
美 [ɡes]英 [ɡes]
  • v.想;猜测;估计;猜到
  • n.猜测;猜想
  • 网络盖尔斯;推测;猜猜看

第三人称单数:guesses 现在分词:guessing 过去式:guessed

make guess,guess meaning,hazard guess,guess outcome
lucky guess,good guess,wild guess,shrewd guess,guess wrong
guess correctly


v. n.

1.[i][t]猜测;估计to try and give an answer or make a judgement about sth without being sure of all the facts

2.[t]猜对;猜中;猜到to find the right answer to a question or the truth without knowing all the facts

3.[t][i](informal)~ (that)…想;以为to suppose that sth is true or likely

4.[t]~ sth(引出令人惊奇或激动的事)你猜used to show that you are going to say sth surprising or exciting


keep sb guessing

让某人捉摸不定(或猜不透)to not tell sb about your plans or what is going to happen next


项链 【行情 价格 评价 正品行货】 ... 上善若水 sanstyle 盖尔斯 GUESS 福为 FUWEI ...

初中英语单词表大全2182个带音标 - 豆丁网 ... worker 工人 254 guess 255 behind 在...后面 256 ...


人教版小学英语三年级下册单词表 ... kangaroo 袋鼠 guess 猜测 open 打开 ...


揣测_百度百科 ... [reckon] 猜想;估计 [guess] 推测 [conjecture] 纯熟虚构 ...


英语 小学三年级下册 - 已解决 - 搜搜问问 ... right 正确的 guess 猜想 open 打开 ...


趣味英语故事新编_文化读书频道_新浪网 ... A Vacation Cruise( 假日巡航游) Guess( 猜猜看) An Adult Decision( 成人决定) ...


Guess猜一猜_百度知道 ... 2007-07-20 Read and guess( 读一读,猜一猜) 4 2007-08-05 Guess, 猜一猜 8 1.Cat 猫 ...


竞猜实质: 1、让球盘口竞猜(Guess)(猜中夸奖1贝币) 2、大小球(Size of the ball)盘口竞猜(猜中(Guess)嘉勉1贝币) 3、第一个进 …

