
美 [foʊn]英 [fəʊn]
  • n.电话;电话机;音素;电话听筒
  • v.打电话

复数:phones 现在分词:phoning 过去式:phoned

use phone,answer phone,pick phone,put phone,call phone
public phone,home phone,national phone,regular phone,portable phone


n. v.

1.[u][c]电话;电话系统;电话机a system for talking to sb else over long distances using wires or radio; a machine used for this; a telephone

2.[c]电话听筒;电话the part of a phone that you hold in your hand and speak into; a telephone

3.(发声或使用声音的)工具,仪器an instrument that uses or makes sound

4.说某种语言的;讲某种语言的人speaking a particular language; a person who does this


be on the phone

在打电话中to be using the telephone

He asked for her phone number, and she wrote it down on the front of his notebook. 他要了她的电话号码,她把它写在他的笔记本封面上。
It would be several more than another decade before the general public decided that the cell phone had a practical use. 普通大众认为电池电话可以实际应用,那还是又过了十多年之后的事。
As you navigate through the application you build a stack of activities that you can then pop out of by using the back button on the phone. 当您在应用程序中导航时,就创建了一个活动堆栈,使用手机上的后退按钮就就可从该堆栈中出来。
I'm waiting for a phone, and don't know whether it will come, but I trust her for her promise. 我在等电话,不知道会不会来,但她答应我会打来,我相信她。
A year ago Nokia lobbed a lawsuit at Apple, alleging that its American rival's i Phone infringes on a number of its "essential patents" . 一年前,诺基亚公司向苹果公司砸下了一起讼案,宣称它的美国对手所生产的iphone苹果手机侵犯了自己多个“基本专利”。
When my assistant came into my office in early 2005 and told me that Carl Icahn was on the phone, it was a complete surprise. 在2005年早些时候,我的助手到我办公室跟我说卡尔·爱康打电话找我,这真是让我十分惊奇。
Josephina, the proprietress of Hydrangea House, had been easy to talk with on the phone. 在电话里,绣球花旅馆的老板娘约瑟芬娜是个很好讲话的人。
He said the group is in regular phone contact with people in North Korea. 他说该组织与朝鲜境内人士保持着定期的电话联系。
Then he gave a phone call to Mahone and asked him to stop chasing him. 然后,他就给曼宏打了一个电话,要求他停止追捕自己。
While we're at it, let's kill phone-tree mazes, do-not-call lists. . . everything associated with phone numbers. 同时,让我们也抛弃所有与电话号码相关的复杂的电话组和黑名单等等。
I had not seen him personally, in person - I talked to him on the phone - since them. 我没见过他本人,私下里—从那之后我们通过电话。
It was the last rebel message, probably conveyed by satellite phone, known to have been broadcast from the battlefield. 这是叛军传达到战场的最后消息,可能是通过卫星手机传输的。
Unless Rubin could come up with a breakthrough Android phone, and quick, he might have to concede the entire business to Steve Jobs. 除非鲁宾尽快用一款突破性的Android手机迎头赶上,他恐怕只能将整个产业拱手相让给斯蒂夫·乔布斯。
I got a response from a girl on his phone saying that he was sleeping but she would pass along the message when he woke up. 后来一个女孩用他的手机回给我说他正在睡觉等他醒了我转告他。
With that, she put the open cell phone on her lap and addressed the cameras. 说时迟,那时快,她把开着的手机放在大腿上,对着摄像机开始播报。
'We have nothing left to discuss, ' I said as I hung up the phone, disgusted at myself for being so vulnerable. “那就没什么好谈的了。”我说,并挂断了电话,心里非常郁闷,自己怎么老是被人算计。
As long as you need, you just a phone call, professional transport team will be in the 12 days of the goods to. 只要你需要,你只需一个电话,专业运输队伍将会在一两天之内把货物送到。
An Italian foreign ministry spokesman said there had been a misunderstanding about the "sherpa" phone calls. 一位意大利外交部发言人说:关于夏尔帕电话会议外界有许多误解。
You know, on the way over here I saw this guy talking on a cell phone while driving. That's got to be dangerous. 你知道,在附近的路上我看见一个小伙子开车时正在讲电话。那真危险。
"I didn't know anything was going on and then the next thing I know my phone didn't stop ringing for about a week, " he said. 前网队二号得分手对交易感到惊讶。“我什么都不知道。然后突然之间我的电话就响了整整一周。”他说。
It helps you to get the maximum out of your cellphone and further enhances your productive usage of the cell phone. 它可以帮助你最大限度地利用你的手机以及进一步提高手机的使用效率。
He knew that his employer was going to call him on that phone in exactly five minutes. 他知道他老板五分钟内会打这个电话找他。
e. g. She was annoyed with him for forgetting to phone. 她对他生气,因为他忘了打电话。
First there was the button, then came the touch screen - and now we have no phone at all. 先是有按键,后来有了触摸屏——现在我们连电话都不需要了。
There's never a wrong time to pick up a phone or send a message telling your friends how much you miss them or how much you love them. 任何时候你都可以打电话或发短信告诉你的朋友你多么想念他们或者你多么爱他们。
I'll put him on the phone. Just a second. (我会请他接电话请稍等一下)…
She said she believed the tumor was caused by the cell phone, and wishes she had thrown it "in the garbage" as she had threatened to do so. 她表示相信,手机造成乐肿瘤,并表示后悔没有如她曾威胁的那样把手机扔进“垃圾桶”。
But I never sent any multimedia messages that day, and I did not find any problem or virus with my phone. 但是那天我未发任何彩信。我也没发现手机有任何问题或者染上病毒。
Recently Justin Bieber and his mother had an argument and his punishment was his cell phone was canceled! 最近贾斯汀比伯和他的妈妈吵了一架,而作为他的惩罚是手机被没收了!
We did not speak by phone or meet one another face to face until nearly a year after we began working together. 我们并没有通电话或者相互碰面,直到我们开始一起工作一年以后才见面。