
美 [ˈraɪtɪŋ]英 ['raɪtɪŋ]
  • n.写作;书写;作品;文章
  • v.“write”的现在分词
  • 网络作文;笔迹;文字

start writing,begin writing,do writing,teach writing,come writing
creative writing



1.[u]写;书写;写作the activity of writing , in contrast to reading, speaking, etc.

2.[u](专职)写作;著书立说the activity of writing books, articles, etc., especially as a job

3.[u]著作;文字作品;文章books, articles, etc. in general

4.[pl](某作家或专题的)著作,作品a group of pieces of writing, especially by a particular person or on a particular subject

5.[u](书写或涂画的)文字words that have been written or painted on sth

6.[u]笔迹;字迹;书法the particular way in which sb forms letters when they write


写作Writing)要求考生在1小时内完成两篇作文。其中一篇类似于老托福的写作,要求考生在30分钟内就某一话题阐述自己的 …


  书写(Writing):以字母为前提,可造外交官和图书馆。   建筑技术(Construction):以货币和石工技术为前提,可建造水渠和娱乐 …


亲子教育频道 - 中国日报网 ... 英语 English 作文 Writing 艺术 Arts ...


英语常用单词 - 豆丁网 ... writ n. 令状,文书,文件 现在分词 writing n. 著述,笔迹,作品 become v. 变成,变得 ...


英语常用单词 - 豆丁网 ... writ n. 令状,文书,文件 现在分词 writing n. 著述,笔迹,作品 become v. 变成,变得 ...


八年级上册英语单词表【外研版】_百度文库 ... pronunciation n. 语音;发音 writing n. 写作;文章 punctuation n. 标点符号 ...


素材图片 - ME空间社区 - Powered by Discuz! ... 趣味 ‖ Taste 文字Writing 其他 ‖ Other ...

The problem of taking full notes of a conversation during an interview is usually solved by restricting writing to marks or numbers. 解决采访时全部记录谈话的问题通常是把书写的部分限制为(转换成)标记和数字。
Standing up to the great pressure from the doctor and relatives, my mother insisted on teaching me reading and writing. 母亲顶住来自医生和亲戚的巨大压力,坚持教我读书写字。
And he was asking me a couple of questions about what I saw, because he's writing an article for Audubon magazine. 他问了我一两个问题关于我看到的问题,因为他在为奥杜邦杂志写一篇文章。
His writing was his and his alone, and his way of life was only what he chose to follow. 他的作品是而且只是他一个人的,他的生活方式也是他自己所选择的。
No formula exists for the writing of a superior sentence, but this much is known: The best sentence has no weak part. 怎麽写出好句子没有标准答案,不过起码我们知道,优秀的句子每个环节都很完美。
It might help to think of it as a technology like "writing to-do lists" or "budgeting. " 为方便起见,可以认为它是一种类似于“编写要做的工作列表”或者“做预算”的技术。
in Oxford, bought a brand-new copy for 35 pounds, dirtied it up a bit and tore off the paper cover, writing a fictitious name in the front. 于是这位较有钱的学生去了牛津的布拉克韦尔书店,花35英镑买了一本全新的,先是把书弄脏一点,然后撕去封面,在书面写了一个假名。
Most people enjoy receiving letters, but few seem to be very fond of writing them. 多数人喜欢收到信件,但似乎没有人喜欢写信。
This book introduces you to a number of techniques that you will find useful in both your reading and writing . 本书介绍了一系列思考方法,你会发现无论是在阅读还是写作方面都收益匪浅。
Christ Michael Aton, you indicated you had things to tell me, that it was time for me to begin writing more. 基督麦克艾顿,你提示有事要告诉我,是我该开始更多书写的时刻了。
In order to make best use of my time, I would like to be able to use your library facilities , I'm writing to ask for your kind permission. 为了最充分地利用好我的时间,我很想能够使用贵图书馆的设施,我写信的目的就是想征得您的许可。
Undoubtedly, it is all important to put it practice through speaking and writing what you have absorbed from reading and listening. 毫无疑问,把从听和读学来的英语运用到说和写当中去,这也是非常重要的。
Yet Socrates' criticism is further interesting to us, because, to moderns, the point is --in large part -- writing's stability. 苏格拉底的批评对我们来说仍然更为有趣,因为,对现代人来说——在很大程度上——书写的稳定性是关键。
He and his writing, was an eternal story of "Style as the Man" in late Qing Dynasty and People's Republic Period. 其人其文,无异于书写了晚清民国又一段“文如其人”的千古佳话。
At the time I was drunk on lack of sleep and unable to make a coherent reply to that - hence the reason I'm writing this article. 当时我失眠又醉酒,没法给出个像样的答案,这也是我为什么会写这篇文章的理由。
New Letters will continue to seek the best new writing, whether from established writers or from those just ready to be discovered. 《新文学》的宗旨是继续寻觅最佳作品,不论是来自文坛宿将或是期待发现的新秀。
I am writing to let you know I shall not be able to. . . because of . . . 我写此条是想告诉你因为…我将不能……。
I've been trying to find the best way to keep up with the task of a regular new articles writing for my blogs. 我一直尝试找最好的方法为我的博客保证每日一篇新文章的更新。
In PERL, the MIME type is set by writing it out at the start of the page, before any other content. 在Perl语言中,MIME类型在网页最开始声明,在任何其他内容之前。
If you get stuck writing a headline use the words "How To" - It's been said there's never been a bad "how to" headline. 如果你要将标题写下来,请用“如何”这个词——这也就是说,从来没有一个糟糕的“如何”标题。
He was capable of slack writing which he would not condone in others. 他痛恨别人草率成篇,其实自己也有这个毛病。
Though I'm writing this post on a PC with a keyboard, it's easy to see where Apple is leading. 尽管眼下我仍在一台带键盘的PC上撰写此文,但判断苹果前进的方向可谓轻而易举。
A screen full of colors, toolbars, and windows is the sort of visual noise you can't afford to have around when writing. 一个充满颜色,工具栏和视窗的屏幕是一种你写作时无法忽略的视觉干扰。
But all of that is only a prelude to what truly matters as a developer: writing code and building solutions. 但是它们对开发人员而言只不过是序幕而已:编写代码和构建解决方案。
He had been camped out in Switzerland for six years, teaching and writing the masterpiece that would later become Human Action. 他在瑞士凑合着呆了六年,边教学边写作,该杰作即后来的《人的行为》。
A contract of sale need not be concluded in or evidenced by writing and is not subject to any other requirement as to form. 销售合同无需以书面订立或书面证明,在形式方面也不受任何其他条件的限制。
Q and A Q: How can I improve my writing if I cannot write complete sentences? 问题:我发觉写不出完整的句子,该怎样做才能提高我的写作水平?
We are writing this book as a rhizome. It is composed of plateaus. We have given it a circular form, but only for laughs. 我们写作这本书当著块茎。它由无数高台组成。我们赋予它一个迴旋的形态,但只是博君一笑。
He's very funny. He lays out his own struggles with anger as a Buddhist monk, and it's soon clear why he's writing under a pseudonym. 他很有趣,讲述了自己作为一名佛教和尚与愤怒作斗争的过程,这就很快弄明白了为什么他要用笔名写作。
One of the main divisions of a relatively lengthy piece of writing, such as a book, that is usually numbered or titled. 章,回,篇:一部相对较长作品的一个主要部分,如通常标有页数和标题的书的。