
美 [pæk]英 [pæk]
  • v.包;包装;〈美〉把…装罐头;填满(空隙)
  • n.包;冰袋;容器;行李
  • adj.包装用的;搬运用的;由驮运牲畜组成的;填满了的
  • 网络背包;军品背包;身包

复数:packs 现在分词:packing 过去式:packed

pack bag


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dedecms内容模型使用教程 _飓风资讯 ... 纸 张 pages 包 装 packs 内容简介 body ...


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[始祖鸟军品背包(Packs)]“我爱你”创意表白日廖嘉慰策划专属浪漫 [始祖鸟军品冲锋衣(Jackets)]广 东 哪 里 可 以 买 到 迷 昏 药 [...


默认搜索页-申城单车-淘宝网 ... 车包 / Bags 身包 / Packs 娱乐系统 / Entertainment ...


《Frie... ... fault n. 过错, 缺点, 故障, 毛病 packs n. 包裹, <贬>一群, 一副, 背包, 包装 hardens vt. 使变硬, 使坚强, 使冷酷 ...

Rayrider design - hexapod robot 六足机器人 ... mAh( 微安培小时) packs( ) volts( 伏特) ...


《Frie... ... fault n. 过错, 缺点, 故障, 毛病 packs n. 包裹, <贬>一群, 一副, 背包, 包装 hardens vt. 使变硬, 使坚强, 使冷酷 ...

The company is now the world's biggest maker of the instant noodles, selling 20 billion packs a year. 日清公司现在是世界上最大的方便面生产商,每年的销售量为200亿包方便面。
One out of every five of the American population packs up his things and goes to live somewhere else. 每五个美国人中就有一个打包装箱,搬往别的地方居住生活。
Howling serves to bring packs together and signal the start of a hunt, or it may be part of waking up in the morning. 啸声服务,使包起来的信号是一个良好的开始捕猎,也可能被部分苏醒,在上午举行。
Both sites automatically detect Office and prompt you to install updates and service packs that bring Office programs up to date. 这两个网站会自动检测Office,并提示您安装使Office程序保持最新的更新和ServicePack。
"I smoke three packs of cigarettes a day, " he said. "I also drink a case of whiskey a week, eat fatty foods, and never exercise. " “每天抽三包烟,”他说,“一礼拜喝一箱威士忌,吃高脂肪量食品,从不锻炼!”
Within the next few days I realized all of my friends who used to smoke, even those who burned through two or more packs a day, had stopped. 接下来的几天,我发现我几乎所有之前吸烟的朋友,甚至那些一天两包或者更多的人,都戒了。
She said the images contained in books and teaching packs had to be seen in the context of a lesson rather than on their own. 她认为教科书和教学包里的图片应该在课程的大背景下来看,而不是被单独拿出来看。
Cave blasting up a method is the method which packs a great deal of explosive into the cave and the tunnel to carry on blasting up. 硐室爆破法是将大量炸药装入硐室和巷道中进行爆破的方法。
Suits and air packs are meant to keep radioactive particles off the skin and out of the lungs until the workers return to a safer area. 防护服和空气包的作用是要防止那些放射性微粒沾染上人们的皮肤,同时防止被吸入肺内,直到工人们返回至安全一点的地方。
Office Update automatically detects Office and prompts you to install updates and service packs that bring Office programs up-to-date. OfficeUpdate会自动检测Office,并提示您安装使Office程序保持最新的更新和ServicePack。
She always packs the children off to bed at about nine. 她总是在9时左右打发孩子们上床睡觉。
You may have stayed away from running belts because you think they look too much like fanny packs and, trust me, I had the same thoughts. 你可能曾经对跑步腰带毫无兴趣,因为他们看起来太像腰包了,相信我,其实我也这么想过。
I smoke three packs a day, drink a case of whiskey a week, eat fatty foods and never, ever exercise. 我每天抽三包烟,每周喝一箱威士忌,吃高脂肪食品,而且从来不曾锻炼。
In the 1980s its swift recall of Tylenol capsules, after some packs had been laced with poison, made it a model for crisis management. 80年代,强生召回泰诺胶囊,原因是部分药品包含有毒物质,召回速度之迅速使其成为危机管理的楷模。
It was no longer able to hunt with the packs. It even feared its own kind, but now it stalked the man, waiting for him to die. 看来是有病,不能跟狼群猎食,它甚至害怕自己的同类,但是现在它悄悄靠近这个人,等他死亡。
Some complained they had not been able to fire enough rounds to lighten their heavy packs. 一些官兵抱怨说他们没有办法进行足够次数开火,以减轻他们厚重的弹药包。
Stora Enso has launched a new packaging laminate to make blister packs theft-proof but easy to open. 斯道拉恩索公司已经推出了新的包装,使泡罩板包装防盗,但很容易打开。
You know, I've been smoking twenty years now and giving up my four packs a day is hard to do. 可是你要知道,我抽烟已经有二十年啦,要戒掉一天四包烟的习惯可是很难的事。
It packs a laser pointer, video camera, taser, and armored plate, all ready to keep you safe when danger rears its ugly head. 它内置激光棒,摄像机,电击枪和金属护甲。在危险临头时,能保护你的安全。
The new packs were sent to Afghanistan last week to be tried out by personnel in all armed forces across the next three months. 新的食品袋已于上周送到阿富汗前线,那里的武装士兵将会试吃三个月。
Getting your furniture home couldn't be easier! Flat packs are easy to transport. You get it all home today and save money too. 把您的货品运回家很简单!大部分家具采用平板式包装,很容易搬运。
The deal builds upon a previous agreement between the two companies whereby Tesla would provide battery packs for an electric Smart car. 该协议建立在一个前两家公司之间的协议,即特斯拉将提供电池的电动智能汽车。
The introduction packs a great deal of information into a small space. 短短的序言中包含了大量信息。
Update Installer: Enables you to apply different service packs or individual fixes to a WebSphere Application Server installation. UpdateInstaller:允许您将不同的servicepack或单个修复程序安装到WebSphereApplicationServer。
One specific technique packs more sectors into a block than pages provided for that block. 一种特定的技术将多个区段装入一个区块,而不是装入为该区块提供的页面。
These percentage ratio should be used for other sample quantities and will minimise the waste and cost of damaging retail packs. 这一比例也适用于其它抽样数量,可以减少浪费及损坏零售包装材料的成本。
On high-performance packaging machines, the hinge-lid packs are produced in two production tracks running next to one another. 在高效能的包装机上,折页盖包装盒是在两条相互领接运行的轨道上进行生产。
Others use firearms or leave poisoned meat in the forest, silently killing packs of up to 20 bonobos at a time. 另一些人用火器或在丛林中放置有毒的肉,一次可以悄悄地杀死多达20只倭黑猩猩。
His first night in the joint, Andy Dufresne cost me two packs of cigarettes. He never made a sound. . . 安迪。杜弗兰入狱的头一个晚上,就让我输了两包烟。他,始终一言未发。
"It has always been our goal to deliver service packs that meet the full spectrum of customer needs, " the spokesperson said. 此发言人说:“我们的目标一直是开发出能全面满足用户需求的升级包。”