the dish

  • 网络碟;菜肴;不简单的任务

the dishthe dish

the dish

  《》(The Dish ) (2000) ,Lenka Kripac 饰演Marie McIntyre   《Lost Things》 (2003),Lenka Kripac饰演Emily   简介:   ◎来自 …



...d,2000年荣登雪梨奥运开幕典礼舞台,并为电影《不简单的任务》(The Dish)灌唱主题曲The Day The World Stood Still。


电影宝库_影音娱乐_新浪网 ... 生死极速( Driven) 天线( The Dish) 重返人间( Down to Earth) ...


破冰英语 Basic_Lesson02-英语听力-download... ... 02.The fork 叉子 03.The dish 盘子 04.The saucer 茶碟 ...



Module... ... 5. 这道菜吃起来有点辣The dish _________ hot. 6. 这个故事听起来很有趣. The story __________ interesting. ...

And he answered and said, He that dippeth his hand with me in the dish, the same shall betray me. 耶稣回答说,同我蘸手在盘子里的,就是他要卖我。
We could have prayed that God would remove the excess garlic from the dish, but I doubt if He would have granted our request. 我们向上帝祈祷过多的大蒜从食物中消失,不过我怀疑他是否接受。
the goose, with knife and fork still in her breast, jumped down from the dish, and waddled along the floor right up to the poor child. 最美妙的是瞅见了——这只背上插着刀叉的鹅从盘里跳了出来,摇摇摆摆地在地板上走着,一直向这个可怜的小姑娘走来。
Henry sprang to his feet to help his mother with the dish. 亨利急忙站起来去帮助他母亲端菜盘。
A few days earlier, the snake came to the restaurant from Asia in a box of bananas. It climbed out of the box and hid under the dish. 几天前,蛇从亚洲来到了餐厅在一盒子香蕉。它从盒子里爬出来并藏在盘子下面。
If I did not you, and if I eat no meat bowl, Sichuan food, the dish did not put hemp, pot is not hot. 我要是没有你,还有如我吃饭,碗里没有肉,四川人吃饭,菜里没放麻,火锅一点也不辣。
His wife may even help him with these things, just as he often helps her with the dish washing and other household chores. 妻子甚至会帮忙干这些活儿。同样他也帮她洗碗或干其他家务。
a faint smile gleamed on his pudgy face, and with a low, respectful bow, he picked up the object on the dish. It was the Order of St. 有一丝几乎看不出的笑容从他的胖脸上一闪而过,他恭敬地俯下身子拿起了那件东西。
There was danger that the wave would rebound off the other side of the bank and send the dish plunging into the water again. 当波浪从河对岸折回来时,就有再次把盘子拖进水里的危险。
Mrs. McCaskey arose heavily, and went toward the dish closet, with the corners of her mouth drawn down. 麦卡斯基夫人缓缓地站起来,嘴角耷拉着往碗柜走去。
And He said to them , It will be one of the twelve , one who dips with Me in the dish . 耶稣对他们说,是十二个门徒同我蘸手在盘子里的那个人。
The bottom of the dish moved up and down, sloshing the water back and forth through the ratchet. 将盆子的底部上下振动,水便会被搅得在棘轮之间来回流动。
"I'm not sure whether you'll like this food but help yourself" said the fox putting down the dish on the talbe. 狐狸边把上菜边说:“我不知道你会不会喜欢我做的饭,但是请慢用。”
The dish was perched precariously on the bank of the canal, but it suddenly overbalanced and slid back into the water. 馅饼盘悬悬乎乎地停靠天河岸边,但它突然失去了平衡,滑回水中。
steaming bowl of pork used in order to be able to code, all of the pork pieces of good, good-looking into the dish before. 蒸猪肉用碗,以便能够编码,所有的好,猪肉块,好,在此盘,才可以。
If the index continued to fall to near the 1750 -point support level, then the dish will lose the effectiveness of the form. 如果指数继续下跌至1750点附近的支撑位,那么碟形形态就将失去有效性。
It's the little bit of salt that you add to the dish that makes all th. difference. 就是你往鱼里面加的那点盐,使得这道菜大不相同。
When he had carefully locked the door, he lifted up the cover, and saw a white snake lying on the dish. 他仔细地锁上门,然后揭开了盖子。盘子上躺在一条白蛇。
I decided to add a little bit of cinnamon to the dish. 我决定在菜里加一点肉桂。
The dish has been a local delicacy in Dongyang, Zhejiang Province, eastern China, for thousands of years. 所谓“童子尿煮蛋”,实为中国东部的浙江东阳的土特产,绵延至今几千年。
The sight of foam was a red flag that the dish may have strayed too far from the simplicity of this Peruvian staple. 一看盘中的酱糊就知道:烹制流程大大偏离了这道秘鲁菜简单随意的原则。
The dish now had to be lifted vertically because one edge was resting against the side of the canal. 馅饼盘必须垂直提升,因为盘的一边靠在运河侧面。
Ali said only three diners have previously managed to finish the killer curry out of at least 100 who have tried the dish. 阿里说,迄今至少有100个人尝试过这道杀手咖喱,但只有三个人吃完了。
The pineapple chunks and coconut jelly rest on the bottom of the dish, providing a base for the frothier layers to come. 将处理过的菠萝块以及椰肉果冻放在甜点的最底层,为上面泡沫较丰富的几层打底。
Decorate the plates with a garnish, and drizzle any sauce over the dish in patterns to make it look professional. 盘子装饰一下,菜式上点缀一些沙司会让你的厨艺看上去很专业。
A condiment is sauce, or seasoning added to food to impart a particular flavour or to complement the dish. 调料是加在食物上,用来形成特定味道或配菜的酱,或佐料。
The dish-wash room operates much like an assembly. The only difference is it has real people doing the mechanical jobs instead of machines. 洗碗房像条流水线,唯一不同的是在流水线上忙的是人而不是机器。
Even though it is an ordinary dish, given that it has a good name and a good story, the dish will be delicious. 再普通的菜,有个好名字,又有个故事,这菜也就显得好吃了。
The dish is called Pesicia Arman Tarta. You take some ground beef and a little salt and some pine kernels and a little croak. 菜名叫“帕斯西亚阿曼塔塔”。取来一些牛肉末,一点盐,一些松仁,还有一点可罗克。
The next day I found the dish was full of bacteria. 第二天,这个器皿里就出现了很多的细菌。