feel good

  • un.对…有好处;很舒服
  • 网络感觉好;好感觉;感觉良好

feel goodfeel good

feel good


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的确,感觉美好feel good)的观念是可以鼓舞团队前进,但是要达到全民共识,不讲人数(号召更多人参与)是失去全民反 …


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强调做好事(Do Good)支持环保,保持好心情Feel Good),也真正健康、个人也变得愈来愈亮丽、有活力(Look Good) …

"All my blood tests are good, and my vital signs are good, and I feel good, and I also have, believe it or not, more energy, " Clinton said. 克林顿说,“我所有的血检结果都很好,生命体征也都正常,我感觉良好。不管你信不信,我觉得自己精力更充沛了。”
It felt easy to bring her happiness perhaps due to her obvious physical handicap. It made me feel good about myself. 我觉得我很容易给她带来幸福,是因为她有一条不健全的腿让我觉得自己很伟大。
Tell me what you do not know whether to feel good like it? 不晓得各位看官是否觉得这样的不错呢?
So today you could save taxes and feel good about it, then you could save your soul and help out a few starving friars as well. 今天,你可以省下税钱,感觉良好,而在当时,你可以留住自己的灵魂,拯救几个饿得奄奄一息的修道士。
He's using her to make him feel good, and isn't relating to her as a partner or even a human being. 他把她当成一个可以让他自我感觉良好的工具,而不是把她当成与他平等的伴侣,甚至,不是把她当成人类。
I feel good, especially after the game against Manchester United, which was one of my best in an AC Milan shirt. 我觉得自己状态很好,特别是在半决赛战胜曼联之后,那是我穿上红黑球衫之后表现最好的一次。
He said: "I am pleased to be playing again and I feel good. Now I have the chance to help my teammates, so I will try to do that. " 他说道:“我非常高兴再次能够踢球,我非常太棒了,现在我有机会帮助我的队友,所以我将竭尽全力。”
Groove. If the nail inside of the groove, so that the nails and fingers with good, feel good, easy to move bits. Recommended use this. 凹槽。如果指甲内侧有凹槽,这样的指甲和手指的配合较好,手感也比较好,不易挪位。推荐选用这种。
He said: "I feel good. I'm really happy to have come through my first game. " 他说:“我感觉好极了,很高兴自己能够第一次代表球队首发。”
And one of the best ways to feel better about yourself is to help someone else -- do good, feel good. 对自己感觉更好的最好一个方法是帮助别人---让“做好”给你好心情。
Women love to feel good about themselves and getting their bad guy, at least for a while, satisfies that urge. 女人们喜欢自我感觉良好并且拥有坏小子来当男朋友,至少也要当一会,满足她们的欲望。
Explanation: even if you only so on campus, to feel good social you just a atomy in the air, your breath blew. 只能这样解释:即便你在校园自我感觉良好,出到社会你只是一颗空气中的尘埃,人家一口气便把你吹落了。
"Slowly we are getting recognized and feel good. We are beginning to feel we are part of society, " she said. “我们逐渐被认同,这让我们感觉非常好。我们开始感觉到自己正在与社会融为一体,”她这样说到。
People who become addicted to certain substances are subconsciously trying to boost the levels of these feel-good chemicals. 那些成瘾者其实是下意识地想要增加使人愉悦的化学物质。
Sometimes I would just like to unleash my inner beast with someone but I have no outlet (at least not ones that I can feel good about). 有时,我只想放出心中的野兽,和一个人……但我没有出路(至少自己没有很好的办法)。
Today does not feel good, Because has not gone home! Hoped next few days will be able to be joyful! 今天感觉不好,因为没回成家希望今后几天能快乐吧!
It takes less than a minute; it makes you feel good all day; it's the opening note for a good night's sleep. 开始将晚上良好的睡眠记下来,这用不了一分钟的时间,但是你的心情会因此好上一整天。
While it may feel good in the moment to be open, responsive and action oriented, be careful not to encourage all the wrong things. 你的言行在那一刻可能感觉良好-开放的、快速反应的、行动为导向的,但当心不要鼓励所有错误的事情。
Her hair has grown back, she no longer licks and chews at her feet, and I feel good that she's not on any drugs! 她的头发已经成长回来,她不再连任,并骂她的脚,我感觉很好,她不是对任何药物!
He said: "We are well prepared to play against them, I feel good, the team feel good, we are ready to go. " 他说:“我们为对抗他们做了很好的准备。我感觉很好,球队感觉也很好,我们准备好了。”
This should have been a week for traders in the stock market to feel good about life. 上周本应是让股市交易员对生活充满希望的一周。
'Free' makes us feel good and 'free' has no downside; it we didn't pay we've got nothing to lose if our decision turns out to be wrong. “免费”让我们感觉良好,同时它也没有不好的一面。因为我们没花钱,所以,如果我们选择错了,我们也不会损失什么。
But that kind of feeling really funny, since the prism incident, I began to fear you, imperceptible in feel good care about you. 但那种感觉真不好受,自从那次三棱镜事件后,我开始害怕你,不知不觉中觉得好在乎你。
It's like a huge dose of -feel good- You'll simply be in a great mood all day long. 这就像一个巨大的剂量,感觉很好,你会仅仅是一个伟大的心情一整天。
This record has been under wraps for years now, but I feel good about it and I'm excited to get it out there finally. 这张专辑已经保密好几年了,但我觉得它很不错,而且我很激动最终能把它发行出来。
Take a moment, just once a day, to make yourself feel good, and remind yourself that you re responsible for your own happiness. 花些时间,只用一天一次,让你自己感觉良好,并且提醒自己要为自己的快乐负责。
They also find it difficult to be pleased by compliment with a statement like this one, "You're just saying that to make me feel good. " 同时很难被赞美之词所取悦并会回复说:“你这样说只是为了让我觉得好受点,我知道这不是真的。”
The authors speculated that the susceptibility to flattery stemmed from a simple desire to feel good about themselves. 研究者猜测,人们容易受奉承的影响源自于人们想对自己感觉更好的简单渴望。
"It feels a lot better, " Walton said Friday. "But to play basketball it's got to feel good enough to play defense and rebound and run. " “已经好了很多了。”沃顿周五的时候表示,“对于打球来说,我已经能够防守、抢篮板和跑位。”
And for him to feel good about himself he must achieve these goals alone by himself. is a symbol of efficiency, power, and competence. 为了满足自我,他必须自己完成目标,其他人不可替他完成。火星人以自力做事为捎。自主是效率、力量和能力的象征。