
美 [əˈlaʊ]英 [ə'laʊ]
  • v.允许;准许;给予;承认
  • 网络容许;许可;让

第三人称单数:allows 现在分词:allowing 过去式:allowed

allow access,allow user,allow passage,allow manager,allow base



允许let sb/sth do sth

1.允许;准许to let sb/sth do sth; to let sth happen or be done

2.~ sb/yourself sth给予to let sb have sth

3.[usupass]允许进入(或出去、通过)to let sb/sth go into, through, out of, etc. a place

使可能make possible

4.~ sth使可能to make sth possible

时间;金钱;食物time/money/food, etc.

5.~ sth (for sb/sth)(为某目的)留出,给出to make sure that you have enough of sth for a particular purpose


6.接受;承认;同意(某事属实或正确)to accept or admit sth; to agree that sth is true or correct


英文字典_百度文库 ... alligator 鳄鱼 allow 允许 allowance 津贴 ...


初中英语单词表 - 豆丁网 ... all ad. 全部地 allow vt. 允许,准许 almost ad. 几乎,差不多 ...


大英语B级词汇表 - 豆丁网 ... adj./adv. 全部的(地) allow vt. 允许, 承认 allowance n. 津贴,允许 ...


(A-B)英语四级词汇表下载 ... alive a. 活着的;活跃的 allow vt. 允许,准许;任 alloy n. 合金;(金属的)成色 ...


承认的英文有哪些_百度知道 ... admit; 接[容]纳 allow; 容许, 听任, 允许, 让 concede; 让与, 容许; 放弃 ...


Esp词汇资料 ... promesi 答应 _ allow 许可 = :konsenti,ke iu faru ion, (以之.执行) ...

承认的英文有哪些_百度知道 ... admit; 接[容]纳 allow; 容许, 听任, 允许, concede; 让与, 容许; 放弃 ...

(A-B)英语四级词汇表下载 ... alive a. 活着的;活跃的 allow vt. 允许,准许; alloy n. 合金;(金属的)成色 ...

