 ... crossover 渡线,转线轨道 rail 钢轨 track 轨道 ...


电梯专业英语词汇(四) ... radius of curvature 曲率半径 rail 导轨 rail backing 导轨垫 ...


新视野大学英语1-4册单词 - 豆丁网 ... cling v. 粘紧,附~,紧贴 206 rail n. 栏杆,铁轨,扶手; tunnel n. 隧道,地下道; ...

Ken Livingstone, the mayor, said he wanted to take control of other overground rail services as well. 伦敦市长肯-利文斯通(KenLivingstone)表示,他还希望取得其它地面铁路系统的控制权。
China is not the only country interested in selling high-speed rail equipment to the United States. 中国不是唯一对向美国销售高速铁路设备感兴趣的国家。
Justine kept doggedly to her place at the rail until the wharf was a few hard lines and little pink pinheads in the distance. 贾斯丁一直站在扶栏旁,直到码头变成了远处淡淡的几条线和几个小粉红点。
It is the heart of China, pumping the lifeblood of men and material to every other part along capillaries of water, road, and rail. 这里是中国的心脏,向遍布全国各地的水路、公路及铁路脉络旁的地区源源不断地灌输人力和物力。
It's a flush mount instead of a mid-mount so we need to attach the slide rail to the front-most tab on the side of the machine. 这是机器与机架的齐平式安装,不是中间式安装,所以我们得把滑动轨道固定在机器侧面前端的固定片上。
It was devastating to see the simple plywood platform with a rail around it, where the families of the victims had left notes to them. 看着简单的夹板和围栏搭成的平台,真是很让人触动上面还有遇害者的家属留下的话语。
The company expects to have two rail cars restored this winter and hopes to be up and running by early next summer. 这家公司期望在今年冬季修复两节车厢并希望在明年夏初开始投入运营。
"We really need to identify flagship projects and high-speed rail might be one of them, " he said. “我们急需要参与大型的一流项目,高铁正是其中之一。”他说道。
However, he said the railway would form the first leg of a planned "trans-Guinea rail network" . 不过他表示,上述铁路将成为拟议的“跨几内亚铁路网”的首个路段。
The company said details of the project, including which rail sections would go to which companies, had yet to be decided. 该公司还表示,计划细节问题,包括哪一个铁路段会给哪个公司来做也已经敲定。
However, some banks may already be nearing the limits of how much they can lend to rail-sector firms, if not the ministry. 然而,撇开铁道部不说,一些银行能够向铁路相关企业发放的贷款或许已经在接近上限。
With a bit of planning, you can enjoy a perfectly civilized rail journey from Bangkok to Vientiane, Laos , at a fraction of the E&O; price. 你只要稍稍作点计划,就能享受到从曼谷到老挝的万象之间完美文明的铁路之旅,而花费只是东方铁路快车公司收费的一小部分。
On top of that was the 67-mile high-speed rail link, running through south London and Kent - the Garden of England. 紧连着它的是67英里高速铁路联络线,穿过南部伦敦和肯特郡——英国的肥田沃土。
Perhaps the United States could focus on constructing a high-speed rail line or two, or maybe even finish the job on extending health care. 也许美国会集中精力建设一两条高速铁路,或者甚至完成为其国民提供医疗保健的工作。
Those who could not find transportation had to travel the 140 miles to the front on foot, since the rail line had been destroyed. 因为铁路线被毁,那些没有运输工具的士兵只得步行140英里开往前线。
The bottom of a connecting rail is provided with a plurality of notches for increasing flexibility. 为了增加柔性,在连接轨底开有若干处切口。
This aircraft is solely designed to operate with in the AIR RAIL SYSTEM and is not classed as a general purpose aircraft at all. 这架飞机完全是设计用于与空气中的铁路系统,是不是在所有的通用飞机归类。
Rail equipment was shown bent and broken, with a cab of one of the cars pressed into a sharp bend. 画面显示,铁路设备弯曲断裂,其中一辆列车的车厢受压折成很大的角度。
Supporters of a high-speed rail link to the north said the semi-final weekend highlighted the limited capacity of the current rail network. 一些支持建设连接北部高铁的人们称,周末的比赛突显了现在铁路网运能的不足。
The council described the moves as temporary and said the government is still committed to high-speed rail. 国务院称这是暂时的举措,并说政府依然致力于高速铁路建设。
Even as the Rail Ministry announced the policy changes, it was the subject of a rare protest in tightly controlled central Beijing. 尽管铁道部已宣布减速,但在严格管制的中央北京,该计划仍引发了人们些许抗议。
Some cities are trying to build rail systems, but many seem, even so, to be doomed to reliance on buses. 一些城市试着建设铁路系统,但即便如此,许多城市也不得不倚重公交车。
European rail operator said the past few days by cold weather and snow effects, they have to reduce the number of train departure. 欧洲铁路运营商表示,受严寒天气和连日来降雪影响,他们不得不减少火车发车数目。
and then I'm gonna put your dominant hand onto the side of the rail so you could turn over to the side so I could wash you. Okay? 然后我会把你的起支配力量的手放在扶栏侧面上,这样你就能翻到侧面,以便我为你清洗。好吗?
it became, as one banker put it, a bit like a rail company being told it had to know everyone on its trains. 如同一个银行家所说,这就变成有点象铁路公司被告知它必须了解车厢里面的每个人。
He also said the company intends to export its rail equipment and become "one of the leading international signal players. " 他还说,公司有意出口铁路相关设备,成为世界领先的信号设备供应商之一。
"We're right at the start of an opportunity for America to be connected with high-speed, intercity rail, " he said. “为了用高速城市间列车将全美连接在一起,我们找到了一个正确的开端”。
That bought two noodle-making machines and a ticket for a 30-hour rail journey to a remote area of China, rumoured to be untapped territory. 他将钱用来购买了两台面条生产机器以及一张要花30个小时才能到达的去中国边远地区的火车票,那是传说中未被开发的区域。
Mr. Willingham was riding out of the mine in a rail car at the end of his Monday shift when the explosion struck. 爆炸发生时,贝尼正准备下早班,坐着轨道车出矿。
He took off his motorcycle helmet, signed out his yellow miner's hat and boarded a rail cart ferrying workers underground. 他来到矿井后摘下摩托车头盔,签名领取了黄色安全帽,然后乘上一辆运送矿工下井的缆车。