
美 [ˈberəl]英 [ˈbærəl]
  • n.桶;枪管;一桶(的量)
  • v.飞驰
  • 网络琵琶桶;圆筒;滚筒

复数:barrels 过去式:barrelled 过去式:barreled 现在分词:barrelling 现在分词:barreling

pump barrel


n. v.

1.桶a large round container, usually made of wood or metal, with flat ends and, usually, curved sides

2.一桶(的量);桶(石油计量单位,相当于 120 到 159 升)the contents of or the amount contained in a barrel ; a unit of measurement in the oil industry equal to between 120 and 159 litres


a barrel of laughs

很有趣;开心;快乐very amusing; a lot of fun

(get/have sb) over a barrel

(使某人)听从摆布,处于被动地位(to put/have sb) in a situation in which they must accept or do what you want

690个英语四级高频词汇 ... resolve vt. 解决;决定,决意 175. barrel n. 176. bargain n. 便宜货 ...


枪械词汇解释[图文](全) - 军事贴图 - 华声论坛 ... Ambidextrous【 双手通用】 Barrel枪管】 Barrel attachments【 枪口附件】 ...


单证常用的英文(包括数量单位) ... Bal. balance 差额 bar.or brl. barrel 桶,琵琶桶 B.C. before Christ 公元前 ...


2013年英语四级词汇表(背诵)_百度文库 ... barn n. 谷仓;牲口棚 barrel n. 桶;圆筒;枪管 barrier n. 栅栏,屏障;障碍 ...


机械英语词汇|各类常用英语词汇 ... white cast iron 白口铸件 模具加工方法 barrel 滚筒(加工) bending 波纹加工 ...


PETS3_资料内容_资料下载_学习资料共享网 ... barn 谷仓,仓库;草料房 barrel 桶;枪管,炮管 base 基(础),底(座);基地 ...


刘丽的语言学博客 - Lily - 网易博客 ... “scale- 攀登 ”的缩影。 eg:barrel 木桶 barrier 栅栏 ...

