get over it

  • 网络失恋大不同;克服它;覆盖它

get over itget over it

get over it


同问求电影《失恋大不同get over it)》里面的一首插曲 2007-10-25 00:55 提问者悬赏:10分 | halle318 | 分类:恋爱 我有更 …


八年级下英语复习资料_百度知道 ... 48.感冒 have a cold 49.克服它 get over it 50. 开始一个坏习惯 start a bad habit ...


推荐... ... 043 Best In Me 最好的我(蓝色组合) 044 Get Over It 覆盖它(飞鹰乐队) 046 Breaking The Habit 打破常规(林肯 …


电影译名对照表 ... Get Shorty 黑道当家 1996 Get Over It 共渡难关 2001 Get out Your Hankerchiefs 嫁娇妻 1980 ...


高度传真I... ... 01.HOTEL CALIFO RNIA( 加州旅馆) 02.GET OVER IT忘记它) 03.LOVE WILL KEEP US ALIVE( 爱使 …


American Slang - 英语沙龙 - 江阴论坛 - ... geek nerd 书呆子 get over it 忘掉它吧 1,piss something away 浪费某物 ...


[金曲留芳] Not Ready To Make Nice ... 4、back down 放弃,让步,打退堂鼓 7、get over it 忘掉不愉快的事情 8、kind of 有点…


美国口语常用词汇-给力英语网 ... 52. dill weed 莳萝(香辣佐料) 53. get over it 恢复平静情绪 54. get to work 开始工作 ...

Studying in a foreign language is always hard at the beginning, but I'll get over it. 刚开始学习外语总是很困难的,但是我会克服的。
He was rather angry for a moment, then he looked at the sky shining beyond the tower of the public baths, and he seemed to get over it all. 他顿时气愤起来,但看到太阳的光辉落在公共澡堂的塔上面,他好象又平静了。
"After all, " he thought, "the poor chap will get over it; not the first time such a thing has happened in this little city! " “反正,”他心里想,“这个家伙会对付得了的;这种事情在这个小城市里也并不是破天荒!”
Know you were mad at him for what he had done. But , it has been five years . Get over it. 我知道你很气他所作的事,但是这已经是五年前的事了,你应该释怀了。
But I hope you will get over it, and live to see many young men of four thousand a year come into the neighbourhood. 但我是希望你能挺过去的,活着看到更多一年拿四千镑的年轻人搬来附近住。
At the time, it seemed like the loss was no big deal and the Jazz would quickly get over it. 那时候,爵士也还没把这场失利当回事,以为可以很快调整回来。
Oh, you'll get over it, sweetheart, you'll get over it; it was only fun, you know. Come, let's be going. 啊,一会儿就过去了,心肝儿,一会儿就过去了;你明白吗,就是为了好玩。好了,咱们接着说吧。
They might be disappointed at you for a little time, but they will get over it eventually. 他们也许短暂地对你感到失望,可是最终会改变…
While you're at it, hold the "You'll get over it" comment as well. 当你遇到这种情况,同时抓住“你会好起来的”评论。
The laugh he added to the end of that stung but I made myself get over it. 这一笑他添加到为此刺痛,但我自己做就好了。
You could see the hurt in him still and it will be there for a while, but he's a character who will get over it. 你能看出在他身上创伤还在,而且还会存在有一段时间。但是他是那种能够熬过这一切的人。
If I were you, I would forget her and get over it soon. I've heard that she loses her temper easily, doesn't she? 如果我是你的话,就会很快忘掉她,从失恋中恢复。我听说她很容易生气,是不是?
Sally has a crush on her French teacher, but I expect she'll get over it soon. 萨利痴情于她的法语教师,但我希望她赶快摆脱出来。
He was deeply upset by the death of his mother, but he will gradually get over it. After all time is the healer. 他母亲的去世使他极为悲伤,不过他慢慢会心情好起来的,时间毕竟是最好的医生。
Well, I'm here to tell you. . . get over it. You'll never be a kid again. 在这里我要告诉你:醒过来吧,你永远也不能再变成孩子了。
Cech is now looking forward, saying: "Time will certainly help, the season continues and you just have to get over it. Life goes on. " 时间一定能够帮助弥合伤痛。这个赛季仍然在继续,你必须克服这些伤感和疼痛。生活在继续。
My daughter is heartbroken because she has just split up with her boyfriend, but she'll soon get over it. 我女儿的心碎了,因为她刚同男朋友分手,不过她会很快摆脱出来的,很快就会忘记的。
He said: "How long did it take me to get over it (the mistake for Spain)? " 我用了多长时间从犯错误(指在西班牙国家队时犯得错)的阴影中恢复过来的?
"With respect to books like the Bible and the Koran, whatever, just get over it, " Mr Stewart said in the footage. 斯图尔特在视频里说:“为了向圣经和古兰经这样的书表示尊重,不管怎么说,忘了这段视频吧。”
So it was just one of those situations where maybe everyone said things they didn't mean, but you just get over it and move on? 所以那只是其中一种状态,可能每一个人说一些他们平时不说的话,但你可以选择遗忘和继续?
I think the girls are gonna be upset, but you know, they'll get over it. 我认为女孩子们是会难过,但你知道,她们会克服这一关的。
However difficult the problem is, it well become just a piece of cake for two people could work together to get over it. 无论事情有多么困难,但是当两个人一起共同努力去克服它的时候,这件事对他们来说就是小菜一碟。
But nearly everyone can get over it to get used to his new income. 但是几乎每个人都能熬过去,并适应了新的收入情况。
I'm sorry you lost your job, but you've got to get over it. 你丢了工作我很抱歉,但是你应该把它忘了。
It can be a challenge especially if you've been a sloucher all your life, but get over it. 这是个极大的挑战,尤其你在生活中有点驼背的话,但是去克服它。
Sometimes I do feel like that I don't get the respect of my department, but i try to get over it. 有时,我感觉到我部门的人不尊重我,但是我尝试度过这关。
Cut down on your smoking. And you'll get over it soon. 少抽烟,你就会很快好起来。
Most importantly, the past is the past, you can't change it. You can try to hang on to it or you can get over it. 最重要的是,过去的已经过去,你无法改变。你可以尝试一直想着它或者跨越它。
If someone you love hurts you and let you cry a river, build a bridge, and get over it. 如果你爱的人让你泪流成河,那么建一座桥,然后离开。
Like millions of England fans, some of these companies will curse the national footballers, get over it and move on. 与数百万英格兰球迷一样,这些公司的一些员工也会咒骂国家队队员,然后将此事抛诸脑后,继续照常生活。