
  • abbr.(=Arab League)阿拉伯联盟
  • n.【男名】男子名
  • 网络铝(aluminum);急性白血病(Acute Leukemia);阿尔巴尼亚(Albania)





急性白血病(Acute Leukemia)

急性白血病P170 和 CD 抗原 表达及其临床意义 - 中华内科杂志为研究急性白血病AL)P170 和CD34 抗原 表达及其临床. 意 …


DHL | 按发件人参考信息跟踪 | 简体中文 ... AI 安奎拉岛 AL 阿尔巴尼亚 AM 亚美尼亚 ...

阿拉伯联盟(Arab League)

griffeys The Arab League (AL) formulated proposed economic ... Nov 28 2011, 23:05 PM1 位会员正在阅读此主题 (1 位游客和 …


  姓名:艾尔AL)艾尔(AL)生日:5月20日   星座:双子座   16岁,因为成绩太差,而打架太强,被同学认为是一个不良少年。暗 …

It is unclear how much will change there after the beheading of al-Qaeda. 随着基地组织首脑被击毙,这种情况将会有多大程度的改变尚不得而知。
Mr. Hayden said the war against Al Qaeda was far from over, the hunt for its leader Osama bin Laden remained the top priority of the CIA. 海顿先生称美国与基地组织所进行的斗争还将持续相当长的一段时间,逮捕本拉登始终是CIA的首要任务。
But Bush is unlikely ever to escape the image of him cowering behind a lectern watched by an unruffled Iraqi prime minister, Nuri al-Maliki. 不过,正如当时安详的伊拉克总理马基利所见到的那样,布什蜷缩在演讲台后的狼狈形象已被定格。
Al-Jazeera is a private TV channel funded by the state when setting up in 1996, which never interfere with its business. 新节目总兼Samir说,半岛电视台是1996年创立的,一个由政府资助的私有电视台,它绝不会和自己的生意相抵触。
Saleh's autocratic regime has been a U. S. ally in the fight against al-Qaida, but the U. S. has been pressing him to negotiate his exit. 萨利赫总统的专制政权已经成为美国在对抗基地组织方面的一个联盟了,但是美国一直在强迫他商谈让他退位。
Mr Milic says that when he took the job he was told that Al Jazeera's only interest in the Balkans was to fill a gap in the market. Milic表示,在他接受这项工作时,他被告知,阿拉伯半岛电视台在巴尔干半岛的唯一目的就是填补该市场的空白。
Pakistani authorities described that incident as an accidental explosion in a militant hideout and did not confirm the killing of al-Libi. 巴基斯坦当局称那次袭击是在激进分子藏身地的意外爆炸,没有证实利比被炸死。
The United States is also working with the international financial community to deny resources to al-Qaida and its supporters, he said. 他说,美国还与国际金融机构进行合作,截断“基地”组织及其支持者的资金来源。
In a rambling discourse, he said al-Qaida forces had given hallucinogenic drugs to the city's youth to incite unrest. 他在散乱无章的讲话中说,基地组织的部队为了挑起动乱,让城里的青少年服用“迷幻药”。
Besides al his films with Wong Kar Wai and John Woo, I saw him in 'A Chinese Ghost Story III' and Cyclo. 除了他和王家卫、吴宇森的电影,我还看了《倩女幽魂。道道道》和《三轮车夫》。
The microstructure and thermal physical properties of the surface reaction al layer determine the range of strength improvement. 材料表面反应物层的微观形貌及热物理性能决定了材料抗弯强度的提高幅度。
He could try to save the planet from climate change - but Al Gore seems to have cornered that market. 他可以尝试拯救地球于气候变化——但阿尔-戈尔(AlGore)似乎已经占据这个市场。
Years ago, this would have been a problem, but now what does America produce today that you can call intellect? al? 些许年前,这还是一个问题,但是现在,你能称美国生产的那些东西为智力成果吗?
General Petraeus said the threat from Sunni militants of al-Qaida in Iraq has been significantly reduced, but the group is still lethal. 彼得雷乌斯将军说,来自伊拉克境内基地组织逊尼派激进分子的威胁已经大大减低,但是该组织依然是致命的。
Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki has said Iraqi forces will be able to take control of security around the country within a year-and-a-half. 伊拉克总理马利基表示,伊拉克军队将能在一年半的时间里控制全国的安全。
Al: I don't feel a little bit sick all day, but it happened so quickly. I just sit in here; everything started to go round and round. 今天一整天都没什么事,这病也来得太快了点。我就坐那儿,就感到天旋地转起来了。
Al-Fassi said more Gaddafi loyalists have moved into Bani Walid from the south outlined by a line of high hills, but did not know how many. 艾尔说很多卡咋分支持者从南部一部分高山迁移到巴尼瓦利德,但是不知道多少。
It was only a week ago that al-Shabab was driven out of the city, allowing aid workers to survey the scope of the unfolding catastrophe. 因为一周前,索马里激进伊斯兰组织青年党才被赶出城,救助人员才得以开始调查和了解不断蔓延的饥荒的范围。
He said he knows al-Saadi's whereabouts, but prefers to negotiate a surrender. 他说,他知道萨迪的下落,但倾向于谈判投降。
He said al-Nahda had invited a hard-line Islamist singer to one of its political meetings. 他说,基地Nahda邀请了强硬的伊斯兰歌手的政治会议之一。
The relative, a cousin named Walid al-Sada, said the ambassador did not know and promised to get back to the family. 这是她的一位表亲,名叫瓦利德-萨达说道;大使官员不了解情况也没答应让她回家。
It has al-ways been a matter of great pride for a football team to succeed inserting West Point. 橄榄球队历来把击败西点引为极大的自豪。
In the Dujail case, media reports piece together an account of what happened, an event often referred to as al karitha, or the disaster. 这场案件中,媒体报告拼凑了一系列发生过的事件,或者成为灾难。
Squeeze casting process was used to produce a newly developed high strength and high toughness Al-Cu alloy. 采用挤压铸造工艺制备出一种新开发的、高强韧铝铜合金。
Al: Vince, how much did Jason play into this, whether talking to him beforehand, during and after everything? 阿尔:文斯,贾森在多大程度上介入了你的决定?你们事前事后做过很多沟通吗?
It seems clear to me that you r company can challenge my abilities and provide a good opportunity for profession al development. 我深知,贵公司能够激发我的才能,并且提供我专业成长的好
Another issue is just how much is known about the links between radicalized British Muslims and al-Qaeda operatives abroad. 第二个问题是对激进的英国穆斯林份子和国外基地组织联系的了解程度。
Marie Al-Ani said the IPCC's investigation into her son's death had been "a shambles" that left many unanswered questions. 玛丽·阿尔安尼说,IPCC对她儿子死亡的调查混乱不堪,他们留下了很多没有解答的问题。
He said Al-Qaeda is still active in the northern city of Mosul and warned that there would be tough fighting in the days and months ahead. 布什总统还表示基地组织还在摩苏尔北部城市活动,他警告说,同基地组织的战争将会一直持续下去。
Despite an intensive US-led manhunt, there has not been a credible lead on the Saudi-born al-Qaida leader in years. 尽管以美国为首的搜捕行动在加强,但多年来还没有得到一条导致抓获这个出生于沙特的基地组织首领的可靠情报。