
美 [ˈvaɪəb(ə)l]英 ['vaɪəb(ə)l]
  • adj.可实施的;切实可行的;可生存的;能独立发展的
  • 网络能养活的;能生存的;能活的

viable alternative,viable plan,viable solution,viable system


1.可实施的;切实可行的that can be done; that will be successful

2.可生存的;能独立发展的;能独立生存的;可生长发育的capable of developing and surviving independently


BEC中级、高级考试词汇超值下载篇-BEC商务英语 ... venue n. 地点,集合地点 viable adj. 可行的 viability n. 可行性 ...


英语专业八级核心词汇_普特英语听力 ... vexatious adj 伤脑筋的 viable adj 能养活的 能生育的 可行的 vigil n 守夜 ...


雅思英语完整版_馆档网 ... via 径,由 viable 能活的,能生存的 vibrate 摆动;振动 ...


词根及词缀 ... vitamin n 维生素 viable a 能活的 viability n 生存能力 ...


CISA 词汇汇编 - 豆丁网 ... vet vt. 审查(某人过去的记录、资格等);调查; viable adj. 切实可行的;可实施的, Vibration 震动 ...


职称英语考试 - 豆丁网 ... via prep. 经,经由,通过 viable a. (胎儿、种子等)能生存的;(计划)可实行的 vigor n. 精力,活力 ...


SAT官方指南OG阅读真题10套 - 豆丁网 ... transformed adj. 改变... viable adj. 可实施的 revolutionized adj. 革命化的 ... ...

But in fact both approaches reflect a desire to see a reasonably cohesive EU as well as a viable euro. 但是实际上,这两种方法反映出对看到合理、富有凝聚力的欧盟和切实可行的欧元的渴望。
It was, as the authors explain, a "mercantilist world where unilateral free trade and a pacific stance were not viable options" . 就像两位作者解释的那样,这是个“单边自由贸易与和平贸易不可能存在的重商主义世界”。
By using easily obtainable cobalt and phosphates, the MIT work could make it a lot more viable to obtain hydrogen directly from solar cells. 麻省理工的这项成果使用易得的钴和磷酸盐,从而使从太阳能电池中直接获得氢气方法更加可行。
It may also be the only viable means of achieving an acceptable level of fire safety in heritage buildings. 并且这可能是唯一可行的使古建筑达到可接受风险水平的方法。
There seems to be no one who believes the companies are viable without radical change. 似乎没有人相信,如果不经过深刻的改变,这些公司依然可以充满活力地生存下去。
It can be effectively grown on marginal lands that are considered undesirable for food crops, making it a viable option as a new biofuel. 它可在粮食作物不理想的边缘地带高效生长,使它成为生物新能源的可行选择。
Secondly, Pakistan has not come up with a viable economic program, which they would be ready to support, " said Zubair. " 其次,巴基斯坦没有制定出可行的、可以马上得到援助国支持的经济计划。
A main objective of any viable development strategy must be the fostering of a vibrant, dynamic and competitive private sector. (W)任何可行的发展战略的一个主要目标必须是扶植富有生机和竞争力的私人部门的发展。
U. S. businesses 'would do better trying to devise ways to create a viable market for Chinese music and movies in the U. S. , ' he said. 他说,美国企业最好能积极争取为中国音乐和电影在美国创造充满活力的市场。
it would not be viable at all without a vast subsidy from state and federal taxpayers, the report argues. 报告还置疑说,如果没有州政府及联邦纳税人巨额的经济补贴,项目将无法推行。
This may not sound like a viable solution, but one has only to look at some of the most popular open-source software to see that it is true. 尽管这个方法听起来可能不见得有效,但是只要看一看最流行的几款开源软件产品就可以认识到其可行性。
The transfers did not lead to a viable pregnancy but Dr Zavos said it was a serious attempt at producing a cloned baby. 这次移植没有带来有效的妊娠,但是扎沃斯说这是一次真正的克隆婴儿的尝试。
The only viable way to run thousands of searches against it is to simulate single users banging away, one search at a time. 唯一可通过它运行数以千计的搜索方法是模拟用户每次的搜索请求,一次提交一个请求。
P. S Remember I am only after quotes at the moment, if I think that this could be viable then I will take it to the next step. 聚苯乙烯记得我在此刻才报价,如果我认为,这可能是可行的话,我会抓住下一个步骤。
But he also said the field was advancing so fast that the transplants may actually become a viable option in the not-so-distant future. 但是他说,这一领域发展很快,实际上移植可能在不远的将来成为可靠的治疗方法。
"Afghanistan will remain a strong and good and economically viable partner with the United States and our other allies, " he said. 他说:“阿富汗将继续是美国和我们其他盟国的坚定并有经济能力的好伙伴。”
A more viable means of approaching the truth of language may be through the investigation of corpora. 从语料库的角度来研究文法和语言的关系,或许更贴近于事实。
This corn got a nutritious boost when scientists this year introduced seven genes that made it a viable source of four vitamins. 今年,科学家们把七段基因导入了这种玉米,由此它的营养水平大为提升,可以提供四种维生素。
It's also fairly easy to fabricate, making it far more commercially viable than other methods of downsizing battery technology. 而且这种电池生产难度不高,比其他瘦身电池的方法更加容易投入商用化。
Not that he did any research to confirm that there was a viable market, let alone one large enough to attract investment capital. 并不是他做了任何研究去证实确实有市场空间,更别提他吸引了足够的投资资本。
The object, he said, was not to be an alternative for fossil fuels, but "to become a viable replacement. " 目标不是要成为化石燃料的替代,而是“要成为一个可行的替代品。”
Whilst a spa would be a main element within the resort, it would have to have other attractions to be viable. The support facilities eg. 虽然水疗设施会是度假设施的主要元素,但亦要有其它具吸引力的设施方有利经营。
Engineers are still trying to come up with a commercially viable replacement for internal-combustion engines. 工程师在设法制造一种在商业上切实可行的发动机来取代内燃机。
The SDR , however, is more like an exchange -traded fund (ETF) than a currency, and is not a viable alternative to the dollar . 这样的呼声越来越高。但是,特别提款权更像是一种上市交易基金(ETF)而不是一种货币,因此它不是替代美元的一种可行选择。
And, notes Hughes, finding aneuploidy in one or two cells of an embryo does not always mean that the embryo will not be viable. 而且如Hughes指出的,从一个胚胎中发现1到2个非整倍性的细胞并不意味着胚胎就无法存活。
As I'm sure you know, when the Web first came along, it was hardly in a position to serve as a viable platform for application development. 我确定您知道,时网页第一次是以及,很不太会在位置,做为可用平台的应用程式开发。
"This is sort of a pilot to see if it can become a viable business model because he isn't going to make any money from this, " she said. “这是一种试验,看它是否能成为一个可行的商业模式,因为他不想现在就靠它挣任何钱,”她说。
The community represents two thirds of the total number in Vietnam and the "only confirmed viable population" of the variety worldwide. 越南三分之二的长臂猿均集中在这里,它们是全球“唯一可繁衍的”灵长类动物。
Alistair Darling, the chancellor, yesterday described the plan as the only viable alternative to full nationalisation of the bank. 英国财政大臣阿里斯代尔-达林(AlistairDarling)昨日称,这项计划是将该行完全国有化之外唯一可行的选择。
It would have been so easy for him: he could have made a comfortable home for himself in commercially viable, action-thriller roles. 这对他来说是很容易的:他大可以在自己舒适的家中选择那些商业性的,惊险动作角色。