"I feel like an innocent man dragged from his bed, put in a barrel and hurled over Gullfoss! " wrote one journalist that morning. “我感觉好象一个无辜的人,被人从床上拖下来,装进一个桶里,丢进黄金瀑布(Gullfoss)里了!”一位记者在那天早上写道。
Do not associate with bad people. They may spoil you as a rotting apple spoils the apples next to it in the barrel. 不要和坏人交往,他们可能象烂苹果破坏一个桶中它旁边的渐渐腐烂的苹果一样损坏你。
Running quickly to an old barrel, he lifted off one of the steel bands. He dashed back and handed it to the hobo. 他快步跑向一个旧桶,摘下一个钢圈,急速跑回,把它交给了流浪汉。
Bula Melnikov soldiers bogged down, he was about to be engulfed in the moment, seize the teammates stretched over the barrel. 战士布拉尼科夫陷入泥沼,就在他即将被吞没的一刹那,抓住了队友伸过来的枪管。
As she finished, the ducks began to revive and a search of the yard revealed a leaking beer barrel surrounded by webbed footprints. 就在刚刚退完毛之后,鸭子竟然活了过来。她在院子找寻之后发现一个破损的大酒桶,旁边还有很多蹼形的脚印。
The poor bride behind the barrel trembled and shook, for she saw well what fate the robbers had planned for her. 可怜的新娘躲在桶的后面吓得发抖。她看到了强盗给她设计的命运。
And a dog, sleeping behind a water barrel, opened one eye and looked at him. 正躺在水桶后面的一条狗睁开一只眼睛看着他。
Suppose that the rest of the oil producers are willing to supply as much oil as the United States wants at a constant price of $25 a barrel. 假设,国外石油生产商愿意以每桶25美元的固定价格向美国提供石油,以满足它的需求。
How much does a barrel of oil COST? 一桶石油要多少钱?
Right down at the end of the street there was a spring under a birch tree and there had been a barrel sunk in the ground. 就在这条街的尽头,在一棵桦树下面,有一潭泉水。水底还沉着一只大桶。
The Rear Derailleur barrel adjuster is the same as found on the brake calipers, and is large and super-easy to adjust. 后变速器的只线张力调整部分与煞车夹器部分相同,够大且超级容易调整。
"I thought your side disapproved of guns, " said Crowley. He took the gun from the angel's plump hand and sighted along the stubby barrel. “我以为你们不赞成使用枪支呢,”克鲁利说着从天使白嫩地丰满的手中接过枪,顺着短粗的枪管瞄了瞄。
The number of oil option contracts betting on oil hitting $200 a barrel in December have tripled since the beginning of the year. 自今年初以来,押注油价在12月份触及每桶200美元的原油期权合约增长了两倍。
I had been taken back to my room after surgery, one-quarter awake and feeling as if I had just tumbled over Niagara Falls in a barrel. 术后我被推回房间,大概只清醒了四分之一,感觉我想是被装在一只桶里在尼亚加拉大瀑布上翻滚。
The next day, both brother's were surprised to see their own barrel's full of rice. 第二天,兄弟俩都惊异于自己的米缸,怎么都是满的?
Some people always ask me how, where and how much I got my "first barrel of gold" ? 经常有人问我第一桶金怎么来的,从哪里得到的,有多少。
That demand spike -- China was stocking up in case it needed backup fuel -- played a role in oil's climb to its record of $145 a barrel. 此前中国一直囤积柴油以备不时之需,于是柴油需求激增,这是导致油价向每桶145美元的纪录水平挺进的原因之一。
The price of a barrel of Brent crude, which had nudged $120, slipped back a bit this week. 本周,价格一度接近每桶120美元的布伦特原油出现了回落。
When the enemy came to the village, the child was hidden in a barrel, which saved his skin. And all the others were killed. 当敌人来到这个村子的时候,那个孩子被藏在一个桶里,使他安然无恙。其他所有人都被杀了。
He took the watch all to pieces and said the barrel was smashed. He said he could reduce it in three days. 他把表的零件都拆开,然后说芯管碎了,他说他能在三天内修复它。
Zhu was about to run out of ammunition when he put a gun barrel into his mouth and pulled the trigger. 在弹药用尽的时候,朱军把枪口对准了自己的嘴巴然后扣动了扳机。
How much water goes into a barrel of beer? 酿造一桶啤酒需要多少水?
With his bowed legs, barrel chest, and prominent ears, he presented a comical appearance, but Jon knew better than to laugh at him. 他相貌特有喜感,罗圈腿,招风耳,胸膛壮如水桶,但琼恩知道最好不要嘲笑他。
She said that she had a barrel of fun last night. 她说她昨晚玩得可开心了。
He rose slowly to his feet, watching the youth's eyes and the dark barrel that followed him as he moved away. 他慢慢地站起身,看着枪犯的眼睛,盯着黑洞洞的枪口,枪口在跟着他移动。
Ahh, Lirondo, with friends like these one need not be afraid his soul will go over to the dark side! Open a barrel of my best! 啊,里隆多,和你们这帮朋友在一起就不用担心你们的灵魂会堕落到黑暗面!开一桶我最好的酒!是的,小雨。
AC-IV folds into a rare form of a barrel-like shape previously seen in only three other unrelated proteins. 此前,这种形状只在另外三种不相关的蛋白质发现过。
His left hand reached up to his shoulder, fingertips just brushing the barrel of the rifle strapped to his shoulder. 他把左手举到肩膀处,指尖轻拂过肩上挎着的步枪枪管。
The first is the make-up water pipe equipped with the bottom of barrel; the current overflows , and bring the dirt to the surface. 第一是在清洗桶底部装有补充水喷水管,喷水管的水流经过清洗桶上溢,带走脏物至液面。
A man who knew him well in Indiana said he had often seen Lincoln grasp a barrel of cider and lift it to his face as if to drink. 一个在印第安纳州熟识他的人说,他经常看到林肯抓起一桶苹果酒举到脸前像要喝似的。