
美 [əˈlɔŋˌsaɪd]英 [əˈlɒŋˌsaɪd]
  • prep.在…旁边;沿着…的边;与…一起;与…同时
  • adv.在…的侧面;与…并排
  • 网络在……的旁边;与……并肩;横靠



1.在…旁边;沿着…的边next to or at the side of sth

2.与…一起;与…同时together with or at the same time as sth/sb


新概念英语单词大全_百度文库 ... along ad. 向前 alongside prep. 在...旁边 alter vt. 改变,改动 ...


BEC中级词汇表 - 豆丁网 ... annals n. 年鉴,纪年表 alongside prep. 与…并排,在…旁边 annex vt. 附加,合并,侵占 ...


九年级上册英语单词表外研版_百度知道 ... have a look at 看···一眼 alongside 在···的旁边 detail 细节 ...


by 和on 的用法_百度知道 ... Aside;away: 一边;搁置: Up to,alongside,and past: 超出,沿着,过去: Into the past: 流逝: ...


考研大纲英语词汇表WORD版 - 豆丁网 ... along prep. 沿着 alongside prep. 在…旁边,横靠,与...并肩 aloud ad. 出声地,大声地 ...


大学英语精读单词表(第三册) - 豆丁网 ... mare n. 母马, 母驴 alongside prep. 横靠; 沿 mule n. 骡 ...

Alongside a new car and $5000 in cash, she wins the heady prospect of "a year of ambassadorial work spreading peace across the sub-region. " 她除了赢得一辆新车和5000美元现金之外,还有一项神圣任务「未来一年将以和平大使身分在西非各国进行亲善访问」。
If he continues to improve (and cuts down on the turnovers) expect to see him mentioned alongside the top five PGs in the NBA very soon. 如果他能继续进步(并且减少失误),我想他会很快成为联盟前五的顶级控卫。
It must be able to review and implement loan programmes alongside offering support to help small businesses navigate red tape. 该机构必须能够审查并施行贷款项目,同时为小型企业提供支持,帮助它们通过繁琐的手续。
It usually sits alongside the same sort of brands as it might in France but we think they're far more exotic. 它通常会跟同类品牌摆放在一起,就像它在法国或许会在的位置一样,但我们觉得它们更有异国情调。
And he never felt secure living alongside Afghans, she said. 她说,与阿富汗人为邻,他从来没有觉得安全。
Dim Sum is the name for a Chinese cuisine which involves a wide range of light dishes served alongside Chinese tea. 点心是中式美食中的一种,包括的种类很多,通常都配以茗茶一起享用。
Alongside that from a career point of view to be able to go around and get the best working practices in other sports is a real opportunity. 靠着职业的观点和在其他运动方面最好的训练,这将会变成一个真正的好机会。
Alongside Florence in one of the boats, her mother and her trainer offered encouragement. They told her it wasn't much farther. 在佛罗伦斯旁边的一艘船里,她母亲和她的教练不断地鼓励她。
They hitched Bettie's mare alongside Mr. Sam's mule. Bedell lay down in an old box filled with hay, his rifle and crutches besides him. 他们将贝蒂的马和萨姆的骡子一起套上车,彼得尔躺在一个装满干草的旧木箱内,他将步枪和拐杖放在身边。
The QQQ has crept up alongside the upper trendline of the rising channel and on Friday it had a little hick up. QQQ指数一直沿上升管路的上方趋势线攀升,周五它终于出现了小幅回调。
He said he would NOT line up alongside people with such conservative views. 他说他不愿跟有这种保守观点的人来往。
Saul needed someone to come alongside him to encourage and teach him, and to introduce him to other believers. Barnabas was that bridge. 扫罗需要有人在身旁教导、鼓励他,并带他认识其他信徒,而巴拿巴就是这座桥。
Hairy on the calyx, petal over, like a jade-like Campanula alongside the dramatic branches, it is a bit of pure elegance. 毛茸茸的花萼上,花瓣翻翘着,像个玉风铃似的,傲立枝头,很有点冰清玉洁的雅致。
"We've played a few good seasons together and I'm happy to be back playing alongside him, " he said in 2004. “我们在一起踢了几个完美的赛季,我很高兴能够与他搭档。”2004年他说。
They were unable to classify it, and, being scientific men, they climbed into the whale-boat alongside and went ashore to see. 她们没有分清到底属于哪类动物,可是她们都是研究科学的人,是以就划了个捕鲸船到岸上察看。
Here , victims of the war seek shelter alongside deserters, pacifists, and outlaws of every type. 卡德沃沦是战乱受害者的避难所,充斥着逃兵、反战者和各种无法无天的人。
She did not notice me until I was already there, crouching over the animal, my hand upon its warm flank, its pulse racing alongside my own. 她没有注意到我,直到我出现在那里,蹲到动物面前,手放在它温暖的体侧,它的脉搏在我脉搏边上跳动。
It was her fellow colleague, Ralph Lauren, that inspired her to continue her journey in life alongside a partner. 她的同行拉夫·劳伦鼓励她要寻找新的生活伴侣继续生活。
Sometimes, on these journeys, Wilbur would get tired, and Fern would pick him up and put him in the carriage alongside the doll. 有时在散步途中韦伯如果觉得累了,芬就会把他抱起来放在手推车里,让他和洋娃娃坐在一起。
My administration is going to stand with you and fight alongside with you until the job is gone. 我的政府将与你们站在一起,和你们并肩作战,直到工作完成。
Alongside the long grass with a clusters of dandelion, ball umbrella of small white flowers, the wind scattered. 道旁的草地上长着一簇簇蒲公英,伞形的小白花球,随风散落。
The Rat brought the boat alongside the bank, made her fast, helped the still awkward Mole safely ashore, and swung out the luncheon-basket. 河鼠把船划到岸边,靠稳了,把仍旧笨手笨脚的鼹鼠平安地扶上岸,然后扔出午餐篮子。
The driver of the train sets out to determine the length of a fence alongside the road by clocking his time to move past the fence. 火车司机打算记录他经过路旁一个篱笆的时间来测定篱笆的长度。
With him we can truly do well as a department and I hope that playing alongside such a strong youngster lengthens my career too. 有了他,米兰可以真的能做得很好,我希望通过和那么强壮的一名后卫搭档,能够延长我的职业生涯。
Now anxious to fight alongside with you and become a member of your company, and dedicate their youth and talent! 现急盼能与你们并肩作战,成为贵公司地一员,并贡献本身地芳华和才气!
As yet there appear to be no images of Kim Jong-un to hang alongside the portraits of his father and grandfather around the capital. 在首都还没有将金正恩的肖像和他的父亲和祖父的肖像画并排挂列。
She asked to be buried alongside Louis at Saint-Denis. She wanted her heart removed, however, and placed in her parents' tomb at Nantes. 她要求,死后把心脏拿出来放在这个瓶子里,并放回南特父母的墓里,身体与丈夫路易十二一起葬在圣丹尼。
The sheath takes its place alongside the company's other offerings, including a textured condom and one that glows in the dark. . 该避孕套与该公司的其它产品(包括包括带纹理的避孕套、在黑暗中发光的避孕套)一样拥有市场。
Alongside one of the main highways leading into the U. S. capital, a European tourist is filling up his rental car at a gas station. 在通往美国首都的一条主干高速路上,一位欧洲游客正在一个加油站里为他租来的车加油。
I ran by a wounded German soldier lying alongside of a hedgerow. He was obviously in a great deal of pain and crying for help. 我跑过躺在树篱旁一德国伤兵身边,他疼痛苦难忍,哭喊救命。