
美 [əˈlɔŋ]英 [əˈlɒŋ]
  • prep.沿着;顺着;靠着…边;沿着…的某处(或旁边)
  • adv.一起;向前;越来越(好)
  • 网络和……一起;沿著;往前



1.沿着;顺着from one end to or towards the other end of sth

2.靠着…边in a line that follows the side of sth long

3.沿着…的某处(或旁边)at a particular point on or beside sth long


2012年职称英语词汇表 最新完整版 - 豆丁网 ... almost adv. 几乎,差不多 along prep. 沿着 alphabet n. 字母表 ...


新概念英语单词大全_百度文库 ... alone ad. 仅,只 along ad. 向前 alongside prep. 在...旁边 ...


字典中 缘 字的解释 ... (3) 牵连[ involve] (5) 沿着;顺着[ along] (1) 因凭借[ depend on] ...


初中英语单词表 - 豆丁网 ... alone a. 单独的,孤独的 along ad. 向前;和…一起;一同 aloud ad. 大声地 ...


常用生活英语词汇_中国梦想家 ... alone 独自的 along 沿著;一同 alongside 在□旁边 ...


2011年中考英语词汇表 - 豆丁网 ... alone 孤单的,单独地 38. along 往前;沿着 39. * aloud 大声地,出声地 40. ...

Returning along the garden path Tess mused on what the mother could have wished to ascertain from the book on this particular day. 当苔丝沿着花园的小道回屋时,心里默默地想,母亲在今天这个特别的日子里是想从书中查找什么。
He drew back hastily, and passing through the kitchen groped his way along the narrow passages. 他飞速后退,摸索着穿过厨房来到狭窄的走廊里。
It was a risk for me to push her along this path-what if some snarky high schooler did make fun of her efforts? 我逼着她一路走下去是在冒险——要是某个刻薄的中学生确实取笑女儿的付出该怎么办?
It began to, make sense to me that I could include praise along with constructive criticism. I GOT the idea from a poem I read. 从此我开始明白:我该给予孩子赞扬,再加上建设性的批评。我是从那首诗中得到这个启示的。
There, comes the long hair blonde--Fairy Fall, with a basket of magic gold dust in her hand, and she sprays the gold dust along all her way. 秋姐姐来了,她头上长着金黄的头发,手上提着一篮金粉,每到一个地方她都会撒下一点金粉。
One has just sort of, you know, muddled along. 你知道,我是一个有几分混日子的人。
I founded after sitting in the office all day, it is exhilarated to going for a walk along the quietly lake in the night. 办公室里坐了一天之后,我感到晚上沿着静静的湖边散散步令人神清气爽。
With team spirit and sense of service, easy to get along with others. 具有团队精神和服务意识,容易与人相处。
Students who do not learn grammar along with vocabulary will not be able to use the language for communication. 不与词汇同步学习语法的学生,将不能够使用其语言来交流。
George: You see, John. Zhang has stood up for you already. I said you would get along. 看,张已经帮着你说话了,我就知道你们会相处的好。
In either case, he may not be sure what kind of behavior is expected of him, so he's making it up as he goes along. 不论那种情况,也也许不确定自己应当被期待做出何种行为,所以他骑驴看账本--走着瞧。
Some tribes along the western Great Lakes collected a tall grass with an edible grain, referred to as a wild rice. 有些部落沿西部大湖区收集了草丛的食用粮,被称为野生稻。
To create volume and lift for you up do, tease roots with a fine-tooth comb in the front, on the sides and along the crown. 要让头发蓬松起来,用一把梳齿完整的梳子从前面、两边头顶把头发梳理好。
Fujian Province, a coastal area along the Taiwan Strait, was one of the hardest-hit areas. 福建省,处在台湾海峡的沿岸地带,是遭受重创最严重的地区之一。
As described above along the side of each hall reinforced concrete elements and masonry walls serve as the structural backbone of the hall. 如上所述,沿每个展厅侧面,由钢筋混凝土构件和砌筑墙作为展厅的建筑构架。
This was an American journey by a New Yorker who became more American as he went along. 我作为一个地道的纽约人,随着这次穿越美国之行的推进,变得愈发美国了。
It winds its way through the streets of downtown Milwaukee. But a few changes must be made along the route. 它会迂回穿越密耳瓦基的市区街道,但路线沿途必须进行些许改变。
The pungent smell of the aptly named local treat wafted around the corner, along the narrow alleyway and straight up my nostrils. 被称为当地特色的臭豆腐的刺鼻味道这时正飘过街角、顺着那条狭窄的胡同直接飘进我的鼻子。
and shade by our branches to cool one from the heat of the hottest sun along with shelter one from the wind, snow and rain. 并且可以用我们的树枝来遮挡最炎热的太阳和遮风蔽雨雪。
There had been a number of walls built of brick and stone along the northern border to keep the enemies beyond. 当时在北方疆界上曾有一些砖石建造的城墙以抵御外敌。
Along with indicating how much money they had, the computer screen also displayed the amounts held by three other players. 电脑向玩家显示他们自己拥有多少代币的同时,还会显示其他三位玩家持有的代币数额。
Cruiser was running back and forth along the edge of the pool, trying to save the child by grabbing Kyla's clothing with his teeth. 克鲁索在池边来回跑,用牙齿拽住凯拉的衣服,想把她救上来。
As an employee, you may be used to passing problems up along the food chain or not be very involved in decision making. 一名打工者,你或许习惯在食物链内推卸责任,或不涉及决策的工作。
He took Peter and the two sons of Zebedee along with him, and he began to be sorrowful and troubled. 于是带着彼得,和西庇太的两个儿子同去,就忧愁起来,极其难过。
Arrayed along the bar, next to a pile of garlic cloves the men used for cooking, lay a collection of thick wooden clubs ready for battle. 就在一堆做菜用的大蒜瓣旁边,沿着吧台放着一些很粗的木棍,是为准备作战用的。
Mr. Butterworth described a recent day when a sailor who had never been on the boat came along. 巴特沃斯描述道,最近有一天,一位从未上过船的水手也一同出航。
If he tears up a couch and there's nothing there, we're dead, thought Gallagher as the dog raced up the building stairs, pulling him along. 金拉着加拉赫沿大楼楼梯往上跑时,他想,金要是撕碎了一个沙发,结果一无所获,他们可就完了。
The design depicts a realistic portrait of an American Indian on the obverse of the coin along with the word "Liberty" along the rim. 设计一个现实的画像描绘了美洲印第安人的正面的硬币连同字“自由”沿岸。
Sir Launcelot, in his richest armor, came striding along the great hall now on his way to the stock-board. 这时候,郎斯洛爵士,穿着那副最讲究的铠甲,正迈着大步沿着那个很大的过厅往前走,要上证券委员会去。
Before the ransom was paid, the body was found along with a pair of glasses linking the crime to Leopold and Loeb. 在赎金支付之前,弗兰克斯的尸体已被发现,同时被发现的还有一副眼镜,这是它将这起案件与利奥伯德和勒伯联系到了一起。