
美 [flaɪ]英 [flaɪ]
  • adj.机灵的;机警的;不会上当的;时髦迷人的
  • n.蝇;苍蝇;(作钓饵的)苍蝇;(裤子的)前裆开口
  • v.飞;飞翔;航行;(乘航空器或航天器)航行
  • 网络飞行;放;飞扬

过去式:flew flown 过去式:flew 第三人称单数:flies 现在分词:flying 过去分词:flown

fly plane,fly flag,aircraft fly,fly glass,fly helicopter
fly fishing,fly wing
away fly


鸟;昆虫of bird/insect

1.[i](+ adv./prep.)飞;飞翔to move through the air, using wings


2.[i](+ adv./prep.)(在空中或宇宙)飞行,航行to move through air or space

3.[i](乘航空器或航天器)航行,飞行to travel in an aircraft or a spacecraft

4.[t][i]~ (sth)驾驶(飞机等);操纵(飞行器等)to control an aircraft, etc. in the air

5.[t]+ adv./prep.空运(货物或乘客)to transport goods or passengers in a plane

6.[t]~ sth乘飞行器飞越(海洋或陆地)to travel over an ocean or area of land in an aircraft

快速╱突然移动move quickly/suddenly

7.[i](+ adv./prep.)疾驰;疾行;快速移动to go or move quickly

8.[i](+ adv./prep.)猛然移动to move suddenly and with force

时间of time

9.[i]飞逝to seem to pass very quickly


10.[i][t](旗)飘扬;升,悬挂(旗)if a flagflies , or if youfly it, it is displayed, for example on a long pole

自由移动move freely

11.[i]自由移动to move around freely


13.[t][i]~ (sth)(从…)逃走,逃跑to escape from sb/sth

计划of plan

14.[i]成功to be successful


fly the coop

逃走to escape from a place

fly high

成功to be successful

fly in the face of sth

悍然不顾;公然违抗;与…相悖to oppose or be the opposite of sth that is usual or expected

fly into a rage, temper, etc.

勃然大怒to become suddenly very angry

(go) fly a/your kite

走开;别烦人;别插手used to tell sb to go away and stop annoying you or interfering

fly the nest

羽翼已丰可离巢to become able to fly and leave its nest

fly off the handle

大发雷霆to suddenly become very angry

go flying

跌倒;(尤指)绊了一跤to fall, especially as a result of not seeing sth under your feet

let fly (at sb/sth) (with sth)

(用…)打;(向某人)大发雷霆to attack sb by hitting them or speaking angrily to them

※ 魔镜歌词网 ... 3.真我( Real Me) 4.( Fly) 6.双手( My Hand) ...


英语单词分类:月份、星期…_百度文库 ... billiards( 台球) fly( 苍蝇) butterfly( 蝴蝶) ...


新目标英语八年级下册单词表_百度文库 ... space station 太空站 fly 飞行 moon 月亮;月球 ...

人教版小学英语三年级下册单词表 ... can 能够,可以 fly (风筝) draw 画画 ...


轩字的解释---在线新华字典 ... 宽悦。也作“刳”〖 comfort〗 高扬;飞扬fly〗 泛指华美的车子〖 chariot〗 ...


跆拳道_互动百科 ... Fin( 鳍量级) Fly( 蝇量级) Bantam( 雏量级) ...

