
美 [.eɪ 'aɪ]英 [.eɪ 'aɪ]
  • n.【动】三趾树懒;【女名】女子名
  • int.
  • 网络人工智能(Artificial Intelligence);艾;适宜摄入量(adequate intake)



人工智能(Artificial Intelligence)

人工智能(AI)课件人工智能(AI)课件隐藏>>你可能喜欢 文档信息 xlblank贡献于2011-03-30 贡献者等级:手不释卷 四级 格式:pp…

如何根据中文名起英文名_百度文库 ... 许/徐/荀- -Shun/Hui/Hsu - -Ai 敖- -Ao B ...

适宜摄入量(adequate intake)


绘图软件(Adobe Illustrator)

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凋亡指数(apoptotic index)

...0 个细胞中的阳性凋亡细胞,以阳性细胞的百分率表示凋亡指数AI)。

禽流感(Avian Influenza)

...的影响及对策 禽流感对南京高淳养禽业的影响及对策 禽流感ai)是禽流行性感冒的简称,是由a 型禽流行性感冒病毒引起 …

人工授精(artificial insemination)

...授精是目前发展比较成熟的人类辅助生殖技术之一,所谓人工授精(AI)是指用人工的方式将精液注入到女性的子宫内以取代性 …

Back at school, Sayaka confronts Ai at the soccer field or something and asks her to leave her and WG alone. 回到学校,面对早矢香在足球场上什么的爱,叫她单独离开她和工作组。
Ai-ling Zhang was the legend of the times as the outlandish clothes she wore. But the legendary female was desolate from her heart. 张爱玲像她身上所穿的奇装异服一样是那个时代的传奇,但这位颇具传奇色彩的女子,其内心是凄凉的、孤独的。
Ai, I could not describe, Angkor, or to ask your own? 艾,我也说不清,吴哥,还是你自己来问吧。
Artificial Intelligence (or AI, for short) is the name given to any attempt to have computers gain attributes of the human mind. 人工智能(缩写为AI)这个名称来源于一些想让计算机拥有某些人类智能属性的尝试。
A member of Mr Ai's family said at least one of his associates remains in custody, after being detained on Sunday. 周日,在警方搜查艾未未的北京住宅和工作室后,他的妻子和八名雇员曾遭到短暂扣留。
Ai Fusha good anti-wrinkle composition, the general effect of 3 days to see a month down the enemy to protect you happy to do the bride. 艾弗莎抗皱组合不错,一般3天能看出效果,一个月下去保你的冤家快快乐乐做新娘。
Artist and social activist Ai Weiwei recently referred to Twitter as "a ray of light" in "a very dark room. " 最近,艺术家、社会活动家艾未未把Twitter形容为“非常黑暗的房间里的一束光”。
The Children of Israel had been victorious at Jericho and later at Ai. It would be easy to think they could go on in the same way. 以色列民已经先后攻破耶利哥和艾城,我们很容易便会以为,他们将继续节节取胜,把敌人彻底歼灭。
Heng Ai sincerely look forward to your joining. Willing to work with you to new heights, share glory. 恒爱照明真诚期待你的加盟。愿与您再创佳绩,共享辉煌。
He said they were now going to work on the AI and that they'll have till winter to work on that. 他说他们从现在开始直到冬季都将要做AI方面的工作。
"His stance is too close to that of the authorities, " sniffed dissident artist Ai Weiwei on his blog. “他的立场和官方太接近了。”持不同政见的艺术AiWeiwei在他博客上写道。
Iverson said he's out for much more than just showing the world he and Anthony can get along without butting heads. AI则说,他已经向全世界说明了,他和安东尼不仅不用冲突,相反可以相处的很好。
"Ai Weiwei is all fine now, " Lu said. "His health is good, and his mood is okay. It's really been a unique experience for him. " 路青说,艾未未现在很好,健康状况和心情都不错,这次入狱对他说一次独特的经历。
Around the time of his father's death in 1996, Ai's career began to blossom. 1996年他父亲去世前后,艾未未的事业开始风生水起。
In Hotseat, you see the movement of any AI players that take their turn between the last human player and you. 在热坐模式中,你可以看到全部AI对所有人类玩家进行的行动了。
Now the AI can look behind enemy lines without having to resort to any of those crutches that annoy players so much. 现在的人工智能可以期待敌后,而不必诉诸任何拐杖说,这些球员如此多的烦恼。
When Duke Ai discussed with Confucius about the way of managing state, the human resource was one of the inevitable topics. 鲁哀公与孔子讨论治国之方时,不免谈到用人方面的事。
Ai says that it's too bad things turned out like this, because she always secretly sort of liked WG. 爱说,这太糟糕的事情出现这样的情况,因为她总是喜欢偷偷样的工作组。
Disillusioned, Mr. Ai and other members of the group began to look for ways to leave China. 理想破灭后,艾未未和该团体的其他成员开始想办法离开中国。
Ai had intended to open up a studio in the German capital and had an exhibition planned for the end of the month. 艾打算在德国首都建立工作室,并且在月末有一个展览计划。
Die, Ai Zai, see him flee ignominiously, be defeated and flee of appearance, certain have already affirmed me to be a sex wolf. 呜呼,哀哉,看他抱头鼠窜,落荒而逃的样子,一定已经认定我是女色狼了。
Not a man remained in Ai or Bethel who did not go after Israel. They left the city open and went in pursuit of Israel. 艾城和伯特利城没有一人不出来追赶以色列人的,撇了敞开的城门,去追赶以色列人。
WG says that's enough, but Big Sis tells her to shut up before going back to making out with Ai. WG的说,够了,但是大姐姐告诉她闭嘴然后返回正与艾了起来。
Since the Imp is not a tank, the AI was smart enough to make the Imp move out of harm's way as he nuked from range. 因为小鬼不是一辆坦克,AI足够聪明,让小鬼移到了伤害距离之外从远处攻击。
Remember that as a teenager you are ai the last stage in your life when you will be happy to hear that the phone is for you. 记住,作为青少年,你正处于一生中的这样一个最后阶段:听到有电话找你就会高兴.(莱博依茨)
IBM's solution seems to be the most mature so far being based on Watson technology, an AI system that beat two of the best Jeopardy! IBM的解决方案是迄今为止看起来最为成熟的,基于Watson技术,这是一个AI系统,它打败了两名今年的Jeopardy!
Artist and activist Ai Weiwei, who has vowed to list the names of all the student victims, said the figure "is far from the truth" . 艺术家和积极参与者艾未未说:“数字和事实有很大的差距。”他曾发誓要把全体遇难学生的名单整理出来。
However, all of the experimental evidence seems to indicate a bright future for search-based AI applied to hard problems in robotics. 然而,一切试验证据似乎表明了研究中的人工智能在(解决)机器人遇到的困难问题前景光明。
In Taipei, Taiwan's capital, cleaner Wu Jen-ai was buying sausages but said the gloomy economy was forcing her to cut back. 在台湾的商业中心台北市,清洁工吴金爱正在购买香肠,但是她说经济的不景气使得她不得不缩减了开支。
They booed him, as if to say, Hey, no offense AI, but you know all we've ever wanted is a winner. 他们嘘他,仿佛在说:嗨,没有禽流感的进攻,但你知道,我们曾经希望是一个胜利者。