
美 [pliz]英 [pliːz]
  • int.请务必;请问;(表示接受的客气话)太感谢了;收敛点儿
  • v.喜欢;使满意;使愉快
  • 网络拜托;使高兴;取悦

第三人称单数:pleases 现在分词:pleasing 过去式:pleased



1.(用于客气地请求或吩咐)请,请问used as a polite way of asking for sth or telling sb to do sth

2.(用于加强请求或陈述的语气)请千万,请务必,的确used to add force to a request or statement

3.(表示接受的客气话)太感谢了,太好了used as a polite way of accepting sth

4.(informal)(用于让别人停止不规矩行为)别闹了,收敛点儿used to ask sb to stop behaving badly

5.(认为对方说话荒唐时用)得了吧,算了吧used when you are replying to sb who has said sth that you think is stupid

英文商务邮件开场白&结尾 ... on the other hand 另一方面 please read the manual 阅读手册吧 ...


美剧经典语录_bluewings_新浪博客 ... 68.Just trust me (请相信我) 69.Please (拜托,求你了) 70.I love you more (我更爱你) ...


英语 构词法(精品) - 豆丁网 ... assist 帮助 + please 使高兴 + insist 坚持 + ...


词汇竞赛 - 中国习网 ... Pleasing 愉快的 Please 取悦 Careless 粗心的 ...


西贡小姐_百度百科 ... (“真是浪费 - What a Waste” (“求求你 - Please” (“克里斯在这里 - Chris is Here” ...


MONSTER IN LAW 中英语字幕 ... Could you stay with me? 你能陪我吗? Please? 求你了? Huh? No no no! 啊?不,不,不 ...


练习口语的经典句式,词组_百度知道 ... Outrageous!- 不得了! Please!- 拜托了! Probably!- 很可能! ...


关于驾驶的英文句子 ... how much would you like? 你要添加多少? full,please 要加满,谢谢 it takes ... 它用的是 … ...

If you don't have my email, please leave me a private message, and I will let you know. 没有我的电邮地址的话,请给我一个私人留言吧!
The Moravian happened not to please his colleagues, and on his death they resolved to have no other of that sect. 这位兄弟派教徒正巧他的同僚不欢喜他,当他死后,他们决定不再以那个教派的人充任。
The defining will be required for a tip, especially children, attention please do not give the money and the irrelevant. 无时无刻都会被要求付小费,尤其是小孩,注意请不要随便给钱与不相干的人。
Please allow me to ask the percentage of your scholarships compared to tuition fees. 请问贵校提供的奖学金大概能占学费的百分之多少?
Instead of posting one of his quotes or pictures this week, please forgive me if I write a few of my own words about Kevin Costner. 本周我没有转帖凯文的文章或者贴他的照片,取而代之,我将在这里写下我对凯文科斯特纳的一些想法。
About the scope of how much is acceptable? [Including normal daily] The answer is, please specify the city, please? 大概在多少钱的范围内可以接受呢?[包括平时的日用品]回答是请写明所在的城市好吗?
Hey, John. I've got something urgent to tell you. Please give me a call as soon as you get this message. 嘿,约翰,我有紧急的事要告诉你。请你在听到留言之后尽快打电话给我。
If you remember nothing else that has appeared in this space over the past four and a bit years, please try to hold on to that thought. 如果你记不住过去四年多一点的时间里出现在此处的其它文字,那么请努力记住这个观点。
If it please Your Grace, we want no part of him. 若陛下恩准,我们可不想他掺一脚。
"It's not like you to be so silly. " Until we lift our glasses filled with rotten sherry, please find the answer. I can't wait. . . . . . “它将不象你一样如此傻”。直到我们举起我们的充满腐烂的雪利的眼镜,请找到答案。我不能等待。
Monica: (to all)Please be good, please. Just remember how much you all like me? (对大家)拜托,请都乖点儿。记着你们有多爱我。
Please do not forget your password as it has been encrypted in our database : we cannot retrieve it for you. 请不要忘了您的密码,因为我们在我们的数据库中对其进行加密:我们无法为您找回密码。
'Please do not let this distract you from your daily responsibilities, ' he said. 他说,请不要因此分心,要做好你们的日常工作。
I have included the module right now as i have not put it up in projects. Please let me know what you think. 我已把模块现在我已不把它的项目最多::请让我知道什么你认为。
If you know of, or have done, additional data visualization on this material, please let us know, either in the comments or via email. 如果您知道,或已经做过这类素材的额外数据可视化,您可以发表评论或发邮件让我们知道。
Stay out of the matter, please. 请别管这事。
If you want a more detailed plan, please let me know in the comments below and I'll be glad to provide you with a sample menu. 如果你想有一个更详细的计划,请在下面发表意见让我知道,我会很乐意向你提供样品菜单。
Those going to the International Building please get ready to get off at the next stop. 到国际大厦的乘客在下一站下车,请做好准备。
More about me? Please check my blogs. I will also be happy to hear from you and ideally with your photos. 想更多的了解我?请浏览我的博客吧。我也很高兴与你通信并希望看到你的照片。
We are just normal friends, and I hope that this friendship can continue, so all of you please stop giving us well-wishes. 我们只是普通朋友,而我与孝全的友谊将持续下去,请大家不要在祝福我们了。
If you've lost respect for me that's totally fine but please don't let me or my words lose the respect off the WNBA and what it stands for. 如果你不再尊重我,完全没关系。但是请不要因为我或我说的话让你失去对WNBA(美国女子篮球联盟)的尊敬。
Please do us a favor to make a credit certificate. And I would appreciate it if you could send me a copy. 这是为答复别人的一个邮件,内容如下:谢谢贵司为我们开信用证,开证完成后麻烦回一个副本给我。
I'm leaving now and I shall be back soon. If somebody asks for me, please tell him (her)that I shall be back after 10 a clock. 我现在出去,很快就回来。要是有人找我,请告诉他(她),我将在十点后回来。
Please do not make any mistake to leave any other sofas as customer has started their sales with pictures they have. 如果客户已经开始根据你们提供的图片来销售产品时,请不要犯任何错误来拉下某一款沙发!
In order to please her, Pushkin had to stop writing, and run heavily into debt. The great writer finally died of a duel for her. 普希金为此丢下创作,弄得债台高筑,最后还为她决斗而死,使一颗文学巨星过早陨落。
Ihave many disadvantages. If I said something that offends you . please apologize me. 我这个人缺点比较多,在平常如有得罪的地方,还请多多关照。
Stop trying to please everyone. There will always be people who you don't get along with or that do not like you for some reason. 停止取悦每个人。总会有人和你相处不来,或由于某种原因不喜欢你。
If none of these answer your question please reply to this email and our Technical Support Department will get back to you. 如果以上不能回答您的疑问,请回复此邮址,我们的技术支持部门会予以解答。
How much yogurt do you want ? One glass , please. 你需要多少酸奶?;一杯;
oh, please. Stop trying to keep up with the Joneses. You know you can't afford it. 摆脱,不要跟别人攀比了,你知道你买不起的。