
美 [pɪk]英 [pɪk]
  • v.选择;挑选;摘;采
  • n.选择;挑选;精华;选中的人(或物)
  • 网络采摘;拾取;拨片

第三人称单数:picks 现在分词:picking 过去式:picked

pick phone,pick fight,pick nose,pick piece,pick fruit


v. n.

1.[t]选择;挑选to choose sb/sth from a group of people or things

2.[t]~ sth采;摘to take flowers, fruit, etc. from the plant or the tree where they are growing

3.[t](用手指)摘掉,剔除,掐去to pull or remove sth or small pieces of sth from sth else, especially with your fingers


pick and choose

挑拣;精挑细选to choose only those things that you like or want very much

pick sbs brains

讨教;请教;不断地问(以向别人学习)to ask sb a lot of questions about sth because they know more about the subject than you do

pick a fight/quarrel (with sb)

找茬儿;找麻烦;挑衅to deliberately start a fight or an argument with sb

pick holes in sth

挑刺儿;挑毛病;找漏洞to find the weak points in sth such as a plan, suggestion, etc.

pick a lock

(用铁丝等)捅开锁to open a lock without a key, using sth such as a piece of wire

pick sbs pocket

扒窃;掏包儿to steal sth from sb's pocket without them noticing

pick up the bill, tab, etc. (for sth)

付账to pay for sth

pick up the pieces

(使)恢复;补救;收拾残局to return or to help sb return to a normal situation, particularly after a shock or a disaster

pick up speed

加速to go faster

pick up the threads

恢复原状to return to an earlier situation or way of life after an interruption

pick your way (across, along, among, over, through sth)

择路而行;小心看着路行走to walk carefully, choosing the safest, driest, etc. place to put your feet

pick a winner

认定胜利者(如赛马中)to choose a horse, etc. that you think is most likely to win a race


高中英语新课程标准词汇表 ... piano n. 钢琴 pick v. 拾起,采集;挑选 picture n. 图片,画片,照片 ...

小学阶段英语动词过去式变化汇总表 ... paint 画 pick play 玩 ...


TC2.0 怎么用_百度知道 ... .Load( 加载) .Pick( 选择) .New( 新文件) ...


首页-崇明旅游网 ... 露营 CAMPING 采摘 PICK 垂钓 FISHING ...


Esp词汇资料 ... ter 到 pick 拾取 lig'i: 系 捆 ...


拨片(PICK)或手用手的话,拇指拨456弦(就是粗的那3根)食指拨3弦中指拨2弦无名指拨1弦(最细的)用拨片的话扫线要看谱的 …

许国璋英语(第一册)单词表 - 豆丁网 ... table n. 桌子 pick n. yes adv. 是的 ...

