as far as

  • na.远到;就;尽;至于
  • 网络远至;直到;就…而言

as far asas far as

as far as


英语新词汇与常用词汇的翻译(A) ... as far as know 据我所知 as far as 远到 as fast as one's legs could carry 拼命跑 ...


大学英语四级常用词组 ... a far cry 遥远的距离 as far as … 那么远,直到;至于 far and away 大大…;无疑地 ...


大学英语四级常用词组 ... as far as concerned 就...而言 as far as 远至,到...程度 as for 至于,关于 ...


高分求助_百度知道 ... C、as long as 只要 D、as far as 就...而言;直到 B、at be good at 的比较级形式 ...


高中英语常用固定短语_百度知道 ... so as to 以便 as far as 远至…,就…而言 at a time 一次,每次 ...


专四高频词汇 - 豆丁网 ... as far as ……be concerned 就……而言 as far as 远至,到……程度 as for 至于,关于 ...


大学英语三级词汇 - 豆丁网 ... as a rule 通常,照例 as far as 远到;就…而言,至于 as follows 如下 ...


九年级英语上册词组集 ... 30. because of + 名/代/动名词 由于/因为 far as 就……来说,至于 3.millions of 数百万的 ...

All she could see at the beach was the ocean, the sky, clouds and the horizon stretching as far as she could see in a 360-degree view. 从海滩她所能见到的就是海洋、天空、云、以及那360度的视角无限延伸的地平线。
As far as I understand it, a "huddle" is supposed to be the Google+ alternative to group texting services. 据我所知,“集群”是google+在为集群短信服务作准备。
As far as I can tell, the young white woman had been raped and she was certain, if mistaken, about the face and the voice of her assailant. 据我了解,那个年轻的白种女人已经被强奸了,那是否,她可能搞错了那个攻击者的脸和声音。
Perhaps they would go as far as Paris, and it would do his eyes good to see Paris once more. 或许他们还可能去巴黎呢,再一次去看看巴黎也是件令人高兴地事啊。
Your answer has convinced me more than I could have expected. There is no more doubt in the dharma as far as a worldling is concerned. 你的答覆比我所能预期的更让人心悦诚服,就一个凡夫而言,我对法已不再怀疑。
"As far as I know there have been no further developments since the last time I spoke to the press, " he said. 据我所知,自我上次在新闻发布会上谈过这个话题后,谈判并没有更新的进展。
The girl was alive, as far as I could tell: she had a warm body, and she was better than nothing. 那姑娘应该是个活人吧,我不敢完全肯定:她的身体暖乎乎的,除此以外她跟木头就没啥区别了。
At the beginning of the 19th century, America was a stumbling babe as far as a culture of its own was concerned. 十九世纪伊始,美国正如它自身所承认的那样,在文化还是一个行走绊磕的孩童。
My intuition tells me that you are simply intoxicated with her, which is fine, as far as the two of you are concerned. 我的直觉告诉我,你简直被她沉醉了,这对你们两人而言,可视为佳话。
I would not go as far as to say that but the numbers are leaning towards that conclusion, at least in my company. 我不会去强词夺理地讲,但实际的数字却倾向于这个结论,至少在我公司是这样。
my job is all right as far as it goes , but i don ' t like fixed working hours. 我的工作本身是挺不错的,不过我不喜欢固定的上下班时间。
"There was no one as far as you know who had a personal grudge against her? " asked Bond. “就你所知,没有人跟她有私仇吗?”邦德问道。
As far as manners are concerned, I suppose I've always been a feminist. 就礼仪而言,我认为自己一直是女权主义者。
As far as the head goes, at least, she does credit to the educational system pursued at my establishment. 不说别的,就智力才能而论,她确实能为本校所遵循的教育制度争光。
The next instruction is a bit of a red herring, at least as far as this article is concerned. 接下来的内容有些偏离主题,至少不是这篇文章关注的主题。
True, as a child of communist East Germany, she is something of an outsider as far as the German centre-right establishment goes. 诚然,对于德国中右联合政府而言,出身于东德共产主义者家庭的默克尔,在某种程度上是一个局外人。
As far as Wimbledon, that's really my least concern at the moment, she said Sunday at a news conference. “就温布尔登而言,这些是我最不关心的东西了。”她在周日的一次新闻发布会上说。
As far as he was concerned he was a real lady killer. And if he had the money to back up his imagined charm, he was a hotshot with women. 只要他明白他自己是一个真正的女士杀手,并且他有金钱去打造自己的迷人形象,他会迷倒许多女性。
Beside it, a broken tarmac road runs as far as the eye can see through fields of demolished houses and debris. 此外,一条被破坏的沥青公路延伸之处,眼睛所能看到的皆是成片被摧毁的房屋和残骸碎片。
As far as language implementation is concerned, the current C language standard allows the "long long" data type to be at least 64 bits. 在语言实现方面,目前的C语言标准要求“longlong”数据类型至少是64位的。
If the wind farm developer comes in and has got as far as the planning stage, and the community has not engaged, they have lost their case. 如果风电场的开发商深入到了规划阶段,而社区还没有参加,社区将失去他们的机会。
The parents' right to raise their offspring did not go as far as depriving their children of the social experience of school. 父母有权抚养他们的后代但无权剥夺他们的孩子上学获得社会经验。
Again, Vernon Dursley marched as far as the front door, but Dudley did not follow. 弗农。德思礼又一次迈开步子走向大门,但是达力并没有跟上去。
I think you might as well be from Mars as far as she's concerned, you know what I mean? 我认为对于她而言,你就像火星人那么遥远,你明白我的意思吗?
As far as people are concerned, to possess and to be possessed is often a mutually satisfactory relationship. 只要人们留意,占有和被占有经常是一种相互满足的关系。
'I saw the ball a little bit late and knew the ball was quite far, so I tried to reach as far as I could and I'm very happy with it. 我看到来球时稍微晚了点,当时就明白球距离我的防守范围很远,所以我尽力去够到球,很高兴我扑到了球。
I've just five weeks left here, it's up to me to have nine great matches to go as far as possible with Bordeaux. 我还有五个星期就离开这里了,我为波尔多还有九场伟大的比赛可以踢。
As far as the money goes, I assume that will get better if he sticks it out. 至于钱的问题,我觉得如果他坚持做下去就会有改观。
"It's a plus as far as I'm concerned, " he said the night he was sacked, "to get out of this. " “对我来说,”他在被开除的那天晚上说道,“从这里脱身是件好事。”
Familiar place can say more a bit, the place that does not know keeps away from as far as possible, do not understand outfit understand. 熟悉的地方可以多说一点,不懂的地方尽量避开,不要不懂装懂。