
美 [wʊd]英 [wʊd]
  • auxv.会;愿意;大概;常
  • modalv.就;将会;老是;带出想象的结果
  • 网络将要;的用法;打算



1.(will 的过去式,用于转述)将,将会used as the past form ofwill when reporting what sb has said or thought

2.(带出想象的结果)used for talking about the result of an event that you imagine

3.(表示可能发生的事情没有发生,是因为之前另一件事没有发生)就会used for describing a possible action or event that did not in fact happen, because sth else did not happen first

4.so that/in order that sb/sth ~(说明动机)used for saying why sb does sth

5.wish (that) sb/sth ~(表达愿望)会,将会used for saying what you want to happen

6.(表示不愿意)used to show that sb/sth was not willing or refused to do sth

7.(客气地请求)used to ask sb politely to do sth

8.(客气地建议或邀请)used in polite offers or invitations

9.~ like, love, hate, prefer, etc. sth/(sb) to do sth.~ rather do sth/sb did sth(表示愿意、喜欢、不愿意等)used to say what you like, love, hate, etc.

10.~ imagine, say, think, etc. (that)…(提出拿不准的看法)used to give opinions that you are not certain about

11.(提出忠告)used to give advice

12.(带出过去常见的情况)总是,老是used for talking about things that often happened in the past

13.(带出一贯的行为)总是,爱,好,就used for talking about behaviour that you think is typical

14.~ that…(用以表示强烈的愿望)used to express a strong wish


英语常用单词 - 豆丁网 ... one n. 一 would conj. 将,愿意 all a. 所有的,全部的 ...

摩尔电码 - 搜搜百科 ... WL - Will( 将) WUD - Would) WX - Weather( 天气) ...

英语过去式大全_百度知道 ... 淋湿 wet / wetted wet / wetted would × 广播 broadcast/broadcasted broadcast/broadcasted ...


英语国际音标【附发音器官示意图】_百度文库 ... book 书 would 将要 look 看 ...


摩尔斯电码 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书 ... WKD Worked( 工作) WUD Would将会) XMTR Transmitter( 发射机) ...


2011年自考英语词汇复习及讲解 ... 11.outline 轮廓,概要,大纲 Would 的用法? Everyday life 日常生活 ...


牛津小学英语单词表_百度知道 ... world 世界 (5A2) would 打算,想要 (3B8) would like 想要 (3B8) ...

