
美 [ˈpæn(ə)l]英 ['pæn(ə)l]
  • n.镶板;仪表盘;钣金;(衣服上的)镶条;板;【建】四分板;嵌板;镶板
  • v.选定(陪审员);在…上嵌板子;在(衣服等上)嵌杂色条纹;镶板(用木或玻璃板等镶嵌或装饰)
  • 网络面板;浮动面板;控制板

复数:panels 过去式:paneled 过去式:panelled 现在分词:panelling

flat panel,advisory panel,independent panel,rectangular panel,takeover panel
create panel,set panel,form panel,establish panel,make panel


n. v.

1.[c](门、墙等上面的)嵌板,镶板,方格板块a square or rectangular piece of wood, glass or metal that forms part of a larger surface such as a door or wall

3.[c](衣服上的)镶条,嵌条,饰片a piece of cloth that forms part of a piece of clothing

4.[cspv]专家咨询组;(广播、电视上的)讨论小组a group of specialists who give their advice or opinion about sth; a group of people who discuss topics of interest on television or radio

5.[c](汽车或其他机械的)控制板,仪表盘a flat board in a vehicle or on a piece of machinery where the controls and instruments are fixed


官方实例 | ... 调整大小( Resizable) 面板( Panels) 模版( Templates) ...


[转贴]FLASH的制作之二. ... 5. 图库( Library) 6. 浮动面板Panels) 1. 场景( Scene) ...


饰条 (molding)的效 果减轻并嵌板 (panels)长度增加,而非方形。 装饰 (decoration)采用的方式有雕刻 (carving)、镶嵌 (inlaying…


【乐高乐园】-乐高零件、配件店- - 淘宝网 ... Natural World 自然界 Panels 镶板 Plates 板 ...


火星时代存档论坛 - 谁有中英对照表 ... panel editor 控制面板编辑器 panels 控制板 parameter tool 参数工具 ...


玛雅中英文对照表_百度知道 ... ?Shelves 工具架 ?Panels 控制面板 ?Plug-in Manager 插件管理器 ...

