in the united states

  • 网络在美国;美国任教时期;美国的凤凰城

in the united statesin the united states

in the united states


双语(转)_梦醒的黄昏_新浪博客 ... In Japan 在日本 In the United States 在美国 EXPO 2010 2010年世界博览会 ...


美国任教时期 (in the United States): 博士班: Z. Yao 硕士班: Y. Takahashi, R. Dhull, B. Sabnavis, T. Simon, K. Abalo-Aku…


美语情景对话... ... Todd:OK. Nice. 好的,很棒。 Kevin:In the United States. 美国的凤凰城。 Todd:Wow! That's cool. 哇,真酷! ...

Different but in some ways similar methods have been used in the United States and further refined. 在美国,政客采用了不尽相同但又有些近似的宣传手段,并且完善之。
Although he was born into one of the wealthiest families in the United States, Thomas Jefferson was deeply in debt when he died. 虽然他生于一个美国最富有的农场主家庭,杰斐逊死时仍债务缠身。
I had traveled all the way across the country to see a place in the United States my fiancee raved about. 在这之前,我穿过整个美国,来到了这个让我未婚妻赞美的地方。
Her body lay in honor in the United States Capitol building in Washington. She was the first American woman to be so honored. 她的遗体被安放在华盛顿的美国国会大厦,她是第一位获此荣誉的美国女性。
Opposition to GMOs is one of the factors that have made organic products a $25-billion-a-year market in the United States. 人们对转基因谷物的排斥,是促使有机产品发展成美国每年盈利250亿美元的市场的因素之一。
Thank you for taking care of me in the United States, hope to have a chance to take you to visit our school. 谢谢你在美国对我的照顾,希望有机会能带你参观我们学校。
It isn't as easy to set up real-time data sharing with a factory in, say, China as it is with a factory you own in the United States. 它不是很轻易树立及时数据共享工场厂房,比方说,在中国工场也你本身在美国。
This generation in the United States act actively in the politics and influence a lot so it is not easy to cut their welfare. 这代人在美国政治上很活跃,影响很大,要砍他们的福利可不容易。
Most of the studies in the review had been conducted in the United States, while one came out of Canada and the other out of South Africa. 总结报告中的过往研究,除了一份来自加拿大,一份来自南非,其他都是在美国完成的研究。
Wealth inequality in the United States is particularly high, surpassing that of most other countries. 美国财富不平等特别严重,超过了其他多数国家。
As you said in the United States at the time of sync solution, up to now I still have not found the reason. 至于你在说于美国时间不同步的解决方案,到现在我还是没有查到原因。
In the United States, more than 50% of the women over 16 years of age are now reported to be in the labor force, full or part time. 据报道,现在年龄在十六岁以上的美国妇女中有50%以上的人在社会上从事全职或兼职工作。
France is at the forefront of the field, but surgery like this has never been carried out in the United States. 法国在该领域处于世界前端,但是在美国像这样的手术从来没有实施过。
Thank you for inviting me to your home in the United States. I definitely had a great time there. 谢谢妳邀请我到妳在美国的家玩,我在那儿玩得很愉快。
Political analysts said the new attitude reflects generational and social change -- at least for some women in the United States. 政治分析家认为,这种新的态度反映出不同时代和社会的变化,至少对一部分美国人来说是这样。
Are the Zetas able to tell us which political leaders in the United States other than President Obama are STO "Star Children? " 齐塔人能否告诉我们,在美国,除了奥巴马总统以外的哪些领导人物是“为他人服务的”的“星际之孩”呢?
In the United States, since the hostess is also likely to be cook, she may be busy until the last moment preparing the meal. 在美国,女主人很可能要自己下厨,她为了准备菜肴,也许要忙到最后一刻。
"This new, expedient way is not formally taught, but residents seem to learn it no matter where in the United States they train, " he said. “这种新的权益方式并没有正式教授,但是看上去住院医师无论在美国哪里受训都学习它,”他表示。
Even Japanese automaker Toyota saw its sales fall thirty-four percent in the United States in November from a year ago. 甚至日本丰田汽车也面临着在美国11月份销售比去年同期下降34%。
Fiat is among the weakest of the European companies, and has not been competitive in the United States since the 1980s. 菲亚特是欧洲势力最弱的公司,自20世纪80年代起就无力与美国竞争。
"Our findings suggest that television may play a significant role in the high rates of teenage pregnancy in the United States, " she said. 她说:“我们的调查结果表明,电视可能是造成美国青少年怀孕率居高不下的一个很重要的因素。”
In the United States, an estimated two million subprime adjustable-rate mortgages are expected to reset higher in the next two years. 在美国,据统计有两百万次等可调整利率按揭贷款预计会在接下来的两年内调至更高。
UPS was one of the few companies in the United States to offer common carrier service at the time. UPS是当时美国少数几个提供普通承运人服务的公司之一。
Today, a statue of him stands in the United States Capitol. He is considered one of the most important inventors of the twentieth century. 如今,他的一座雕像坐落在美国国会大厦里,他是二十世纪最重要的发明家之一。
Scholarship winners from Latin America and the Caribbean spend a year at a journalism school in the United States or Canada. 拉丁美洲和加勒比的奖学金获得者需要花一年的时间在美国或加拿大的新闻学院学习。
In the Soviet Union research was as vigorous as in the United States and showed a similar mix of empirical and basic theoretical approaches. 在前苏联的研究与美国的研究一样如火如荼,并且展示了类似的经验和基本理论相结合的方法。
Chosen through the general, or presidential election, the President is the most prominent figure in the United States. 由大众或总统制选举产生,总统是最显眼的人。
"If it isn't the most corrupt state in the United States, it's certainly one hell of a competitor, " Robert Grant told a press conference. “如果这儿不是美国最腐败的州,那它也定然是名列前茅的了。”罗伯特.格兰特在新闻发布会上如是说。
Shortly after her arrival in the United States, Malcolm was assassinated, and his plans for a new organization died with him. 马尔科尔木来美不久即遭暗杀,他筹建新组织的计划也随即夭亡。
The laptop computer Luo Guangli carried out of the Apple flagship store in Beijing was no different from models sold in the United States. 罗广立(音)刚从北京苹果旗舰店买来的这台笔记本电脑,与美国柜台上摆放的产品并无不同。