
美 [ɪf]英 [ɪf]
  • conj.如果;当;倘若;假若
  • n.不确定的情况
  • 网络假如;条件;是否


say if


1.如果;假若;倘若used to say that one thing can, will or might happen or be true, depending on another thing happening or being true

2.当;无论何时;每次when; whenever; every time

3.(与 will 或 would 连用,表示客气地请求)used withwill orwould to ask sb politely to do sth

4.(用于 ask、know、find out、wonder 等之后,引出两个或以上的可能性之一)是否used afterask ,know ,find out ,wonder , etc. to introduce one of two or more possibilities

5.(用于表示情感的动词或形容词之后)used after verbs or adjectives expressing feelings

6.(承认某事可能,但不很重要)即使,虽然used to admit that sth is possible, but to say that it is not very important

7.(置于形容词之前,引出对比)虽然,尽管used before an adjective to introduce a contrast

8.(请对方听自己的意见)used to ask sb to listen to your opinion

9.(置于 could、may 或 might 之前,提出建议或客气地打断别人的话)used beforecould ,may ormight to suggest sth or to interrupt sb politely


if and when

(谈及可能发生或不发生的事时说)used to say sth about an event that may or may not happen

if anything

(表达看法,或用在否定句之后表示反面意见才对)used to express an opinion about sth, or after a negative statement to suggest that the opposite is true

if I were you

(提出劝告时说)used to give sb advice

if not

(用在 if 引导的句子之后)不然,要不used to introduce a different suggestion, after a sentence withif

if only

但愿used to say that you wish sth was true or that sth had happened

its not as if

(表示所发生的事情令人惊讶)used to say that sth that is happening is surprising

only if

只有used to state the only situation in which sth can happen


人教版七年级下册英语单词表 ... have fun 玩得愉快 if 如果 hungry 饥饿 ...


字典中 如 字的解释 ... (1) 按照[ in accordance with;comply with] (1) 假如,如果[ if] (3) 与,和[ and] ...


在C语言中怎么样求绝对值?-编程-数据库-天涯问答 ... ①if( 条件) else if( 条件2) {分支2} ...


2011年中考英语词汇表 - 豆丁网 ... idea 想法,主意 614. if 是否;如果 615. ill 生病的 616. ...


鈡泉博客 - 知己难求 - 网易博客 ... {/list} 模块内容加载中... {/if} 博友列表加载中... {/list} 圈子列表加载中... ...


当字的解释---在线新华字典 ... 本,这〖 thesame〗 假使if〗 当 dāng ...

中频(intermediate frequency)

TDA7088T引脚功能和简要参数 ... TUNE 电子调谐/ IF中频)反馈 CAP 全通滤波器电容/搜索调谐输入 ...