Appearing in a simple purple and white colourway, the side panels feature patent leather faux- croc skin for a nice tonal effect. 出现在一个简单的紫色和白色配色,侧面的鞋面专用人造皮革,鳄鱼皮的一个不错的效果。
Plasma panels, by contrast, have always been able to "refresh" their screens rapidly, making them far better at displaying moving objects. 而相比之下,等离子板总能快速地“刷屏”,这在显示移动的影像时占了优势。
Import panels are composite materials and wood panels, containing several front side panels can artisanal demolition, easy to clean. 进口面板有复合材质面板和实木、实木贴面面板几种,都可手工拆卸,易清洁。
OCP continues to stay in step in new panels are released, and can always work with you to create the custom solution you may require. OCP与新发行的面板同步,并可以随时根据您的需要进行定制服务。
You know, when the solar panels are producing more electricity than we are using here, on the farm, we send it out on the net. 是这样的,当太阳能电板的发电量多于我们农场所需时,我们通过电网将它往外发送。
The cost of installation, reckons the company, should be about half that of conventional panels. 公司预计整个装置的花费将会比传统的面板少大约一半。
It was almost canceled at the last moment and was eventually curtailed from five to three days with many panels cut or abbreviated. 最后一刻它几乎被取消,并最终由五天缩短为三天,同时增加了诸多限制。
The only problem with solar panels, besides their inherent high price, is the surface area required to set them up. 太阳能板唯一的问题除了本身造价高以外,太阳板表面也需要设置。
At the hipline of the dress form, measure the distance from the side seam to the gore seam on both the front and back side panels. 在人台臀围线分别量出前侧片和后侧片上侧缝到拼接线的距离。
This spring your correspondent tried and failed to put solar panels on her family's home in California's wine country. 今年夏天,读者们的记者努力但还是没能把太阳能板装到她在加州”酒县“的家上。
It's not just a case of windmills and solar panels: gas-fired power stations are more efficient at lower temperatures. 不仅风力发电或太阳能电池板与天气有关:燃气发电厂在低温下效率会更高。
It is all part of a program to help India's rural poor by teaching them to make and install low-cost solar panels. 这是印度正在推行的一项计划,通过教授印度农村贫困人口如何制造和安装低成本的太阳能板来帮助他们。
'Light guides' under the front fascia, in the door panels and in the headlining diffuse soft, ambient light inside the vehicle. 光导向的前筋膜下,在解放油罐车车门面板和在第一个弥漫性软,环境光在车辆。
As a way of maintaining a steady, comfortable temperature, the building features heat release panels high up in the ceiling. 由于保持平稳,舒适的温度的方法,建筑特征放热板高高的天花板。
But China is also the world's fifth-biggest user of wind turbines, and the biggest consumer of the sort of solar panels used to heat water. 不过,中国还是世界上第五大风能利用国,也是最大的利用太阳能电池板加热水的国家。
Snap the front panels back down after a crash and you are ready to take on the next challenge . 撞毁对方的表板后返回并准备应付下一次挑战。
The benefit of this rationalisation was that the number of different shape formers required for the curved panels was reduced from 68 to 16. 这一重组好处是,为弧形板需要不同的形状知名人士数量从68减少到16。
The solar panels: To make the sun's radiation be converted to electrical energy, sent or stored in batteries, or to promote the work load. 太阳能电池板:将太阳的辐射的能量转换为电能,送往蓄电池中存储起来,或推动负载工作。
We produce a wide array of dampening products for a variety of applications from small electronic devices to large storage access panels. 我们公司生产一系列的阻尼产品,适用于小型电子装置、大型存储访问面板等多种应用。
"Solar trees" are beginning to shade parking lots, their panels beautifully tilting to face the sun as it moves. “日光树”正开始在各停车厂推广普及,它会随日光照射角度的变化,准确地移动倾斜角度。
He said the companies will construct a solar power generating plant and advanced solar panels. 他说,两家公司将创建太阳能发电厂和先进的太阳能板。
I set a goal of trying to get a substantial number of solar panels onto low - income families' homes in a concentrated area of L. 我为自己设定了一个目标,希望能得到足够数量的太阳能板给洛杉矶密集住宅区的低收入家庭安装。
Selection panels are now putting increasing effort into probing candidates' inner values to see whether they match those of the company. 选择小组现在更致力于探求受试者的内在价值观,以考察其是否适应公司的价值观体系。
Competition tends to be concentrated higher up the chain, between companies making finished solar panels. 竞争主要集中于供应链的末端,即生产太阳能板成品的企业之间。
Fund managers said the current shortage in glass used for LCD panels could keep output in check and support prices. 基金经理人指出,用于LCD面板的玻璃基板目前短缺,可能抑制产出并支撑价格。
Each cage is the size of a big . Inside are panels, much like the frames in a , to which the abalones cling. 每个笼子的大小相当于一个大型冰箱,里头用镶板隔开,很像蜂窝的结构,鲍鱼就附着在镶板上。
Jiangsu fire earthquake rescue team trying to cut a layer of a layer of pressure and cutting him out of reinforced concrete precast panels. 江苏消防地震救援队员们试图一层一层地切开和凿掉压在他身上的钢筋水泥预制板。
The top priority is no longer freeing the rover from the sandpit, but getting its solar panels pointed more to the sun. 目前的第一要务已经不是让探测器脱离沙坑了。而是让太阳能板更偏向太阳的方向。
Stained glass is often made in large, richly detailed panels that are set together in a framework of lead. 常用于制造大型的、用丰富的颜色拼凑成各种图像而置于一铅制框架中。
Advocates predict the panels will increasingly pop up in once unused spaces like this. 支持者预测在一些未开发的使用的空间太阳能电池板会日益流行起来。