face down

  • n.〈美口〉同“face off”;摊牌
  • adv.面朝下地
  • 网络正面朝下;向下;趴着睡

第三人称单数:faces down 现在分词:facing down 过去式:faced down

face downface down

face down


近景扑克牌魔术都有哪些手法?_百度知道 ... face up 面朝上 face down 面朝下 fan 开扇 ...


face_百度百科 ... face up 面朝上 face down 正面朝下 face the music 承担后果(受到惩罚,面对危险) ...


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趴着睡(face down) 伴侣类型:脸冲下,胃部接触床面睡觉的男人强悍有力。他是能干的成功男士。


游泳英语单词 - 豆丁网 ... explosive breathing 爆发式吸气 313 face down 俯卧姿势 314 face-down stroke 俯泳 315 ...


牌底朝下(face down),剩下的牌则放在桌子中央。先下一轮注(a round of betting),然后由牌童(houseman)或发牌人(deal…


F layer 电离层_馆档网 ... face cream 面霜 face down 压倒 face guard 护面罩 ...


魔术名词中英参照表 - DX的日志 - 网易博客 ... 牌面向上: Face Up 牌面向下: Face Down 伙伴牌: Mates ...

Her eyes looked from my face down to my foot, with the chalk gripped between my toes. She put down the pot. 她把我从头看到脚,这时,我的脚趾还紧紧地夹着那支粉笔。
Four cards with same number, after turn one of it over with face down, the other three will also turn over automatically with face down. 四张卡片以同样数字,在轮一个以后它与面孔下来,其它三自动地并且将移交与面孔下来。
She pushed him off her, and knocked him flat, face down to the carpet, then rolled over on top of him. 她狠狠把男孩推了一下,他脸朝下撞到地毯上,她连忙翻身压在他身上。
She was soon found face down in their home pool: grey, lifeless and without a heartbeat. 但很快便在自家的游泳池中找到了她。她当时面孔朝下,脸色苍白,毫无生气并且没有了心跳。
Planking, the act of simply lying face down in public places, has become something of an Internet sensation. planking就是面朝下躺在在公共场所的行为,现在已经变成了一种网络潮流。
One, 68, was found lying face down in his apartment, where the gas and electricity had been cut off half a year earlier. 其中68岁的老人被人发现,气绝时趴在公寓,瓦斯和电半年前就被切断。
He slept face down on the newspapers with his arms out straight and the palms of his hands up . 他脸朝下趴在报纸上,手臂直直地伸着,手心朝上。
The child had been sleeping face down. His mother turned him over and tucked up the sheets. 那小孩趴着睡。妈妈把他翻个身,替他盖好被单。
He ordered me to lie down with my face down and severely beat me all over my back from the lower spinal cord. 他命令我趴在地上,然后用力的殴打我的背部,从脊椎的下方开始。
LJ runs back to the house and finds his mother face down in the doorway. LJ跑回屋看见他的母亲脸朝下倒在门口。
The child had been sleeping face down. His mother turned him up and tucked up the sheets. 那孩子趴着睡觉,她母亲把他翻过身,然后塞好被单。
We found him with his face down in the pillow With a note that said I'll love her till I die' 发现他面朝下倒在枕头上,旁边一张条写着‘我会爱她直到死’
Adil said he was kept lying face down on the floor with his hands tied behind his back for an hour with the officers pointing guns at him. 阿迪勒说他双手反绑在背后头被摁在地上大概有一个小时左右,并且有警察一直用枪指着他的头。
Then I fell face down in the bottom of the boat. I was asleep before I stopped moving. . . 然后我就一头栽进了船舱,还没等倒下去就进入梦乡了。
But one image seen around the globe, of the battered body of a young monk, face down in a ditch, said it all. 但一具满身伤痕的年轻僧人的尸体脸朝下浮在河沟里的景象说明了一切,全世界都看到了这一景象。
Example: The controller of a player's turn can see that player's hand and the identity of any face-down creatures he or she controls. 例:某玩家之回合的操控者可以看到该玩家的手牌,以及由该玩家所操控之牌面朝下的生物是什么。
Jonas helped him to his chair at the side of the bed. Then he quickly removed his tunic and lay face down. 乔纳斯帮他坐到床旁边的椅子上。然后快速的脱下他的制服并脸朝下趴在床上。
Back in the yard Boxer was pawing with his hoof at the stable-lad who lay face down in the mud, trying to turn him over. 回到院子里,布克瑟用蹄子扒了一下那个脸朝下趴在泥里的马夫,想把他翻过来。
A week ago, I came to work early and was accosted by two men who tied me up, gagged me, robbed me and left me face down on the floor. 一周前的那天,我很早来到单位,有两个男人上来搭话,接着就把我捆住,用东西塞住我的嘴,抢走了我的钱,然后就扔下趴在地上的我逃走了。
Good! Now watch, i will pick up the can with a kitchen tongs like this and put it face down in the cold water in the pan. Ready? 对了!现在,我要用餐钳像这样将易拉罐夹起来,并将其正面放在有冷水的平底锅里。准备好了吗?
Michael found the little guy, his face down in a steam, his body gray all over, gray as ash. 迈克尔发现了那小家伙,他脸朝下泡在溪水里,全身发灰。
He is still lying face down, the children sat on his side, guarding him. 他仍旧面朝下躺着,孩子坐在他的身边,守着他。
Its rules are well known: you have to flip the puzzle tiles face down one after another easy to remember the model right to their front-end. 其规则是众所周知的:你必须倒装面对向下瓷砖的困惑了一个又一个好记的模式对他们的前端。
It is often a winning card. In one kind of poker game, the first card to each player is given face down. 通常是代表胜利的牌。在一种纸牌游戏中,每个玩家拿到的第一张牌是正面朝下的。
Lying face down on the hillside , his head pointing uphill . 在上坡上脸朝下躺着,头部朝向山顶。
Special plate grinding machines sometimes are used on which plates are fastened, face down, on a drum. 有时需要使用特殊的摩版机,将其面朝下,压紧敲打。
I was lying face-down on my bed upstairs when I heard her come through the front door. 当听到妈妈从前门走进来的时候,我正在楼上脸朝下趴在自己的床上。
A good way to find your balance is to float face down on the surface of the water without moving. 找到自己平衡点的好办法就是脸向下,一动不动地漂在水面上。
At the end of each game, all face-down objects in play, in the phased -out zone, or on the stack must be revealed to all players. 在每盘游戏结束时,场上、跃离区与堆叠之中所有牌面朝下的对象都必须展示给所有玩家。
With clenched fists, with arms outspread at right angles, like a man crucified who has been un - nailed, and flung face down on the earth. 他两拳紧握,两臂伸成直角,好象一个被钉在十字架上刚取下来的人,脸朝地被扔在那里。