at least

  • na.至少
  • 网络最低限度;起码;最少

at leastat least

at least


大学英语四级常用词组 ... learn off 记熟,背下来 at least 至少,最低限度 in the least 一点(也不),丝毫(不) ...


大学英语四级常用词组 ... learn off 记熟,背下来 at least 至少,最低限度 in the least 一点(也不),丝毫(不) ...


冀教版初中英语单词表 - 豆丁网 ... at home 在家 at least 至少;起码;终于;最后 at midnight 在半夜 ...


人教版高一英语词组_百度百科 ... used to do 过去常常做...... at least 最少;至少 find out 查明;弄清楚 ...


Gerry的博客 - Gerry - 网易博客 ... comments on ... 关于...的意见 at least 至少来源: speak about 谈及 ...


最起码(At least)我只可说我这小流氓混的还能够! 就这么着吧,论坛(Forum)不便是个混吗,咱也不祈望升官发财!


自考英语词汇表 - 豆丁网 ... at large 普遍地,一般地; 自由地,逍遥自在地 at least 至少,起码;无 论如何 at present 现在; …


2011年高考英语必背短语 - 豆丁网 ... lead up to 把…一直带领到; 导致 at least 至 少 , 最 低 限 度 in the least 一点 ...

There are a quarter of a million -- at least those are the ones we know about -- a quarter of a million species of flowering plants. 有25万种--至少我们知道的有这么多--25万中开花植物。
Personally I cannot see it is proper to oppose poverty eradication against dealing with Climate Change, or at least put one above the other. 我个人并不认为应将消除贫困和应对气候变化对立起来,或者将一者置于另一者之上。
A man of genius is unbearable, unless he possess at least tow things besides: gratitude and purity. 有天才的人,若除了天才外不具备以下两者:即感恩和纯洁,那就令人无法接受。
(safe) With a steady job and salary, he is at least safe from hunger for the time being. 有了稳定的工作和收入,他至少暂时摆脱了挨饿。
So, all the other dinosaurs that you know, or your kids know, at least, on four legs. 然而,你或你的孩子记忆当中的其它恐龙至少是有四条腿的。
Since his own ends are clearly given and he acts to pursue them, surely at least his actions can be considered efficient. 既然他清楚自己的目的,并行动起来追求目的,想必至少可以认为他的行动是有效率的。
I spent at least two hours walking around the interior and the surrounding Piazza, taking in the visual and historical feast before me. 我花了将近两个小时逛完教堂内部以及大广场的四周,享受了一顿视觉和历史文化的盛宴。
Several ministers have warned that the current ministerial meeting would be the last chance to make progress for at least a year. 多名部长级官员曾经警告,当前这一轮部长级会议将是至少一年内取得进展的最后机会。
Is there a way I can reach her or at least leave a message for her to call me? 能否告诉我和她的联系方式,或者至少设法通知她打电话给我。
Now for the unsexy talk of good passwords, which might have prevented at least some Hollywood Leaks attacks, based on the group's claims. 根据一项集体声明,好的密码使不少人免受“好莱坞泄密”组织的攻击。
Here at Nakuru, they have found a place with food and a new harmony; at least, for now. 在那库鲁,它们发现了一个充满食物和全新和谐的地方,至少现在是。
Although more than 90 percent of these societies have engaged in warfare at least once, some societies fight constantly and others rarely. 虽然这些社会中90以上至少介入过一次战争,但其中有些社会战事连绵,而另外一些社会则很少打仗。
It was one of the orders I ignored, at least to the extent of making sure a good record exsited. 这是我没有执行的命令之一,至少在确保留存一份完好的记录方面是如此。
And who knows, maybe some of the methods will actually make you smarter or at least help you become a more interesting person. 但是谁知道呢,也许有些方法会让你变聪明或至少可以让你变成一个有意思的人。
Intermediation requires the intermediating system to understand at least some of the semantics of the messages it intercepts. “仲裁要求仲裁系统对于它所拦截的消息的语义至少有些理解”。
happiness can be a kind of problem, too. but at least it's the kind that leaves people smiling. 快乐也可以是一中难题,但这种难题至少能留给人们美好的回忆。
8 The Royal Family. People come from all over the world to see the Royal Family, or at least the people who guard them at Buckingham Palace. 8皇室。全世界的人们都到英国来看他们,或者至少看看在白金汉宫守卫他们的卫队。
If Mr Ribeiro is any guide, it may be at least a year before they begin to brave the market again. 如果买房者都像Ribeiro先生这样,那至少还要一年他们才会鼓起勇气再次进入市场。
Such information and drawings shall be supplied in the number of copies agreed upon or at least one copy of each. 这些信息和图纸在双方协商一致的情况下应提供数套副本,或至少提供一套副本。
It has also arrested many JUD activists, sealed scores of the charity's offices and stopped publication of at least six JUD newspapers. JUD的很多活动家也遭到了逮捕;同时该布施团办公场所受到查封、至少6份报纸的发行被迫中断。
Somehow I doubt whether there will be much uncertainty or humility on offer; or not, at least, from anyone close to power. 我多少有点怀疑,人们是否会表现出更多的怀疑与谦逊;或至少不是来自那些接近权力的人。
But it is becoming increasingly clear that at least one good thing came out of it: Mending of Japan's tattered ties with the U. S. 但一个日益清晰的事实是,此次争端至少产生了一个积极效果,那就是使饱受打击的日美关系得到了修补。
We all in do not camouflage, dismounts that matter useless attire to accommodate, at least in us, replies original most really own! 我们都不要在伪装了,卸下那层无用的装容,起码在我们中,回复原来的最真的自己!
The best day to drink at least 2000 ml water and nutrients to promote the body's waste transport and metabolism. 最好每天至少要喝2000毫升水,促进体内养分的运输和废物的代谢。
In a British study, men who had intercourse at least twice a week lived longer than men who had sex less than once a month. 一份英国的研究证实,一周至少两次性生活的男性比每月性生活不足一次的男性寿命更长。
"This hunt for resources is going to consume large bodies of water around the world for at least the next couple of decades, " Mrs. 克林顿夫人在最近的一次采访中说:“至少在未来的几十年里,寻找资源将消耗全世界大量的水域。”
The strainer screen should be serviced at least twice a year. 过滤器的过滤网一年至少要维护两次。
I make it a point to play one of them for at least five minutes each day. 我每天会特地抽空把它们拿出来练习至少五分钟。
Clustered mailbox servers deployed in an SCC require at least two network cards in each node to be supported . 在SCC中部署的群集邮箱服务器要求至少支持每个节点中两张网卡。
Save the great stability at high temperatures, high humidity climates can be kept for at least 3 years, and has no effect on sedan. 保存的稳定性能优越,在高温、潮湿的气候下可以保存至少3年以上,且对制版无任何影响。