
美 [əkˈsept]英 [ək'sept]
  • v.接受;承认;容纳;理解
  • 网络良浆;合格品;合格木片

第三人称单数:accepts 现在分词:accepting 过去式:accepted

accept offer,accept invitation,accept responsibility,accept proposal,accept gift
gladly accept,readily accept,willingly accept,gratefully accept,reluctantly accept



造纸&机械专业英语_百度文库 ... screen eylinden 筛 Accepts 合格品,良浆 Accepts nozzle 良浆出口 ...


造纸&机械专业英语_百度文库 ... screen eylinden 筛 Accepts 合格品,良浆 Accepts nozzle 良浆出口 ...


请给出详细说明,越详细越好 谢了_百度知道 ... 3. prefer. prefer to do sth. 更喜欢做.... 5. accepts 接受 6. means 意味着 ...


法律英语... ... such as to be commonly understood 足以令一般人明了所指 accepts 承认 dealing as consumer 以消费者身分交 …


单词汉译英_dcs1249_新浪博客 ... 污水 effluent 合格木片 accepts 溶解 dissolve ...


... IDS_SF_REQUESTS " 已要求" IDS_SF_ACCEPTS " 已接受要求" IDS_SF_TRANSFERRED " 已传输资料" ...


..."交付(delivery )" 首先意味著此买家"承受(accepts )"此同一"C"的本质 - 条件, 即该当货物装运时此买主履行他的义务并且, 其次 …

However, whether an audience accepts an idea is often less about the idea itself than about how you present it. 然而,听众接受一个建议更关注的是你怎么样提出建议的方式,而不是这个建议本身的好坏。
FAR from being a passive container, the human uterus seems to be highly selective about which embryos it accepts. 人类子宫远不是一个被动的容器,看来它对所接受的胚胎十分挑剔。
"They were very rough, " she said, adding that she is fortunate that her family accepts her, unlike the case for some of her friends. 她说,“他们很粗暴。”她补充说,她很幸运,因为家人接受她,而她的一些朋友却并不为家庭所接受。
When a torque is applied to a body, potential energy is imparted to the body, which accepts it in the form of kinetic energy. 当物体上作用一力矩时,把位能给予了这个物体,物体以动能的形式接受这位能。
In the event that the Queen accepts, I shall advise her to invite the leader of the Opposition to form a government. 如果女王接受我的辞呈,我将建议她邀请反对派领导人组建政府。
So it becomes difficult for anyone who accepts capitalism to say any of these people do not deserve their wealth. 因此,假如大家接受了资本主义的原则,那么就很难质疑其中有人不配享用大笔财富。
LINK accepts the command-file input as if it were specified in that location on the command line. LINK接受命令文件输入,如同它是在命令行中的那个位置指定的一样。
Ailin's father accepts Ailin's desire to keep her feet unbound, despite the fact it will make it harder for her to marry. 爱林的父亲接受爱林的愿望,把自己的脚未绑定,尽管事实上它将使更难她求婚。
Michael Carrick has been pleased with his own performances this season, but he accepts that it won't earn him a permanent place in the team. 迈克尔。卡里克对自己本赛季的表现感到高兴,但他接受这并不能为自己的赢得一个主力位置。
The mode parameter that each of the four regex functions accepts should be a string of up to three characters, out of four possible modes. 四个regex函数中的每个函数可以接受的模式参数都应该是一个最多三个字符的字符串,且不属于四种可能的模式。
He said that Russia accepts American primacy in the world, but that this primacy requires prudent restraint and caution. 他表示俄罗斯接受美国在世界上的优越性,但这种优越性需要谨慎克制。
Jane accepts the break with outward composure, but soon visits heR aunt, Mrs. Gardiner, in London, hoping to see Bingley theRe by chance. 洁英表面上镇静地接受了这一关系的中断,但不久便去伦敦探望她的姑母加德纳夫人,希望在那里能邂逅彬格莱。
Another study showed that most black teenagers felt it is fine to force sex on a girl if you know her or if she accepts a drink from you. 另外一份研究显示,大多数黑人青年觉得强迫一个女孩子与其发生性关系也是正常的,如果你认识她或者她愿意接受你手中的酒杯。
A proxy server that accepts connection requests from anyone anywhere and forwards the traffic as if it has originated from the local hosts. 一种代理服务器,可以接受来自任意人员以及任意位置的连接请求,并按照源于本地主机的通信方式来转发通信。
LINK no longer accepts a semicolon (or any other character) as the start of a comment in response files and order files. LINK不再接受分号(或任何其他字符)作为响应文件和顺序文件中注释的开始。
ECS accepts names for added elements -- a concept similar to that of a key in java. util. Hashtable. ECS接受添加元素的名字——这个概念类似于java.util.Hashtable中的键。
Benitez accepts it has been a disappointing season - but the Spaniard is adamant his side will continue to fight for a top four finish. 贝尼特斯承认这是一个失望的赛季,但是西班牙人承诺他的球队将继续为英超前四而奋斗。
SFE accepts a single operand to its right. The operand must be the name of a relocatable segment. SFE在其右边接收一个操作数。操作数必须是一个可重定位段的段名。
The second stage, if it is clear that Hamas accepts Fatah's peaceful approach, would be to pull it into a revived peace process. 如果哈马斯确定会接受法塔赫的议和,第二阶段就是引导哈马斯重新展开和平进程。
Let us hope that from his first acts as President he accepts and lives up to this beautiful responsibility. 我们希望当他正式作为美国总统后,他能履行这个美丽的职责。
The passenger that this program can let wish of purpose accepts an inspection ahead of schedule, reduce the number that queues up to await. 这个程序能让有意愿的乘客提前接受检查,减少排队等待的人数。
Dalglish accepts there will be some movement in and out but he will not settle for anything less than the best in terms of new arrivals. 加下必有转会运作,但是在新援方面也不会勉强同意非最好的球员加盟!
And unless it accepts sharply intrusive inspections, the IAEA will have no better chance of getting to the bottom of its nuclear intentions. 除非伊朗接受观察员的入境检查,否则国际原子能组织没有更好的选择去查明伊朗真实内部的核武器意图。
Shine on her to see, this king accepts Zu to compare quilt hand the handle knob teaches out of Xu Si Zhun will talk, behaviour. 照她看来,这个王承祖可比被人手把手教出来的徐嗣谆都会说话、行事。
Let us pray for a compassionate heart and strong Biblical stand in a society that accepts that " prostitution is better than poverty " . 处在「笑贫不笑娼」社会里,我们求主让信徒心怀怜悯,同时能够坚守圣经的原则和立场。
He accepts now that I'm quite sane-- at least, as far as that term goes, these days its limits seem to be narrowing. 他现在承认我是心智健全的——至少,从字面意义而言,如今它的界限似乎正在缩。
Once the young man admits his guilt to his new wife and accepts his own criminal nature, he is able to satisfy his hunger and fall asleep. 而一旦这个年轻人向新婚妻子承认罪过,承认自己的犯罪本性,他的饥饿感就得到了满足,可以入睡了。
Yet, at last, senior people say that Brown has acknowledged the problem, and that he accepts that it begins with him. 最近,资深人士终于称布朗已经认识到了问题,并且承认他是问题的根源。
Does not have to imply that SUPINFO Paris accepts the responsibility for it or that of its products or services. 不能让读者认为SUPINFO巴黎对此网站及其产品或服务负责。
Whether one accepts this interpretation, other information helps us to judge Einstein's language abilities after he began to speak. 无论人们是否接受这一解释,还有其他一些信息可以帮助我们对爱因斯坦开口说话之后的语言能力做一个判断。