I guess they are now, " said the 24-year-old. " When you put Jamaicans in an environment like this, only good things will happen. 这位24岁的运动员继续说:“当你把牙买加运动员放在一个像这样好的环境中,只有好事将会发生。”
Look at my honey's heavy bag, can you guess how much weight is it? 看,我老公的背包,你能猜猜有多重么?
When it came to advice, sometimes he was just guessing too. My guess was as good as his, because he was an imperfect father. 当涉及到建议时候,有时候他仅仅只能给出一个猜测,因为他是一个不完美的父亲。
I wrote it in the room there, and I guess some few quarts of your vegetable soup went into the making of it. 就是在我那间屋里写的,看来你有些菜汤还给我的写作帮了忙呢。
I guess Dad was trying to say that nobody is perfect and that, on some level, each of us has a weakness that makes us a bit "nutty" . 我猜想父亲竭力想说明,人无完人,金无足赤。同样的道理,人人都有缺点,正是这种缺点让我们显得有些“古怪”。
My guess is at least one of them has something interesting to say. 他们中间至少有一个人能说出些有趣的东西吧
"I guess that the Dark Lord was rather pleased with her? " asked Severus. “我猜黑魔王一定对她非常满意了?”西弗勒斯问道。
I guess the only amp sound i cant get is the sound of a VOXAC30, but i am not complaining, since i already have one of those. 我想我不能只放音得到的是一个VOXAC30声音,但我没有抱怨,因为我已经有其中的一个。
Your profile on QQ says "out of the game" and "terrible" . I'm not sure what you mean. But I guess it expressed your feelings. 你的QQ资料写了‘退场’以及‘可怕’,我不知道是什么意思,但我猜到要表达什么了。
If you think I'm going to tell you that public speaking is simple and that anyone can become an accomplished speaker overnight, guess again. 如果你认为我将告诉你公共演讲其实很简单而且任何人都能够一夜之间成为一个老练的演讲家,那么你猜错了。
daughter trying to cure me by showing me Glee. . guess thats the only way innocence knows to cure all maladies. be gleeful. 女儿想让我舒服些,想着办法逗我开心…我想,这是天真无邪的孩子能想出来的唯一治愈疾病的办法。愉快开心。
And I guess that's the main reason I came up here today, to all of you very bright people at TED, is to say, "What's in your hand? " 我觉得这也是我今天来到这里的主要原因,是对所有你们这些TED的聪明人说:“你手里是什么?”
China's economy is slowing. By just how much is a bit of a guess. 中国经济正在放缓,只是放缓的速度有多少还不太明朗。
He's, uh, sort of this year's, I guess, you. I'll take that as a compliment. Hey, have fun tonight. 他就像是,让我想想,当年的你。我就当你在夸我好了,晚上好好玩。
As one of the most popular females in Marvel comics, it's anyone's guess as to her rightful place in the Marvel Universe. 作为惊奇漫画人物中最受欢迎的女性,她在惊奇漫画英雄中的应有地位确无人知晓。
If other artists believed it was just a matter of time before the Dutch market recovered, my guess is that Rembrandt did not. 可能其他艺术家认为荷兰的经济恢复只是个时间问题,但我猜想伦勃朗不是这么想的。
Guess what he did for a living-he was an air traffic controller! 猜猜他是以何职业为生,他是一个空中交通管制员!
I guess we have opposite personalities then. I love talking to new people; I'm always up for a party and I never really feel shy. 那我猜我们有截然相反的性格。我喜欢和新认识的人交谈。我总是喜欢去排队,我几乎从不感到害羞。
Unsupervised learning, as you might guess, is tasked with making sense of data without any examples of what is correct or incorrect. 无监管学习的任务是发挥数据的意义,而不管数据的正确与否。
I had never been able to talk to others, and I had to guess at their meanings and motives. 我从来都不能同别人谈话,而只能去猜他们的意思和动机。
As for preferring the Reagan end of the Reagan-Mitterrand spectrum, I guess you did not have to go out so much on a limb there. 至于在里根-密特朗时代中倾向于里根式,我猜你原本没有必要再这些枝节上大做文章。
I think I really like Thai people, you know, so I guess that's also one of the reasons why I'm going back there. 我想我喜欢泰国人民,这也是我再去参赛的原因之一。
I guess I should warn you, if I turn out to be particularly clear, you've probably misunderstood what I've said. 我估计我应该警告阁下,如果你发现我说的话清楚明确,那你很有可能已误会了我说的话。
"I'm going to guess that you know Phil's record when he wins Game 1, " someone asked Coach Doc Rivers. 有人问凯尔特人主教练里弗斯:“当禅师取得第一胜,你对此有什么看法?”
I guess most parents want their kids to be like them, but kids today grow up in a different environment. 我猜想大部分父母都希望孩子像自己,可现在的孩子生长在一个不同的环境里。
But I guess my next question is how to do it online and how much it cost, if there is other software available that allows you to do this? 但我想我的下一个问题是如何做到这一点网上多少成本,如果有其他软件可以允许你这样做呢?
Can you guess how much money we made? 你能猜出我们挣了多少钱吗?
I have never been expecting a face-to-face talk with you. I guess I would be too excited to fall asleep for a whole week. 我也从没想过能和你面对面的聊天.我想我会兴奋得一星期睡不著。
Roy: Well, guys, it's been an honor to work with you, and I guess I may see some of you in whatever afterlife. 好了伙计们,我很荣幸曾与你们一起冒险,而且我猜我可能会在死后与你们中的某些人相遇。
No, it was all right. It was little bit more than I expected on his side, but, you know, that's I guess how it is. 不会,很正常。他得到的支持要比我想象得多点,但这很正常,我猜到就是这种局面。