Also, if your patron wanted to run for a city office, your patron would expect you to be loyal and vote for him. 作为回报,如果庇护人要竞选官职,就会要求你投他一票。
Then suddenly, she would let her guard down and spend some time pampering herself before a night out with her friends from her hall. 或许会有那么几个晚上放松警惕,给自己一点犒劳,约上朋友,一起出去。
if it would be okay with you, try not to. 如果你不是冻未条,就不要吧
It would be quite helpful if you could supply us with your newly developed very heavy weight sponge. 如果贵方可提供新开发的重海绵,对我们的帮助会很大。
Most of all, it meant a few final, precious months of well-squandered youth before I would at last have to break down and "get a real job. " 最重要的是,这意味着生活的底线,在我最终面临崩溃并“找到一份真正的工作”前,我有好几个月的时间做一个浪费青春年轻人。
A Myanmar official familiar with the matter earlier confirmed the patrols would begin Saturday, but declined to comment further. 缅甸一位知情人士早些时候曾确认称,护航将于12月10日开始,不过拒绝进一步发表评论。
They looked into each other's eyes. The Girle Weaver told the poor Cowherd that she would be his wife. 两人相对而视,织女对牛郎说要做他的妻子。
Previous (government has) governments have failed to overhaul the system, he said, his would not. 他说,之前的政府没有彻底检修系统,但是他不会这样做了。
Isabel You think that Nicolai would prefer treachery? When he returns, let us be sure to ask him. 你认为尼科莱会赞成叛变吗?等他回来时,我们一定要问问他。
If graceful white cloud knows my heart, it can tell you I love you and would be together with you forever. 如果优美的白云知道我的心,它可以告诉你我爱你,将与你一起下去。
But doing a full film with her was as great as I'd hoped it would be. 要和她拍一整部戏真是太好了,我希望如此。
Arbus would visit the family at home: "They were undeniably close, in a painful sort of way, " she later wrote. 阿勃丝拜访过这一家人的家:“他们用一种有些痛苦的方式,难以否认地亲密无间,”她后来写道。
None of these reforms would be easy to implement. 所有这些改革措施都不易执行。
But if your clinic would reassure me that I would not be at risk, then I would happily donate. 但是,如果诊所让我放心,保证我不会有危险,那么,我将愉快地捐赠。
So Pharaoh's heart was hard and he would not let the Israelites go, just as the LORD had said through Moses. 法老的心刚硬,不容以色列人去,正如耶和华借着摩西所说的。
It would be an inexpensive (cheap enough to lose), always-on device with deep, hi-res color, e-ink, and a touchscreen. 它很便宜(便宜到弄丢了也不心疼),能呈现高分辨率色彩,带有电子墨水显示和一个触摸屏。
Billy Wilder for this would be great. I think the guy that I would, you know, it's a funny one, George Stevens. 比利•维尔德拍这个电影会很不错。我认为我想看到的,你知道,是一个很有趣的人,乔治•史蒂文斯。
Knowing that their parents would never be able to understand or accept their love, they kept their relationship secret. 因为清楚双方父母不可能理解或接受她们的关系,她们一直对外保密。
This experience, with only a minimal point of contact, would prepare them for any sort of contingency they might face. 这种只有极小的接触点的经验,将为他们可能面对任何种类的突发事件作准备。
He said it was inevitable that some cutting-edge firms would fail but that over all, the investments would prove worthwhile. 他说,某些尖端科技公司失败是不可避免的,但是总体来说,投资是值得的。
Who else but a bookworm, with none of the normal kid's tendency to play rather than study, would grow up to be a teacher anyway? 不管怎么说,除了不像一般孩子那样生性贪玩、不愿学习的书呆子之外,还有谁愿意长大后当老师呢?
It is paltry consolation that such a strike, taking out a city or two, would not cause the devastation of a nuclear war between superpowers. 一个微不足道的安慰就是这样的袭击,能毁灭一两个城市,但不会引起超级大国之间的核战争的大毁灭。
If you were in the business, you would have been insane not to want him because he had a great flair to his game. 在生意场上,你不想要他那你就是疯了,因为他对比赛有着伟大的判断力。
No one in his life, except maybe Tanya, would recognize him now, sitting on this stranger's bed, about to have sex with a man. 除了坦尼娅,不会有人能认出他的现在这个模样:坐在陌生人的床上,即将和一个男人上床。
Taylor, for his part, explained that he would be keen to meet with Eduardo to discuss the episode and seek to put the matter behind them. 泰勒解释说,他非常希望见见爱德华多并对此事进行商量,争取把这件事圆满解决。
I don't need the money as I am married to a lawyer, and I would like to spend more time with the children. 我不需要那份工资(我老公是律师),而且也想多陪陪孩子们。
If he was a conspirator, it seemed inconceivable that he would have done so. 如果司机是同谋,那他这么做似乎不可思议。
"I felt something very similar to a phantom limb, only it would be like phantom cellphone, " he said. 他说:“我当时觉得一些事物像成了是错觉,只不过他像是有了幻想中的手机。”
So even Germans rich enough to opt out of the statutory health system would help to pay for it. 因此即使那些富得不必参加法定医疗体系的德国人也会为之出一份力。
' 'I asked 'what would make Foe happy now - if he knew that you were in the final, would he have applauded? 当我问他们当福知道你们在进行决赛时他会是多么的欣慰,他会鼓掌么?