
美 [eɪm]英 [eɪm]
  • n.目标;目的;瞄准
  • v.瞄准;旨在;针对;对准
  • abbr.(=American Indian Movement)美国印第安人运动
  • 网络美国在线(AOL Instant Messenger);另类投资市场(Alternative Investment Market);伦敦另类投资市场

第三人称单数:aims 现在分词:aiming 过去式:aimed

main aim,ultimate aim,basic aim,primary aim,clear aim
achieve aim,reach aim,accomplish aim,aim blow,serve aim


n. v.

1.[c]目的;目标the purpose of doing sth; what sb is trying to achieve

2.[u]瞄准the action or skill of pointing a weapon at sb/sth


take aim at sb/sth

把目标对准某人(或某事物);把批评的矛头指向某人(或某事物)to direct your criticism at sb/sth


牛津初中英语词汇表_百度文库 ... A-3-56 aid 帮助 8 B-6-98 aim 目的,目标 8 B-6-97 air 空气 7 ...


牛津初中英语词汇表_百度文库 ... A-3-56 aid 帮助 8 B-6-98 aim 目的,目标 8 B-6-97 air 空气 7 ...


九年级英语单词表 ... pros and cons 正面和反面 aim 瞄准 aim at 瞄准;针对 ...

美国在线(AOL Instant Messenger)

首页 -> 软件分类 -> 联络聊天 -> 聊天工具 -> AOL Instant Messenger (AIM)广告联系|版权声明|下载帮助|软件发布|镜 …

另类投资市场(Alternative Investment Market)

伦敦的另类投资市场AIM)是个类似美国纳斯达克的创业板市场,这是个很有趣的市场。世界各地有各种各样新业务的公司都 …


高考英语常见单词_百度文库 ... aid n. 帮助,救护,助手 aim vi. 瞄准,针对,致力 aircraft n. 飞机,飞行器 ...