You know, if Trent's such a jerk, why do you hang out with him? 如果崔特是个大烂人你干嘛跟他在一起?
The question of nationality is sure to come up again if Strauss-Kahn steps down, but Europeans will not be eager to part with the position. 如果斯特劳斯卡恩辞职,国籍问题就会再次出现,但是欧洲人并不急着放弃这个职位。
If you did not select the Create Outlook Task check box, Access saves the import specification and imports the objects that you specified. 如果未选中“创建Outlook任务”复选框,则Access会保存导入规范,并导入指定的对象。
If that sounds like the right kind of quest for you, click here to buy the Empire Building Kit now, before orders close in just a few hours. 如果这正是你想要的探寻,那么请点击这里,订购你想要的“帝国缔造工具包”,订购几小时后就将结束。
I shall provide you perhaps with a further update later this day if it becomes necessary to do so. 如若必要,今天我可能会给予你们进一步的更新。
"That sounds to me like a nearly ideal solution, " Joyce said. "But only if you really think it would be enough for you. " “我觉得这几乎是个完美的解决办法,”乔伊斯说:“但除非你真的觉得这么做就可以了。”
And, indeed, these people would say "Yes! , " as if I had asked them to pass the salt. I was just staggered by it. 就好像我请他们把盐递给我那样理所当然对这样的回答,我感到很震惊。
As surely as the LORD who rescues Israel lives, even if it lies with my son Jonathan, he must die. But not one of the men said a word. 39我指著救以色列永生的耶和华起誓、就是我儿子约拿单犯了罪、他也必死.但百姓中无一人回答他。
He had asked me if I was a deceiving imp, and he had said I should be a fierce young hound if I joined the hunt against him. 他早就问过我是不是一个骗人上当的小魔鬼,他还说过,要是我参加那些人来搜捕他,我就是一头凶狠的小猎犬。
But Keno Carter laughed as if he knew what I was thinking. 但是基诺卡特笑好像他知道我是思考的。
And the industry should look to its own self-interest: it would be a shame if reckless expansion spoiled a good innovation. 而且该行业应当注意自身的利益:因为铤而走险的扩张而毁掉了一种创新理念实在可惜。
If the office itself is starting to look run down and like its in need of an upgrade, it's indicative of excessive belt-tightening measures. 如果办公室看起来是在走向衰败而且需要来一次升级,这就表明贵公司已经开始在勒紧裤腰带过日子了。
If correctly hidden right arm, right arm (right hand players) straight and his hands are in the ball. 若能够正确隐藏右臂,右臂(右手球员)笔直,且双手都在球后。
"If they're still in business after all this, chances are they're extremely well run, " he said. “如果他们现在仍在营业后,所有这一切,很可能是非常方便办好,”他说。
The result of your application is ready. Please come to pick it up or advise us if you want us to mail it to you. 你的申请已有结果。请来我处领取,如希望邮寄,请通知我处。
Vacuum Kiss - While kissing open-mouthed, slightly suck in as if you were sucking the air from your partners mouth. 真空吻——开口吻时,在里边轻轻吮吸,好像你正在从你情人的口中喝吸空气。
If he misses one opportunity he never hides, he's always there to get himself in the right position for the next time. 如果他错过了机会是不会遮遮掩掩的,他总是让自己下次出现在正确的位置上。
We might be able to live if we boldly charge into the enemy's camp. 勇敢冲向敌人阵营或许还可以活命!?
If he looked down from space today he might no longer see just the lights of our cities but the many lights of fishing boats. 如果现在他从太空往下看,看到的也许不再只是我们城市的万家灯火。还会看到渔船的点点灯光。
The American student asked whether you are dumb or not, . If yes, he would chat with you in sign language. 那个美国同学问,你是不是哑巴,如果是的话,他可以用手语跟你交流。
It was a display of unusual restraint in a country where officials and businessmen rarely bother to ask if their habit offends. 在一个官员和商人很少关注他们的行为举止是否妥当的国家,黄先生向我们展现了一种罕见的、可贵的自制力。
If the Little Mermaid slays the prince with the knife she will become a mermaid again and be able to live out her full life under the sea. 如果小美人鱼过关斩刀与王子,她将再次成为一个美人鱼能活出海面下她的整个生命。
I remembered sitting at the smaller table with my cousins and siblings, feeling as if I were too old to sit at the kid's table. 我想起了跟我的姊妹和表姊妹们一起坐在小桌子旁,却觉得自己已经很大了,不该坐在小孩的桌上的情形。
If I happened to hear her recorded message there, on one of our off days, calling out the name of a different man, I didn't mind. 如果有时候在我们不打电话的日子里,我碰巧听到她的录音中她说了别的男人的名字,我也不在乎。
If you throw a handful of straw into a river, some of it stays afloat even in a rapids. 一把稻草投在河里,即使到急流险滩也总有些稻草可以不沉。
I'm now in my 80s, but whenever I think of that look on Dad's face, my heart still feels as if it will swell up and burst. 现在,我已经80多岁了,但是每当我回想起我爸当时的面部表情,我就感到我的心仍然在膨胀着,像是要胀裂一样。
It was as if a flock of foolish sheep placed themselves under the protection of a pack of ravening wolves. 他们就像是愚蠢的绵羊,自己走去投靠一群残暴的豺狼。
But if it does not, the resulting lack of global aggregate demand relative to supply will lead to a weaker recovery of global growth. 否则,相对于供给的全球总体需求缺失将导致全球经济增长更为乏力。
But the other four balls are made of glass. If you drop one of these, it will be certainly scuffed, marked, nicked, damaged or even smashed. 但其他四只球是用玻璃做的,如果你把它往下扔,它必然受到磨损,出现碰撞的痕迹、有了裂口,被损坏甚至被摔得粉碎。
Needles and bags are efficiently hustled into place, as if it were not poison that is about to be put in the body. 针和药水袋已经有效的固定好,好像只要没有阻碍就将进入身体。