all too well

  • 网络回忆太清晰;我记得太清楚了;太了解了

all too wellall too well

all too well


Taylor Swift... ... 04. I Knew You Were Trouble. 我知道你是大麻烦 05. All Too Well 回忆太清晰 07. I Almost Do 按耐不住 ...


《我知道你是个麻烦》之后是《我记得太清楚了》(All Too Well),《22》之后紧跟着《我几乎做到了》(I Almost Do)——让更 …


... - You don’t know me. - Oh,but I do. - 你又不认识我- 不,我了解你 All too well. 太了解了 You’re the man. 你就是那个 ...


Taylor Swift——all ... ... Cause you remember it 你的记忆 All too well 无比清晰 Cause there we are again 那时的 …

I knew that temptation all too well: my extra pounds were the result of too much noshing at the office. 我知道,诱惑非常清楚:我的额外磅过多在办公室noshing结果。
For as Kobe knows all too well, if he wants to even be considered as the best ever, there is only one number that matters: six. 要是科比很明白这些道理,要是他想永远被认可为最好球员,那只有一个数据可以证实:6。
He was frowning in a way I knew all too well, and when he spoke I recognized the drunken thickening in his voice. 他皱着眉头,那种样子我非常熟悉,他刚一说话,我就从他的声音里听出浓重的醉意来。
You see, DuBois knows all too well the white man's resistance to change. But that's no reason to keep a black man out of any college. 杜博斯太了解白人反对改变的心理了,但这绝不是拒绝黑人进入任何一所大学的理由。
It's a never-ending rinse-and-repeat cycle that you know all too well. 这就是您所熟知的一个永不终止的漂洗-和-重复(rinse-and-repeat)的循环过程。
One of my blogging heroes Chris Guillebeau knows it all too well, and his goal is to visit every country in the world. 我心目中的博客达人之一ChrisGuillebeau对这一切太熟悉不过了,他的目标是访遍世界的每一个国家。
But I knew the dark side all too well. 对于这种黑暗面,我知道得太清楚了。
Customers to avoid waste as I was, like telephone charges, I come to, and understand it all too well! 免得客户像我当初一样浪费电话费,我是过来人了,深有体会!
That's not the problem. In terms of sheer technique, I'll never be able to bear her. I know that all too well. 问题不在这里,就纯粹的技术而言,我不可能击败她,我太明白这一点了。
But, as Ms Cope knows all too well, the interval is unpredictable: two buses come at once and then there is a lengthy wait for the next one. 但实际的时间间隔是无法预知的,可普对这一点了解得很清楚:如果同时来了两辆车,那么下一辆就得等上很长时间。
You let her live a lie of a life, knowing all too well that it would end in tragedy! 你让她活在谎言中,知道一切美好将以悲剧收尾。
Frequent or overly vigorous masturbation can irritate the skin of the penis, as the average guy knows all too well. 频繁或过度自慰会造成阴茎皮肤紧张,这连普通人都知道。
You see, married couples don't have trouble communicating. They communicate all too well. 要知道,婚姻中的伴侣并没有沟通困难,他们沟通得太好了。
I know all too well that once Starscream is locked upon his quarry, he will never give up. 我最了解不过的就是红蜘蛛一旦锁定了他的猎物,就绝不会放过。
But, as all sports fans know all too well, home-team advantage can be a game-changer. 不过,正如众所周知,任何比赛的主场优势都有可能对改变结局起决定性作用。
Army veteran Robert Menendez knows this scenario all too well. This video simulation brings back memories of combat in Iraq and Afghanistan. 老兵罗伯特.梅内德斯对这个场面再熟悉不过了,这个视频模拟使他回想起在伊拉克和阿富汗作战的时候。
But as any stock investor knows all too well, past performance does not ensure future performance. 但是,任何股票投资者都非常清楚,过去的业绩并不能保证未来的业绩。
But American politicians know all too well that security concerns about imported technology are sometimes justified. 但美国的政客们对引进技术会带来安全问题实在是在了解了。
As Japanese manufacturers know all too well, letting a currency appreciate is a very painful process. 正如日本制造商所深知的,让货币升值是一个非常痛苦的过程。
That is a fact of life that much of Europe, with its underclass of permanently idle workers, knows all too well. 欧洲的大多数地区,都有这样一个现象,就是对处于社会底层的永久性失业人员司空见惯。
Most of us can remember all too well how it felt when a sibling, a cousin or a classmate was being favored. 我们多数人能够非常清楚地记得当兄弟,表亲或者一个同学受到表扬时的感受。
The issue is not confined to poorer countries - as Workman at the ICR knows all too well. 问题并不仅仅局限于贫穷国家,癌症研究所的Workman很清楚的了解这一点。
Washingtonians who live close to the National Zoo know all too well about gibbon songs. 居住在国家动物园边上的华盛顿人对长臂猿的吼声再熟悉不过了。
Gulf money-men have also expanded in an industry they know all too well. 海湾的有钱人也在不断拓展他们已知良好的工业。
bsp; Drug- maker Merck and Co. knows the dangers of the blockbuster drug model all too well. 默沙东药厂对一体通用给与知名药品模式的个中危险知之甚详。
And as today's divorce statistics demonstrate all too well, many couples opt not to complete the journey. 正像如今的离婚率统计报告所展示的那样,许多夫妻选择在人生道路上分道扬镳。
Just like Lin, You Zhengyan knows all too well the inconvenience of being deaf. He is set on becoming a teacher for special education. 和靖岚一样的还有游政谚,清楚瞭解听障者生活中的不便,所以立志当一位特殊教育的老师。
And as researchers know all too well, jumping through bureaucratic hoops can be harder than the science itself. 因为研究人员非常清楚地知道,跳过繁文缛节的金箍可能比科学自身要难得多。
Economics predicts all too well how people behave during a Holocaust; a Holocaust helps us see the moral limits of economics. 经济学预测人们在大屠杀期间必定会如何行事,而大屠杀也帮助我们看清了经济学的道德限度。
Chinese leaders know it all too well and are struggling to contain it. 中国领导人对此太了解了,且正在努力控制它。