I wish I could find the words that would allow me to express how much I appreciate your thoughtfulness. 我希望我能找到合适的文字来表达我对于你们的厚爱的深深谢意!
To allow the extinction of any particular species could prove to be a fatal mistake to the long-term survival of mankind. 允许任何特定一种物种灭绝,对于人类长远的生存都将成为一个致命的错误。
In the list of protocols that appear, select which ones are fast enough for you to allow previews to be generated. 在出现的协定列表中,选择对您来说产生预览速度够快的方案。
God may allow you total freedom, but that does not mean that you can treat others just as you wish. 上帝会允许你们完全的自由,但这并不意味着你们可以无所顾忌地对待别人。
JAXB is robust enough to allow you to name anonymous types as you need to via the binding file. JAXB非常稳健,可允许您通过绑定文件来命名需要命名的匿名类型。
YouTube, a video-streaming website owned by Google, is trying to cut deals with studios that would allow it to rent newly released films. YouTube是Google旗下的一个视频直播网站。它正试图与电影公司达成协议,获得准许租借他们最新发布的电影。
It also would allow the company to leverage its distributed-computing infrastructure to help clients slim down their internal data centers. 瞄准这个市场,还将使谷歌能够充分利用自己的分布式运算架构,来帮助客户为它们的内部数据中心瘦身。
Mr. Geithner said the White House would allow taxes on top earners to increase in 2011 as part of an effort to bring down the U. 盖特纳说,白宫将允许针对富人的税收在2011年提高,以此作为降低美国财政赤字的部分措施。
Easy-to-use on-machine troubleshooting and diagnostics allow plant operators to quickly overcome conditions that may arise. 易于使用机故障排除和诊断允许设备操作人员能迅速解决可能出现的情况。
Would you allow me a week, to see if my daughter is fine with the model the way it is? 能给我一个星期去见我的女儿对这个模型的看法(或者是适应)?
He told Bloomberg News Friday that he thinks Beijing may be ready to allow the yuan to rise by as much as 5% in a one-time revaluation. 他上周五对彭博资讯(BloombergNews)说,自己认为北京可能准备让人民币一次性最多升值5%。
Miko: You didn't actually think I was stupid enough to allow the enemy to completely surround me without a valid strategic plan in mind? 你不会真的认为我傻到让敌人把我层层围住,脑海中却没有有效的战术吧?
These features allow AFS to be known as the granddaddy of distributed file systems even after so many years of development. 这些特性使得AFS被公认为是分布式文件系统的鼻祖,虽然AFS已经开发了很多年。
And that's the point, the designers say: the suits allow women, Muslim or not, to choose comfort over conformity. 但布基尼就是一个宣言,这才是关键,设计者称:这种服装让妇女,不管是不是信奉伊斯兰教,可以选择舒适的衣服,而不是从众。
You see I never allow myself to behave like that. I keep up a gentlemanly tone with my clients: few words, politeness and severity. 您知道吗,我是从不允许自己这么放肆的,我对待顾客,口气总是客客气气的:既有礼貌,又非常严肃,说话是很少的。
The main reason for this reluctance to allow external financiers access seems to be control aversion (Cressy, 1995). 此不愿允许访问外部融资的主要原因似乎是控制厌恶(克雷西,1995年)。
In addition, take advantage of services that allow you to narrow your search to the kind of companies who truly match your interests. 另外,利用猎头公司的服务可以缩小真正适合你发展的公司范围。
The referendum will allow voters to punish him for his perceived betrayals by voting against the change. 全民公投将允许选民们以投反对票的方式惩罚他的背叛。
"How much more pro-Second Amendment can you be when you allow guns in a place that's serving tequila? " she asked. “都允许在喝龙舌兰酒的场所持枪了,你还能再怎么支持宪法《第二修正案》?”她问。
No country will allow its own territory to be split off, nor will it allow any foreign force to create or support such a split. 任何一个国家都不会允许自己的领土分裂出去,也不会允许外国势力制造或支持这种分裂。
"Of course! " She gives me a sharp look as if to make clear that she would never be so irresponsible as to allow a husband to shop alone. “那当然。”她不满地看了我一眼,那意思好像是说她从来不是那种不负责的人让老公一个人购物。
users their online addresses on Friday said it had agreed to allow the use of any of the world's scripts, no longer just the Latin alphabet. 用户分配在线地址的机构于上周五宣布,已批准互联网域名使用除拉丁语外的世界其它文字。
By now he was actively engaged in resistance against the regime and, as he has written, his conscience would not allow him to back down. 到目前为止,他仍然还在积极反抗这个暴政,正如他所写的“他的良心决不让他有一点退缩”。
Allow your heart to be drenched in your Mother's love. Just allow. See how much I love you. 容许你的心被母亲的爱所浸透。只需容许就成。看看我多么爱你。
Outsourcing, while not always cheaper in the long run, can allow companies to avoid the risk of big upfront costs. 外包可帮助公司避免庞大的预付成本风险,尽管长期来看,业务外包并不一定更省钱。
I believe he is an extremely intelligent man and I can't believe a man of his character will allow this to continue. 我相信他是一个非常睿智的人,我不相信以他的性格会让这种事情继续下去。
Char and binary columns that do not allow nulls are always padded to the length of the column. 始终将不允许为空的char和binary列填充到列长。
Working with Chery will allow the company to add models able to compete with Toyota, which makes the Yaris, with less investment. 与奇瑞合作将使该公司如虎添翼,能够与丰田相抗衡——生产的雅力士车型,成本更低。
Yet even knowing the media is dissatisfied, a nervous government has no desire to allow unfettered media coverage. 而且即使知道他们不满意,紧张不安的政府也不会允许媒体报道可以无拘无束。
Also allow some of these energies to flow up the spine and out the top of the head like a waterfall and down the arms. 也允许这些能量的一部分像瀑布一样沿脊柱上升跃出头顶,并沿手臂而下。