happiness on hand is simple and transparent, just as two geese fly across the sky together. 紧握手里的幸福应该是简单而透明的。就像两只大雁,依偎在一起飞过天空,哪么简单。那么快乐。
In the vestibule, as I'm buttoning my fly, I notice one of them waiting for her friend to come out of the can. 我正在走廊里系裤扣,便看到其中一个女人在等她朋友从厕所里出来。
We, students of class 11, are just like this pigeon, ready to expand our wings and fly to the vast blue sky! 我们11班的所有同学也正像这只鸽子一样,正蓄势待发地展开双翅,飞向辽阔的蓝天!
A flea and a fly flew up in a flue. Said the flea, "Let us fly! " Said the fly, "Let us flee! " 一只跳蚤和一只苍蝇飞进烟道里。跳蚤说:「让我们飞吧!」苍蝇说:「让我们逃跑吧!」
One of the most unexpected Chinese fossils in Microraptor. It had four feathered limbs and almost certainly could fly. 令人意想不到的中国小盗龙化石,它的四肢长有羽毛,古生物学家断定它肯定可以飞行。
Grandpa let the fireflys fly free as he leaved. Maybe this one is coming back to see him? 后来,爷爷把所有的萤火虫都放走了,这一只,是不是回来看他的呢?
So, unfortunately, I still this life is not your boyfriend, if I had wings I fly from heaven to see you under. 所以,很可惜,我今生仍然不是你的男友,如果我有翅膀,我要从天堂飞下来看你。
If spaceships that can fly faster than the speed of light were built, a day on board would be equivalent to a year on Earth. 如果太空飞船的速度能超过光速,船上的一天将相当于地球上的一年。
What you trying' to be my new wife? What you Mariah? Fly through twice. 怎么你要当我的新娘子?什么玛利亚?想再来一次?。
He said he would straighten up and fly right and assured me that he would never involve himself in things of that sort. 他说他要改邪归正,并向我保证不再做那种事了。
Manuel Zelaya, president of Honduras, who was ousted by a military coup last month, made an abortive attempt to fly back to his country. 在军事政变中被驱逐的前洪都拉斯总统曼纽尔.塞拉亚回国的尝试宣告流产。
A Norwegian scientist, Loof Lirpa, was staying in London, where he was trying to find the secret of how to fly. 一位叫卢夫•勒尔帕的挪威科学家当时住在英国的伦敦,想在那里找到飞行的秘密。
The notion of actually being able to adjust light output on the fly seems to be fairly new to many lighting designers. 对于许多照明设计人员而言,能够实际即时调节光输出还是一种全新的理念。
He saw that the ball fly straight at the man in the boat. 他看见那个球向船上那个人直飞过去。
And somebody asked me about Catherine, my wife, you know, did she fly out with me or something? 而有人问我关于我妻子凯瑟琳的事她和我一起飞去其他地方或其他吗?
When finally the kite catches the wind and fly high above into the sky, it feels as if all my worries fly away as well. 当最后风筝到了风并且高高的飞在天空中的时候,那种感觉就像是我的所有烦恼也全飞走了。
Want to fly to the sky to see what, fly to the legend of "South Gate" look at me the worship of the deity who lived a kind of life. 想飞到天边去看看什么样子,飞到传说中的“南天门”看看我所崇拜的神仙们过着怎样的生活。
Knowing when to leave will never let you reach The point of no return, fly! 知道何时应离开绝不会让你到达一去不回的地步,飞吧!
This positioning then lets the fly spring into a flight pattern that takes it out of the danger zone. 这种姿势让苍蝇能快速调整飞行方式,飞离危险地带。
Miss the beginning of childhood, when our carefree swing, and each time seems to fly Dangqi swing very far far away. 开始怀念童年,那时的我们无忧无虑的荡秋千,每一次荡起都好像可以飞到很远很远的地方。
The wind is too strong for me to fly in a line through the storm. 风力太强了,我不能一直直线飞行穿过暴风。
Fly against the wind, and you will get a pair of stronger wings. 逆风飞翔,你会锻炼出强壮的翅膀。
The instinct of a man is to pursue everything that flies from him, and to fly from all that pursue him. 人的本能是追逐从他身边飞走
He might be walking straight up the walls, for all he could tell, or staggering across the ceilings like a maddened fly. 他只知道,自己是在沿着墙壁笔直向前走着,还是象一只疯狂的苍蝇,跌跌绊绊地穿过天花板下方。
They should be able to see the fish well if they do not fly too high. 要不是飞得太高,他们一定能清楚地看到这条鱼。
A tortoise was complaining of her hard fate that no one would teach her to fly when an eagle hovered bear. 一只乌龟在抱怨她的努力,没有人能教她当鹰盘旋的熊。
A flea and a fly flew up in a flue . Flea said " Let us fly ! " Fly said " Let us flee! " So they flew through a flaw in the flue . 一只跳蚤和一只苍蝇飞进了一只烟囱里。跳蚤说“我们飞吧”,苍蝇说“我们逃吧”。最后他们从烟囱一个缺口处逃生。
My shoulders felt light, as if I could almost fly from the weight being taken away. 我的肩膀感到从未有过的轻松,由于那些重量一下子没了,感觉似乎都能飞起来了。
You talk to me of nationality, language, religion. I shall try to fly by those nets. 你同我讲国籍、语言和宗教,我将努力飞越那些网。
And I fly slowly out the door and into the night with the stars overhead and the cold air, and I settle to the parking lot concrete. 我从大门慢慢向往飞升,今夜繁星点点,四周凉风习习,我被扔在停车场的水泥地上。