
美 [ɪkˈspænsɪv]英 [ɪk'spænsɪv]
  • adj.广阔的;辽阔的;浩瀚的;广泛的
  • 网络易膨胀的;易扩张的;豪爽的



1.广阔的;辽阔的;浩瀚的covering a large amount of space

2.广泛的;全面的covering a large subject area, rather than trying to be exact and use few words

3.友善健谈的;开朗的friendly and willing to talk a lot

4.刺激经济扩展的encouraging economic expansion


新概念第三册精解 ... capacity 容量 expansive 易膨胀的,广阔的 vast 幅员辽阔的 ...


英语单词立体记忆 ... → expand 扩大,扩张,膨胀 → expansive 易膨胀的,易扩张的 motorcar parts 摩托车零部件 ...


英语单词立体记忆 ... → expand 扩大,扩张,膨胀 → expansive 易膨胀的,易扩张的 motorcar parts 摩托车零部件 ...


英语反义词 - 豆丁网 ... expansive 宽大的>恶毒的 expansive 豪爽的>说话不多的,冷淡的/羞怯的和胆小 的 expedite 加速>妨碍 ...


Thickness... ... 密度 density;thickness 宽阔 expansive;wide;width;thickness 粗细 thick and thin;coarse and fine;thickness ...

Generate a sense of belonging among the alumni body aiming at expansive and sustained engagement of alumni in the affairs of the University. 培养校友组织的归属感,使越来越多校友持续参与大学事务。
Mr. Cohen said he believed the EU would follow the U. S. and take an expansive view of what constitutes Col. Gadhafi's assets. 科恩说他相信欧盟将效仿美国,全面审视卡扎菲资产的构成。
You were "predetermined" to have a joyful, expansive experience, and the way in which you will do that is all up to you. 你“事先决定”有一个快乐的、扩展的经历,你将使用哪种方式去做全由你决定。
From hereon, think in a more expansive way that allows for the unity of Man, and his counterparts from all parts of the Universe. 从此,思索一个更加容易扩展的方式,准许人类团结一致,并且他的副本来自宇宙所有部分。
Authentic adult actions are those which help us shift us out of a child state to a more expansive and adult sense of ourselves. 像成人般那样行事就是一种能帮助我们摆脱儿童心理状态并能够让自己更成熟地看待自己的方法。
The Indian government's IT task force has said the demand of electronics product is going to be expansive in the coming decade. 印度政府的IT专案组说电子产品的需求将在未来的十年里膨胀。
Because I could not identify the position of my body in space, I felt enormous and expansive, like a genie just liberated from her bottle. 因为我无法辨别我身体所处的位置,我还是感觉巨大而且膨胀,就像是从瓶中获得解放的小鬼。
To improve the impermeability of concrete, and reduce cracks in concrete created by the shrinkage, expansive agent is often added. 为了提高混凝土的抗渗性能,以及减免由于混凝土收缩而产生的裂缝,在混凝土中经常加入膨胀剂。
This chic Sitting Room is expansive as it opens into the garden and features dramatic skylights above with a Chinese deco lantern overhead. 这个雅致的客厅通往花园,开阔宽敞,上方令人印象深刻的天窗下,挂着一个中国装饰灯。
You could walk up and down the main drive any Thursday in the week till doomsday and never meet an expansive soul. 你可以任选一个星期四在主要马路上散步,一直走下去也永远不会碰到一个胸襟宽大的人。
They were all expansive on the topic, and all wanted to stay off the record, for fear of offending people in Washington. 他们对这个主题都侃侃而谈,希望与记录保持距离,担心得罪华府的人。
During study in Italy he sketched Renaissance gardens, and these continued to haunt his expansive outdoor scenes peopled with tiny figures. 在义大利读书的时期他写生了文艺复兴的花园,这些景像之后就经常出现在户外延伸的场景里并有渺小的人物。
This method is expansive one of the general dynamic optimization method in this mining method. 该方法是露天矿分期开采来剥关系优化理论的进一步推广。
Campus souvenirs are excellent means for handing on emotions. It has an expansive market and meets our idea of 'Paper Revolution' as well. 我们发现校园纪念品是通过传递情感以提升纸张价值的很好途径,既符合了我们纸文化的主题,又在学生中有着很好的销路。
Explanation: Bright nebulae abound in and around the expansive southern constellation of Centaurus . 说明:明亮的星云围绕在广阔的南方人马座周围。
To do that I think we have to take a more expansive view of design, more like Brunel, less a domain of a professional priesthood. 为了实现这个愿景,我觉得我们应该放远视角看设计,更多像Brunel这样,不要只局限在职业范畴之内。
When I was young, I used to spread my homework out on the floor; somehow it felt more expansive, more conducive to creative thought. 稍长一点,我常把作业本平铺在地上写作业;不管怎样,那让我有种更易拓宽思路,更有助于记忆,更富于创造力的感觉。
In this expansive land, many children grow up with a heroic sense of life, where ideas are big, and hope springs forever. 在这广阔的土地,许多孩子长大后的生活,那里的想法是大英雄的感觉,希望永远弹簧。
Much was made of her bare, tanned shoulders, her expansive wardrobe and her stoicism. 还有很多特征,裸露的褐色双肩,奢华的行头以及坚韧的态度。
After walking a few steps, I saw a woman coming in this direction, wearing expansive clothes and exquisite makeup. 没走几步,见对面也走来一个女人.女人衣衫华贵,妆容精致。
Moreover, Windows can be especially vexing for UNIX software developers accustomed to an expansive and rich set of command-line tools. 对于习惯于使用丰富的命令行工具集的UNIX软件开发人员来说,Windows尤其别扭。
He would go on to formulate an expansive and influential interpretation of the First Amendment. 他还表示,要对《宪法第一修正案》作出更宽泛、更有影响力的解释。
I'd be interested to know whose decision it was to allow Gerrard to be more expansive in his movement. 我很有兴趣去知道是谁决定让杰拉德在他的运动中能有比蓝帕德更大的范围。
Across the expansive commercial landscape of Guangzhou, innovation has become the name of the game. 在广州广阔的商业景观中,创新已经成为最重要的方面。
Love is expansive. If I love you, I encourage you to reach out and develop other relationships. 爱是广阔的。如果我爱你,我就鼓励你向外发展,建立其他的人际关系。
At the expansive Barnes & Noble store in Manhattan's Union Square, the changes sweeping the company and the industry are on full display. 曼哈顿联合广场上敞亮的“邦诺”书店中,这些扫荡书店和图书业的变化处处可见。
It is here I have found a glorious refuge; each large branch is its own lavish room comprising my expansive estate. 我在这儿找到了辉煌的庇护所,每一根粗壮的树枝都是一个宽大的房间,共同构筑成我的私人庄园。
because this method of movement that can enable you to see vast, expansive space is something I never experienced in China. 因为那种移动方式,能够带我领略天地的广阔无垠,这是我在中国从未有过的感受
The properties of expansive soil have to be modified before it is used as fillings of expressway bed due to its poor engineering duality. 膨胀土工程地质性质很差,在被用作高等级公路的路基填料时,要进行改性处理。
Its definition of what constitutes a foreign official is expansive. And its scrutiny includes suppliers and business intermediaries of U. 美国司法部对“外国官员”(foreignofficial)的定义非常宽泛,其监督的范围包括美国企业的供应商和业务中间商。