
美 [əˈmɪdst]英 [ə'mɪdst]
  • prep.在…的当中



Gbagbo thanked Chairman Li Peng and his wife for the meeting amidst their busy schedule. Gbagbo spoke highly of bilateral relations. 巴博总统感谢李鹏委员长和夫人在百忙之中会见他和他的代表团,巴博高度评价两国关系。
Similarly, as I sat amidst the lightning, thunder, wind, and rain, I calmly observed its presence, but I chose not to identify with it. 同样的,当我坐在电闪雷鸣狂风暴雨的环境下,我平静的观察着他们的存在,但是我选择不和它们一样。
in an age of instant communication amidst ideological conflict, our most urgent task is to overcome these apparently iron law of history. 在一个潜伏着灾难的时代,在一个存在着意识形态冲突但能迅速进行交流的时代,我们最迫切的任务是去打破表面上看来不可抗拒的历史规律。
Sleeping amidst nature and waking up to the melodious morning ragas of the little birds may sound like a far fetched dream. 在大自然中入睡,在小鸟悦耳动听的晨曲中醒来听似一个遥不可及的梦想。
Amidst all this, the point to focus is the SEO company one might open doors for as their solution provider. 在一片这一切,指向的焦点是搜索引擎优化公司之一可能敞开大门为他们的解决方案提供商。
But amidst all of that, he's dumped his identity, and with honesty I say I behold nothing but despise towards that kind of people. 但是在这过程中,他抛弃了他的身份,我老实说吧,我对这种人除了藐视以外没有其他想法了。
He raps about his hard life as a young black growing up in NY and having to fight for himself on the streets amidst drug dealers. 他用一段饶舌讲述他在纽约成长的坎坷的童年,以及他如何在满街毒贩的恶劣环境下挣扎长大的。
They might have easily been lost amidst the Land of Always Winter, a thousand leagues beyond the Wall. 他们可能很容易就会在长城外一千里格的“永冬之地”中迷路。
Young lovers walked arm in arm amidst flowers of every color and a fine view of the city skyline could be seen in the distance. 年轻的恋人们在色彩缤纷的花丛中携手漫步;往远处还能看到城市清晰的地平线!
Growing up in Staten Island, New York, there wasn't much night sky to see amidst the bright, orange-y glow of streetlights. 我在纽约的史泰登岛长大,在那明亮的桔黄色的街灯灯光里,几乎看不清什么夜空。
Amidst these friends then, and a host more, Pen passed more than two brilliant and happy years of his life. 在这些朋友,以及其他许多同学中间,潘度过了两年多丰富多采的愉快生活。
Amidst the number of the tower, how much of the bitterness of frustration will be a laugh in this look back in gone with the wind. 多少的楼台烟雨,多少的辛酸无奈,都会在这回首一笑中随风而逝。
As I said to you in yesterday's message the mother remains indulgent and compassionate with man amidst her sorrow and pain. 正如我在昨天的消息里对你说的,母亲仍然宽容和同情她的儿女,而不顾自己的悲伤和痛苦。
Add a bit of tweaking here and fine tuning there and its warm, radiant glow shines like a ray of light amidst 'Contra''s incessant glow. 这里修修、那里调调,成为这张温暖照人的‘Contra’中又一束耀眼的光线。
All of this comes amidst a fresh bout of hand-wringing over who's spending how much to promote clean energy. 此时,有关推进清洁能源方面各方的支出正引起新一轮较量。
And he seeks to live amidst birth and death, all for compassion's sake. - He manifests himself in the worlds of humans and gods. 他寻求安住与生死之间。所有都是为了慈悲-他在人和神的世界之中表现自己。
History tells us that openness and cooperation is all the more important amidst a crisis. 历史经验告诉我们,越是危机关头,越是要坚持开放合作。
President Bush stood amidst the athletes in their red and blue team jackets, and spoke of his own memories of the games in Beijing. 布什总统站在这些身穿红、蓝色队服的运动员中间,谈到了他自己对北京奥运会的记忆。
Our biggest asset is our human resource with an average age of less than 30 years. Amidst it, is a talent team of professionals. 我们最宝贵的资产就是平均年龄不到30岁的员工,其中一大批是稳定的专业人才。
Amidst the eternal waves of time. From a ripple of change shall the storm rise. Out of the abyss peer the eyes of a demon. 时间洪流永久轮回,从那动荡的巨变之中刮起了风暴,深渊深处,恶魔的眼睛注视着远方。
"Amidst the frenzy of getting stadiums and transport routes built, the carbon footprint was largely ignored, " he said. “人们陷于兴建体育馆和运输道路的狂热中,将碳足迹抛之脑后。”他说。
When the light summer wind stirred amidst the trees of the garden, there came through the open door the heavy scent of the lilac. 当夏日的轻风在花园里树丛间吹拂的时候,从开着的门里就传来浓烈的紫丁香香味。
The other is conducted amidst carbonium ion intermediate and the product thus brought about has no stereoselectivity. 另一种是通过碳正离子中间体进行的,它所得到的产物无立体选择性。
Your job is to let your understanding of events shine forth as a beacon of light amidst the chaos. 你们的工作就是让你对这些事件的理解照亮前方,像一个带来光明的灯塔一样立于混乱之中。
When Antoine first meets Kyoko, amidst a group of Japanese businessmen, the camera irises in first on her and then on him. 当安托万地次遇见扣扣,在一群日本商人中,摄影机镜头首先停在他身上,然后停在她身上。
Still Thoughts is a relaxing and intimate oasis of vegetarian calm amidst a bustling hutong in the heart of the city. 静思是在熙熙攘攘的都市胡同中令人放松且私密的素食绿洲。
The ancient cat and mouse game between a man and a woman unfolds amidst sensual seduction. . . 古老的猫捉老鼠游戏在一个男人与一个女人之间的声色诱惑中展开……
Young lovers walked arm in arm amidst flowers of every color of the rainbow. 年轻的恋人手挽手漫步在色彩缤纷的花丛中。
People's awareness, and is not the same as the hologram, and fidelity, amidst a matter of opinion. 人们对事物的认识,并不象全息照相一样保真,而是见仁见智,各执一词。
Such a framework is essential to strengthen the SAR's competitive edge amidst rapid changes in the international financial markets. 国际金融市场瞬息万变,这样的架构对于保持香港的竞争优势非常重要。