


"They will have all the pieces in place in the 2021-2025 time period to think about putting a man on the moon, " he said. “为了能把人送上月球,他们将在2021年至2025年的时间段,把所有的工作都做到位。”他说。
Sometimes he is pretty naughty, what he likes is to tear the newspaper into pieces all over the floor. However, he is quite a good puppy. 有时他也很淘气,很喜欢撕报纸,经常弄的满地都是,不过他很乖,很听话。
Had it been a tried and tested technology, there was no need for trust as you would have already known the bits and pieces of it. 假使它们被尝试和测试过了,那就没有信任的必要了,因为你已经对它了如指掌。
The old man could see pieces of the meat of the fish spilling white from the corner of his jaws as he bumped the fish and closed his jaws. 它直撞在鱼身上,闭上两颚,老人看见一块块白色的鱼肉从它嘴角漏出来。
Society is made up of these fragments, and the do-gooder and the reformer are trying to patch up the broken pieces. 社会由这些碎片构成,而行善者和改革者正试图缝补这些碎片。
You may feel ready to begin something new, and yet the pieces may not be clicking into place. 你感到你已经准备去去迎接新事物,但可能还不能如愿开始。
But I chase, do not give up until the moment of reincarnation, or pieces of that moment, during all the suffering from one of my commitment. 但我追逐,不放弃,直至轮回的那一刻,或粉身碎骨的那一刻,期间所有的苦难由我一人承担。
Aladdin and his mother ate and ate. Then Aladdin took one of the plates to the market and sold it for two pieces of gold. 阿拉丁和他母亲大吃了一顿。吃完后阿拉丁就拿着其中的一个盘子到市场上卖了两枚金币。
With a conspiratorial grin on her face, Karen held up a wooden box filled with short pieces of chalk in every color of the rainbow. 卡伦带着一脸阴谋者的坏笑,举起了一个木头盒子,里面装满了五颜六色的小粉笔头。
You can take luggage with you, and if I'm not mistaken I heard the max you can have is two pieces. 可以随身带的行李,听说最多只能有两件,我没听错吧。
In Laura's case, one of the major pieces of baggage she brought into marriage was the pain of her parents' divorce (when she was eight). 在劳拉的例子中,她带进婚姻中最主要的“包袱”是父母离异在她幼小心灵留下的伤痕(那时她只有八岁)。
Finally, examination of the back of the painting reveals that it was painted on a panel made of several pieces of wood glued together. 最后,对于画作背侧的检查发现这幅画的木板是有几块木头粘在一起的。
Below on the ground, a dead recluse spider lay in pieces, a victim of the same vibro blade, no doubt when it tried to defend its web. 树下有一只被大卸八块的蜘蛛残尸,毫无疑问它是在保卫蜘蛛网时,成了同一把振动刀的刀下鬼。
He took several pieces of a bridge out of a cardboard box where he kept the things he still had to do and began to polish the gold. 他从存放待做东西的纸箱里拿出几片齿桥,开始打磨起金牙。
Generally, if I'm blotting food like pizza my paper towel or tissue begins to break down and I get paper pieces in my food. 一般,如果我用毛巾纸或者棉纸来去除食物上的油,如比萨,就会有纸屑开始掉落在食物上。
He took the watch all to pieces and said the barrel was smashed. He said he could reduce it in three days. 他把表的零件都拆开,然后说芯管碎了,他说他能在三天内修复它。
If it were only a gem, I could break it into a hundred pieces and string them into a chain to put on your neck. 假如它是只是一块宝石,我就能让它破碎成千百颗粒,再把它们串成项链佩戴在你的脖子上。
Look out for: More casual ready-to-wear pieces, including leather jackets. 看点:比较休闲的现成服装,包括皮夹克。
At the time, Niu did not know that Mr. Saint Laurent was the owner of the pieces. 当时,牛先生并不知道圣洛朗先生是该文物的所有者。
You must try to cut off the king's escape route with your pieces or make the king's own pieces get in his way. 你必须努力用你的棋子切断敌王的退路,或者使对手的子挡住敌王的路。
Besides, of all, he has selected my favourite pieces that I love the most to repeat, as if out of deliberate malice. 而且,他恰恰从所有的书中,选些我最爱背诵的几篇,好象是故意捣乱似的。
If you change one of these pieces of information, an end user might be unable to update her version with the newer version. 如果你改变了它们中的一个,那么用户可能无法更新他们的应用到最新版。
The melee ends as quickly as it had erupted, torn pieces of money lying like confetti on the ground. 但这样的混乱很快被打断了,撕碎的钱币如五彩碎纸散落满地。
This book does contain some of Ms. Politkovskaya's last work, including investigative pieces that might have led directly to her killing. 这本书确实涵盖了波利特科夫斯卡娅最后的一部分工作,包括可能最终导致其死亡的一些调查任务。
Oryn dreaming is very transfiguristic and many pieces of literature can be the result of the remaining thought form of his transfusion. 欧琳造梦是非常转形的,有很多文学作品是他转形思想形态所留下的结果。
The crop may not be ready for up to two years. Farmers harvest it in pieces of various lengths and up to one meter wide. 草皮在两年内是长不成形的,农场主们收割草皮时,把它们割成长度不一、宽度一米的草块。
Money should be spent is the money, or just a picture with a number of pieces. 钱要花出去才是钱,不然只是一张带着编号的纸片。
IntelliSense Code Snippets are pre-authored pieces of code that are ready to be inserted into your application with Visual Studio 2005. IntelliSense代码段是预编写的代码片段,您可以随时使用VisualStudio2005将这些代码片段插入到您的应用程序中。
Started, the sky is a deep blue, the sun slowly falling toward the west, a few pieces dyed a faint red cloud. 开始,天空是一片深蓝色,太阳慢慢往西坠,几片云染成了淡淡的红色。
In the United States, fast food is usually some kind of sandwiches, two pieces of bread with other food between them. 在美国,快餐通常是某种三明治、两片面包和其他食物分给他们。