
美 [ˈventʃər]英 [ˈventʃə(r)]
  • v.冒险;冒着危险去;鼓勇;大胆干
  • n.冒险事业;(商业)风险投资;有风险物品;代销货
  • 网络大胆地说

复数:ventures 现在分词:venturing 过去式:ventured

base venture



Fall of The Roman the 15th... ... strategy U 策略,战略 ventured 冒险 violence U 猛烈,凶暴;暴力,残暴 ...


...胆地问了企业家杰克埃尔德利润分成的事情,叙述者用了大胆地说 (ventured)这个引述动词间接地表达了对所报道的问题的评 …

When the snow let up a little, he ventured outside to see what could have been beating on his window. 雪势减弱时,他壮着胆子来到屋外,想看看是什么东西在一直撞着窗户。
But I might have said some ventured, may not work, then it does not matter, the older generation still Thank you! 不过可能我所说的有些冒昧,可能行不通,那也不要紧,仍然很谢谢前辈您!
He had grown up in Shanghai and had ventured into real estate just as the local market was surging. 他是土生土长的上海人,在本地市场迅猛发展的时候涉足房地产业。
After a while, outside of the noise stopped and I ventured out took a look. 过了一会儿,外面的声音停止了,我就壮着胆子出来看了看。
He said that, as far as he knew, bin Laden had ventured outside the Middle East as a young man only three times. 他说,就他所知,本·拉登在少年时期离开中东的旅行只有三次。
The outburst might have been generated by a star torn to shreds when it ventured too close to a black hole in its host galaxy, he suggests. 他猜测,这次爆炸可能是因为一颗被撕成碎片的恒星过于靠近其所在星系的一个黑洞引起的。
Though my Latin tutor had never ventured to trouble me with the proofs of his theory, yet up to this day I do not disbelieve it. 虽然,我的拉丁文老师从来不曾拿他的理论来为难我,然而,今天我不能不相信它。
I ventured to call the attention of the two dashing young blades, for such they seem, to the desolate condition of their fellow-traveller. 我不揣冒昧,请两位正在匆匆向前走的纨绔子弟注意他们的旅伴的孤独情况。
'But isn't it a bit dull at times? ' the Mole ventured to ask. 'Just you and the river, and no one else to pass a word with? ' “不过,是不是有时也会感到有点无聊?”鼹鼠壮着胆子问。“光是你跟河一道,没有别的人跟你拉拉家常?”
The VP of the group, Simon, had ventured into the Team's work area to see their Sprint Burndown Chart, and called Francis to his office. 集团的VP,Simon,不顾一切的来到团队工作区查看他们的Sprint燃尽图,接着把Francis叫到他的办公室。
Elinor then ventured to doubt the propriety of her receiving such a present from a man so little, or at least so lately known to her. 至于马厩,只要有个棚子就行。随后埃丽诺大胆地表示,从一个自己并不了解、或者至少是最近才了解的男人那里接受礼物,她怀疑是否恰当。
Danny, a friend from home, came out for a few days during which we ventured out to Taksim, the centre of the city's vibrant nightlife. 从英国来的朋友丹尼有几天出来,我们到泰克西姆去“探险”,这里是伊斯坦布尔活色生香夜生活的中心地带。
Certainly no one would have proposed such a gift to Him. No one would have ventured to ask for it. 当然,无人胆敢向祂提议,求这个礼物,因为这太僭越自大了。
"It sounds great, " I ventured without hesitation, all the while feeling as if I'd signed on to cross dangerous borders using false papers. “听起来很不错,”我毫无犹豫地接受了这个冒险。那一刻的感觉就像我拿着一张假护照却被签字批准通过边境一样。
"How much do you pay a week? " ventured Carrie, emboldened by a certain softness in the man's manner and his simplicity of address. “每星期的工钱是多少?”嘉莉试探着问。那人的态度温和,说话其实,使她胆子大了起来。
A few times after that he ventured out, but meeting another of his old-time friends, he began to feel uneasy sitting about hotel corridors. 在这之后,他鼓足勇气出去了几次,但是又遇见了一个从前的朋友。他开始觉得闲坐在旅馆的门厅里时心神不安了。
But five days before he ventured out for his anniversary dinner, the president lamented what has happened to his nights out with his wife. 结婚纪念日五天前总统遗憾地述说他和米歇尔出去约会时碰到的事情。
One afternoon in his youth, he had ventured into a nearby village for a few hours and had felt his detestation of people grow fierce. 他还年轻时,有一天下午,他大胆地到附近的一个村子逛了几个小时,结果发现自己对人们的憎恶更甚。
Some of the refugees say that they have ventured north to check on their houses but did not feel safe enough to stay. 有难民说,他们冒着生命危险回到北方,去看看自己的房子是否还在,但觉得那里依然不是安身之所。
and I saw myself, if I ventured nearer, dashed to death upon the rough shore, or spending my strength in vain to scale the beetling crags. 我寻思着,假如我贸然靠近的话,不是被大浪拍死在嶙峋的岩石上就是在攀登悬崖峭壁时耗尽精力。
He ventured among them again, however, though his spirits certainly did not seem fit for the mirth of the party in general. 可他还是大胆地来了,虽然他的情绪同众人的欢乐气氛似乎很不协调。
He has not ventured outside his tiny house for years because his wife is in a coma, and he does not want her to wake up and find him gone. 多年来他都没有走出自己的小房子出去冒险,因为他的妻子一直昏迷着,他不希望妻子醒来的时候发现自己已经离开了。
He even ventured, when no eye was fixed upon him, to taste the beverages which he found had much of the flavour of excellent Hollands. 他甚至还敢在没人盯着他的时候,偷偷地尝了一口酒,他觉得这酒很有点上等荷兰酒的味道。
and a light Ship who had rid it out just a Head of us ventured a Boat out to help us. 有一艘轻量级的船顺风从我们前面飘过,就冒险放下一只是小艇来救我们。
He examined me. I did not know what to say. Finally I ventured an opinion, almost as a protest. 他审视我,我不知道说什么好。最后我大胆提出一项意见,几乎像是在抗议。
As she relaxed a little, I ventured to ask about Maeve. 当她有点放松下来的时候,我小心翼翼地问起了玛弗的事。
But he did not disclose when it would end, and officials ventured a variety of dates. 但他不肯透露何时结束,而官员大胆预测很多不同日期。
He said he would prepare, he didn't think he ventured than he expected the more pathetic. 他说过要准备粉身碎骨,他没想到他比他所预想的更悲惨。
'But what happens when you come to the beginning again? ' Alice ventured to ask. “可是你们转回来以后怎么办呢?”爱丽丝继续间。
A few days afterward, we left the Taichung mountain villa and ventured into the unknown mountains nearby. 几天之后,我们离开台中山庄,又继续前往附近不知名的深山。