
美 [reɪs]英 [reɪs]
  • n.种族;赛跑;竞争;民族
  • v.(和…)比赛;参加比赛;使比赛;让…参加速度比赛
  • adj.人种的
  • 网络黄婉伶;竞赛

复数:races 现在分词:racing 过去式:raced

win race,run race,enter race,race lose,complete race
close race,exciting race,important race,ancient race,competitive race


n. v.


1.[c]~ (between A and B).~ (against sb)赛跑;速度竞赛a competition between people, animals, vehicles, etc. to see which one is the faster or fastest

2.[sing]竞争;角逐a situation in which a number of people, groups, organizations, etc. are competing, especially for political power or to achieve sth first

马for horses

3.[pl]赛马会a series of horse races that happen at one place on a particular day


4.[c][u]人种;种族one of the main groups that humans can be divided into according to their physical differences, for example the colour of their skin

5.[c]民族a group of people who share the same language, history, culture, etc.


6.[c]种;属;类;族a breed or type of animal or plant


a race against time/the clock

和时间赛跑;抢时间;争分夺秒a situation in which you have to do sth or finish sth very fast before it is too late


种族主义(Racism)简单点说,就是强调人类作为一个物种(species),是有不同种族(race)之分,而更重要的是,不同种族之间是 …


人教版九年级上册英语单词表 ... achieve 实现 race 比赛 realistic 实际的 ...


人体部位名称 ... dash 猛冲 race 赛跑 parade 游行 ...


黄婉伶吧_百度贴吧- 2R 细妹黄婉伶Race ) 早前推出首本散文加写真集《 伶‧ 开始》 , 她前日出席一个化妆活动时直言很 …


2013年七年级英语下册-6单元单词_百度文库 ... young 幼小的,年轻的 race 竞赛 any 任何一个.任一的 ...


人字的解释---在线新华字典 ... 人中〖 philtrum〗 人种race〗 人众〖 crowd〗 ...


英语—医学 ... Person to notify and phone No.[ 联系人及电话] Race[ 民族] I.D.No.[ 身份证] ...

"We're supposed to stay behind the last runner, so take it slowly, " I said to the driver, Doug, as the race started. “我们应该在最后赛跑者之后停留,因此慢慢地采取它”,我对司机,道格说,因为种族开始了。
Similar things happen all the time, but humankind can't afford this sort of race to the bottom. 类似的事情从来一直都在发生,但是人类承受不了这种”朝安全性的低处“的竞赛。
I was trying to catch Edwards because I thought it would've been nice to have a last-lap race with him, but I didn't quite get to him. 我试图追赶Edwards,我觉得和他最后一圈一决雌雄那会很精彩,可最后没能实现。
Follow these tips, and no one will be pulling you out of the pool with a crane at the end of your race. 遵从这些建议,在比赛结束后,你应该不会再需要找一台起重机把你从泳道上吊出来了!
Race spectators around the world will continue to see the name of the renowned CERTINA brand on the pit-stop-lane lollipop. 世界各地的赛车观众将继续在停车站的信号牌上看到著名的CERTINA品牌。
"The long-term survival of the human race is at risk as long as it is confined to a single plannet, " he explained. 只要被禁锢在一个单一的星球上,人类的长期生就是存危机四伏的。
Although no one is happy to have their pay cut, many seem to like a brief break from the rat race. 虽然没人愿意让自己的薪金缩水,但是很多人从你死我活的竞争中偷了一会闲。
Yet he never ceased to scold the human race. Poe likewise, in his criticism, is forever nagging at other authors. 然而他从未停止谴责人类。坡和他一样,在批评中永远在挑剔别的作家。
Along other demographic lines, tablets mostly mirror the general population in terms of gender, race and political ideology. 与其他人口划分同步,平板电脑大致可以反映出一般人群的性别、种族和意识形态。
Two of the last race of the debate is no longer in their respective stand on the rostrum, but at the same table and sit close battle front. 两人在最后一场辩论中不再各自站在讲台后,而是同台而坐近距离正面交锋。
If I could sit here on Saturday and complain about traffic I would race and that would be fine for me. 如果我周四会坐在这里抱怨交通,我就能比赛了,那样对我来说是一件好事。
The Delegation disagreed with that and added that it was more akin to passing the baton in a relay race. 该代表团不同意这一观点,并补充说,提案更像是赛跑中传递接力棒。
I have some amazing memories from Silverstone over the years and it feels really sad that this might be the last time that we race there. 过去几年我在银石有着激动人心的过往回忆,想到这或许是我们最后一次在这里比赛就心疼。
if the race distance was dkm, by how much time did the winner beat the loser? 如果路程是十米,要打败对手需要花多少时间?蒂米赢得了比赛。
They were a race known for having a fierce sense of self-determination and an equally dominant need for independence. 他们是一种拥有独立意识,并且渴望取得种族的独立和自治权利的物种。
To me that is not the achievement of any nation of individual solely but of the human race in general. 对我而言你,这不是某一个国家的成就,而是属于全人类的。
When he sees that no one else has given up on him, he finishes the race and is celebrated just as if he were the victor. 看到没有一个人放弃,男孩儿完成了比赛并象胜利者一样与大家一同庆贺。
To succeed in such a race, vehicles first have to plot a fast and feasible route for the long journey ahead. 若要赢得这项比赛,车辆得先为前方的漫长路途,规划出一条快速且可行的路线。
Through the wind and technically more than once, Cheng step of starting at every stage of the race " " have gone a step further in. 历经多次技改后,郑步良的企业开始在每个阶段的“赛跑”中都领先一步。
Give up trying to fit the mold of your race, astrological sign, job title, religious group, political party or other erroneous associations. 放弃强迫自己去符合那些种族星座职位宗教政治附加给你的那些你并不想要的社会角色。
This category deals specifically with race-orientated yachts, which are unlikely to be used for any other reason. 特别是与种族本分类处理为导向的游艇,这是不太可能用于任何其他原因。
In such a race to the bottom, none of the participants can gain a lasting competitive edge. 当这个竞赛竞争到底,每一个参与者都不会得到什么竞争优势。
After a month, school sports meeting, he never did not expect, students should recommend him to attend a kilometer long distance race. 一个月后,学校要开运动会,他做梦也没有想到,同学们竟推荐他去参加一千米长跑比赛。
The last is all the more striking as neighbours to the north race to attract business. 在其北部邻居竞相吸引商业之际,非国大的态度显得愈发引人注目。
He described these talks as his first attempt to understand the complicated questions about race that were beginning to rise in his mind. 他把这些谈话看作是对脑袋里不断出现的关于种族这个复杂的问题的第一次尝试。
"We are in a position now that we are able to take the lead of the championship if we win one race, " he said. “我们现在在一个领奖台,我们如果赢得一场比赛我们就可以在积分榜上取得领先,”他说道。
He has a very winning way about him and I respect if he's going to stay in the race. 他的风格很能赢得人心,而如果他继续参加竞选,我也会尊重他。
Biedermann just took off, he took it to a new level in that race, that's a good swim for him. 比德尔曼赶了上来,他将比赛带入了一个全新的高度,他游得真不错。
They'll never be able to stop using the word "race" as a cultural determinant. 他们永远不能停止使用“种族”这个词汇来进行文化区分。
The drunken driver now began to imagine that they were trying to race him, and became fired with the determination to pass them. 那醉酒的车夫却以为他们想和他比赛,好胜心顿时大发,决意超过他们。