On the same day, the children pick up the brush on a piece of paper describing their dreams and future. 当日,孩子们拿起画笔在纸上描绘着自己的梦想与未来。
If you are ready to get yourself a pair of these they will set you back $39 dollars and you can pick them up at AudioCubes. com. 假如你打算为你自己配一副这类手套的话,那么你只要上AudioCubes.com,花费$39元就能得到。
My camera and camcorder were unable to pick up the detail of the lights in the sky near as well as the naked eye could. 我的相机和摄像机不能捕捉到在天空中很近肉眼也能看得很清楚光源的细节。
One day, an old woman wanted to pick some blueberries to make a pie, but she had no one to watch the house for her. 有一天,一个老妇人(老女人)想去采蓝莓做个派(馅饼),但是没有人替她看家。
'The government is still trying to pick winners and losers, and they've done a fairly horrible job at it. ' 中国政府仍在努力挑选赢家和输家,他们在这方面做得实在很糟糕。
Kolo would pick me up and drop me at home and his wife used to cook meals for me. 克洛总是带我回家,他妻子总是会为我做饭。
Certainly, many part-time jobs are not the pick of the bunch. They tend to be low -pay, low - status and with fewer benefits. 当然,许多兼职工作不是最好的,它们往往是低薪,低层次,而且津贴较少。
That said, the unit tests of Dojo almost all follow a common structure to make it simple for new module owners to pick up and run with it. Dojo的单元测试几乎都遵循通用的结构以使新模块所有者便于上手和使用。
I can walk into a shop, pick up something expensive, and then walk out with it without handing over any cash. 我可以走进一家商店,选件贵重物品,然后不付现金就离开。
Knocks Ball Past Opponent - Likes to knock the ball past an opponent and attempt to run around him and pick up the ball again. 人球分过-喜欢把球踢过对方球员,然后尝试绕着对方球员跑过去重新接球。
and daybreak is not so very far off, and then we may pick up some news of him from early risers as we go along. 天很快就亮了,一路上,咱们还可以向早起的动物打听有关胖胖的消息。
The old lady stooped to pick up the handkerchief and smoothed it out on her knees. 老妇人弯腰捡起手绢,在膝盖上把它弄平。
I, said the Owl, With my pick and shovel, I'll dig his grave. 猫头鹰说,是我,用我的凿子铲子,我会来挖坟墓。
We've got a very big game in Estonia coming up that we have to win and I've got to pick a squad capable of doing that. 我们即将迎来一场非常重要的比赛对爱沙尼亚,我们必须获胜,我得组一支可以赢得比赛的球队。
Mourinho has said that if Abramovich forced him to pick certain players then he would walk out on the Blues. 穆里尼奥曾表示说,如果阿布在选人方面给他压力,他会离开蓝军。
and get a bump on your head and I'll pick you up on our way back and take you to a hospital . 你还是下车吧。你在路边想法子在头上撞它一个伤口,我车子回来时就送你上医院。
If you could permanently trade lives with one of your brothers, sisters, or classmates, would you? If so, who would you pick and why? 如果让你永久地跟你兄弟、姐妹或者同学中的一个的生命来交换的话你愿意吗?如果你愿意的话,你会跟谁来交换?
Head and body disappeared as the toll man stooped down in his booth to pick up the money. 实际上零钱掉下去了,收费员弯下腰去捡钱时,头和身子都不…
Pouring rain do not know whether the wake of the fields where there will be a sign of women, children pick shepherd's purse? 也不知道春雨浇醒的田野里是否还会有妇女孩子挑荠菜的踪影?
It would be just as well. I'd pick you guys up at the weekend for a family union. (那倒也不错,我到周末接你们回来家庭团聚。)为了她们的安全,冯路只好接受这样的安排。
Nevertheless, I might have to pick one up for you guys if it's priced reasonably low. 但是,如果它的价钱比较合理的话,我还是愿意挑选它介绍给大家。
Newspapers printed stories that said it was easy to become rich. All you had to do was pick up the gold from the ground. 报纸大量发表有关淘金的故事,这些故事说,到那淘金是很容易致富的,你到了那个地区后,你所有做的一切就是拾起地上的黄金。
One of the things that have to be overcome is to be able to pick out reflected light from the planet from the light of the star. 必须克服的事儿里面,有一件是:我们得能够甄别出行星反射自恒星的光线。
Darky did not know what to say, so after a long silence, she raised her pick axe to dig the ground and Lai Shun followed suit. 黑氏不知道再说些什么话,默了半天,拿了撅头刨地。来顺也刨地。
Part of the reason is that even a well-designed password-based system is usually easy to break since users almost always pick bad passwords. 部分原因是,即使一个设计很好的基于密码的系统也通常易于攻破,因为用户几乎总是选择使用容易被破解的密码。
I explain that part of the game is for the FT to pick up the bill. He grins. "So there is such a thing as a free lunch. " 我解释说,由英国《金融时报》买单是本次采访的游戏规则之一。他笑起来:“这么说还是有免费午餐的。”
I'll take care of it and pick you up in ten. Hey, I've been wondering where you were. you mean all of your life? 我搞定后十点来接你。我一直在想你去哪里了?,-你是说你一生都在想?。
When finishing this catty level, do not be fooled by the cat's tail that appears once you pick up the last treasure. 要完成这一关,要注意不要被拿到最后的宝藏时出现的猫尾巴骗到。
But as they try to pick up the lives that they left behind, they discover it's not going to be as easy as all that. 然而,当他们试着过回原来的生活时,他们却发现并没那么容易。
So while you should pick an API that you know, and favor quick over elegant, don't throw out all of your good programming practices. 因此在选择了解的一种API,认为快速优于典雅的时候,不要扔掉好的编程经验。