
美 [dɪˈveləp]英 [dɪ'veləp]
  • v.发展;开发;研制;出现

第三人称单数:develops 现在分词:developing 过去式:developed

develop industry,develop Economy,develop ability,need develop,develop technology
rapidly develop,gradually develop,naturally develop



商业原则培训 ... Does the right things 做对的事 Develops 发展 Inspires trust 激发信任 ...


英语题_爱问知识人 ... C.lies 位于 D.develops 发展,开发 A.advances 前进 ...


这些公司都属于一个秘密的(private)贸易协会,这个贸易协会研制(develops)的工业标准经常(虽然不是总是)被Alpha国的管理 …

The video actually shows a solar 'prominence' - a little-understood feature which develops in the surface of the sun. 该视频事实上展示了日珥这一现象,然而这一发生在太阳表面的现象很少为人所知。
Nearly every man who develops an idea works it up to the point where it looks impossible, and then he gets discouraged. 几乎每个产生想法的人会逐步发现想法的似乎不可能之处,然后他就泄气了。
"Rafael is still suffering from a dead leg, " reported Phelan. "We're going to see how that develops over the next 24 hours. " “拉斐尔的腿还是有伤,”费兰说。“我们要看看未来24小时事情的发展如何。”
A minute structure in seed plants, containing the embryo sac and surrounded by the nucellus, that develops into a seed after fertilization. 种子植物的一个小的结构,含有胚囊并被珠心所包围,施肥后长成种子。
Make it a habit gradually to put your wallet and keys together. Such good habit always develops from the trifle in your life. 慢慢形成这样的习惯:即当你进家门时,把你的钱包和汽车钥匙放在同一个地方,良好的生活习惯从点滴小事开始培养。
Fans are going to be excited to see how the character develops -- but we don't give too much away. 影迷会很兴奋地看到角色是如何发展的——不过我们不会透露太多。
It has worsened as China develops and private ownership of vehicles becomes the dream of every family. 随着中国的发展,每个家庭都梦想拥有私家车,这个问题已变得日益严重。
The United staff were keen to improve Fryers' communication skills as he develops into a leader at the back. 曼联教练组现在希望着重提高他的交流能力,目前弗莱尔斯已经成了防线上的主心骨。
There'll be 31 days of the transfer window to see if anything develops. But I'm not working on anything at the moment, in that respect. 我们会为31天的转会窗口,看看什麽发展,但我没有什麽工作,此刻,在这方面。
At the point C, the star develops a convection zone extending from near the surface deep into the extended envelope. 在C点,星体产生一个对流区,从表面附近向内扩展到广袤的包层。
A fire sprinkler system is often provided to control a full scale fire if it develops. 火灾自动喷水灭火系统往往是控制提供全面消防若发展。
Patients in whom appropriate therapy fails or corneal involvement develops should be referred to an ophthalmologist. 对于那些上述治疗方法失败或病变影响角膜的病人来说,应建议其至眼科医生处就诊。
well, It cheers people greatly that the general manager has been fired. Hope more black sheep get out and the company develops better! 嗯,这样的害群之马被炒真是大快人心。希望有更多的害群之马离开,公司发展地更好!
There's this sweet tension that develops throughout the film as he realises that she's turning out to be better at his game than he is. 贯穿整个电影当他意识到她比他表现得好产生了一种甜蜜的紧张感,我就希望我可以像她那样。
Austen sets the scene, develops some characters and themes, and then, just as the plot seems to take off, it abruptly ends. 奥斯汀铺设了背景,确定了几个人物和主题,然后,正当情节似乎就要展开时,小说戛然而止。
If that move develops into a trend, the System will pick it up. But you won't be buying in at the bottom. 若该短期行情发展成趋势,系统将会辨识出来,只不过,您无法买在谷底。
In the major strategy change of nature of such root of a belt, the task that we face is to develop innovation, do one's best develops newly. 在这样一个带根本性的重大战略转变中,我们面临的任务是开拓创新,力求新的发展。
After Dave's team implements the Web services and develops the supporting code and user interface, the solution is ready to test. 在Dave的团队实施Web服务并开发支持代码和用户接口之后,就可以对方案进行测试了。
For its high sensitivity, accuracy, high speed and easy to be automated, bio mass spectrometry develops very fast. 生物质谱因其高灵敏度、高准确度、快速、易于自动化等特点,在生命科学领域的应用和研究日益广泛。
The real recognition of the Bishop of Rome as sort of the Pope, in the way we think of it, that actually develops in the Middle Ages. 真正把罗马主教视为类似于教皇这样的角色的,根据我们的了解,是在中世纪出现的。
Nwoye looks up to him as an older brother and, much to Okonkwo's pleasure, develops a more masculine attitude. Nwoye期待向他的哥哥,并大大Okonkwo的游乐场,开发了更多的男性态度。
As the modern logistics develops to a certain stage, Logistics Park is beginning to be produced. 物流园区是现代物流发展到一定阶段的产物。
Scientific communication is not only the indispensable part of science, but a basic mechanism on which science exists and develops as well. 科学交流是科学研究中不可分割的部分,是科学赖以生存和发展的基本机制。
Like the SUN, stress can grow you. Stress develops your emotional intelligence and your creative capabilities. It's your greatest teacher. 像太阳一样,可以增加你的压力。应力开发您和您的情绪智力的创造能力。这是你最大的老师。
Civil servants are frustrated at how quickly each prime minister develops a weakness of the knees when faced with a strong man in uniform. 每一位首相在强硬的军政人员面前,无一例外都很快变成了软柿子,这让公务员们感到非常失望。
Or take a veteran with PTSD who develops severe anxiety when out in public terrified that something bad is going to happen. 我们再举一个例子,一个患有创伤后应激障碍的退伍老兵,每当在公共场合都会产生严重的焦虑,害怕会有糟糕的事情发生。
With one branch in HongKong, one in LA and one in London, the company develops rapidly. 这家公司发展很快,在香港,洛彬矶和伦敦有三家分公司.。
Once a relationship develops, air-kissing on both cheeks, starting with the left is often added as well as a pat on the back between men. 如果两个男性之间的关系进一步发展,见面之后不仅仅是握手,还可以飞吻对方面颊的方式,先亲吻左脸颊,也可以是拍拍对方的背部。
"We have yet to see any impact on our business from the radiation, but we will keep a close eye on how the issue develops, " he said. 他还说,我们还没看到辐射给我们生意带来什么影响,但是我们会继续关注事情的发展。
The alternative that develops tool and operating system can be affected directly " S+S " the balance in software one aspect of the matter. 开发工具和操作系统的选择会直接影响到“S+S”在软件一端的天平。