  已于伦敦另类投资市场(AIM)及澳洲悉尼上市的瑞祥资源,即将开始兴建其在黑龙江的金矿项目.  一名消息人士表示,瑞祥资源的黑 …

and, with this end and aim, he condescendingly commanded Oliver to assist him in his toilet, straightway. 出于这一目的,他居然赏脸,命令奥立弗帮助他梳妆打扮一下。
He likes the place lively, like fashion, like the noise, also like to see when beautiful MM, secretly took aim at the one. 他喜欢热闹的地方,喜欢时尚,喜欢喧哗,也喜欢看到漂亮MM时,偷偷的瞄上一眼。
As a realistic dramatist , he took the morden social issues as his subjects with the aim of directing social reforms. 作为一位现实主义剧作家,他在作品中探讨现代社会问题,旨在引导社会变革。
Kenny did not want the manager's position for pride and glory but his aim was to help the club in this moment of crisis. 国王当然不会贪念主帅位置的虚荣,他想做的是在危难中拯救俱乐部。
But, somehow, none of that adds up to me, to what I think India really can aim contribute in the world, in this part of the 21st century. 但是,不知何故,所有的事一起呈现出來,我都不认为,印度为21世纪做出了真正的贡献。
There are, no doubt, modern philanthropists with the same aim, but it would not be fair to place Mr Bloomberg among them. 无疑,一些当代慈善家也怀着同样的目的,但将布隆伯格归在其中是不公平的。
In his speech, he said his government has what he describes as "a sincere aim for developing the country without any cravings for power. " 丹瑞在讲话中表示,他的政府是一个“对国家发展有着真诚目标,但对权力却没有任何欲望”的政府。
Reporters take great pride in their news coverage and front-page news in the only things they seem to aim at. 记者们很为他们的报道自豪,他们的目标就在于发头版消息。
My main aim is to be part of the first team set-up this season, but I'm happy to go on loan if the manager wants me to. 我希望本赛季能在一线队取得机会,但如果爵爷发话的话也很高兴租借出去。
Protests are proliferating across the world. Their aim is not obvious. Nor is how much they matter. 抗议活动正扩散至全世界。这些活动没有明确目标,也没有太大意义。
Four years of college and four years work experience, let me clear aim, mature, high efficiency to deal with things. 四年的大学学习和四年的工作经验,让我成熟稳重,目标明确,处理事情效高效。
This thesis intends to illustrate the aim and nature of American cultural diplomacy with a case study. 本文采用案例分析法来论证美国文化的目标和实质。
Mr. FISHER: Well, my aim in this book and in the books that I write is I'm trying to make science accessible. Fisher先生:嗯,我写这本书的目的在书里也有写是,努力把科学讲的容易理解。
Our aim is to provide a very basic cheat sheet so you can at least wade through the basics and talk to the salespeople intelligently. 我们的目的在于提供一个非常基础的介绍,这样你至少能了解一些粗略的知识,跟销售员交谈的时候显得聪明一些。
My aim for the last part of the season is to win more races and to perform regularly at the front. 我的目标是本赛季后半阶段可以赢得更多的比赛,跑在前面的时候可以表现得稳定。
All you need to do is to aim your trigger at the red ball image, then the ball will act as if it were light and hit the red ball. 只要把发射器对准镜内红球的影像,白球便会依循光的反射路线击中红球。
Clinton says talks can be concluded within a year, with an aim to create a Palestinian state next to Israel. 克林顿说,和谈可能在一年内结束,其目的是在以色列旁建立一个巴列斯坦国。
Thus Nicolas Sarkozy a few years ago, when crafting the image of a crusading politician ready to take aim at France's elite. 几年前的尼古拉.萨科奇如是说:当时的他正在打造一个坚定不移对抗法国精英主义的政客形象。
Part of the aim was to establish a standard that all the factions had a stake in, and thus suppress the RSS wars. 部分目的是建立一个顾及各种派别的标准,从而平息RSS纷争。
Hesitating only a moment, Annie had Wilhelm hold the cigarette in his hand and not his mouth, took aim, and fired. 安妮略一犹豫,请威廉用手拿着香烟而不是叼在嘴里,然后瞄准、开枪。
With any other issue, the answer might be to aim for more modest goals or a limited agreement between the largest players. 无论其它还有什么问题,解决办法或许是制定更温和的目标,或者是在最主要的国家之间达成一项有限的协议。
Ballot said the primary aim of the computer link between Dutch and Indonesia was to raise public awareness of the apes and their plight. 巴洛特说,在荷兰和印度尼西亚间建立猩猩约会网路的主要目的是唤起公众对猩猩及其困境的关注。
And, with bonus season fast approaching, he took one final, sweeping aim at the high rollers of "casino capitalism" . 随着奖金季节的临近,他把目标对准那些“赌场资本主义”的豪客。
The aim, in part, of any warm-up to an exercise routine is to increase the body temperature gradually. 开始日常锻炼之前,所有热身运动的一部分目的是逐渐增加体温。
The aim is for the company in North America to be able to break even in a domestic market with annual sales of 10m vehicles. 公司在北美的目标是在国内打破年销量1千万辆的指标。
The declared aim is always to make publicly funded knowledge available to the public quickly and free of charge (or at least, affordable). 公布的目标始终是,以公帑资助的知识,应快速、免费的(或至少是经济实惠的)提供给公众。
There's no doubt it's difficult, but one thing we aim for is to make sure we make the long term decisions to increase profitability. 毫无疑问这是困难的,但有一点我们的目标是确保我们作出长期决定,以增加盈利。
Taking a simple everyday example like an email service, I aim to discuss the various aspects that lead to a great forms structure. 拿注册电子邮件帐户做例子,我旨在探讨影响一个表单的结构和设计的诸多方面。
Nevertheless, if the aim of the exercise was to restore confidence in the US banking system, the early signs are that it has worked. 不过,如果演习的目的是恢复人们对美国银行体系的信心,早期信号显示这行之有效。
Mr. Samuelson, in a March interview with The Wall Street Journal, took aim at those trying to quell the financial crisis. 萨缪尔森今年3月在接受《华尔街日报》采访时谈到了努力平息金融危机的那些人。